Love In Vain

Chapter 31

The secretary gave him a little push to wake him up.

Otherwise, in the first round of meeting the rival, it seems that the president of our company has already lost.

It's a little sad.

He thought there would be a good life after today.

But if you find the president's wife like this, you don't want to go back to the president of the president's wife. I'm afraid it will be even more difficult for them in the future.

Ke Beichen although sober, but at this time to see amber, no longer as before as forced to drag her to the arms.

She belongs to another man.

And this man can have him reasonably and legally, which directly crush his heart to recapture amber.

"Mr. York? Are you still thinking about it? " The other side broke the silence and asked.

From the beginning to the end, polite and orderly, not flurried, complete gentleman style, gentleman let people not pick out the slightest mistake.

"No Don't think about it. Sign early tomorrow morning. " York is also immersed in the front of a farce, was called over by the man, only to reflect that he has not responded.

"Well, I'll see you at eight tomorrow morning, or at this place, OK?"

"No problem." York smile, the bottom of my heart has been thinking about this case down, how much profit he will have.

It can even be said that after this case is completed, he will not have to do it for a year.

The profit of this case is equivalent to the profit of all the cases he won in a few years. It's too profitable.

I really want to thank this Ke Beichen.

From the moment he appeared, Hua Hua's money flew towards him.

That's good.

Ke Beichen was still standing there in a muddle, and he didn't know what night it was.

Amber beside the man moved.

The white suit made him look like a handsome young man. He was more gentlemanly than Ke Beichen's dark color.

He walked towards York, shook his hand, said something, and then turned.

Everyone thought that he was going to amber, and then took amber to leave, but he stopped beside him.

In full view of the public, a fierce fist, not polite to hit Ke Beichen.

This fist, sharp palm wind instantly awakened Ke Beichen, subconsciously raised his hand to accept the move, for a moment, the two people began to fight like this.

"If you dare to touch my wife, Ke Beichen, I will teach you a lesson."

Ke Beichen to the mouth of the "she is my woman" this sentence forcefully swallow back.

First, amber is no longer his woman.

Second, Amber's eyes, now only this man.

And he didn't even know the name of this man.

At this time, only with a hard fight back to prove that he has not completely lost, he still has hope.

Seeing the two men fighting like this, blue amber was in a hurry and rushed over, "Weizhou, they all said, ignore this madman, let's go, let's go." If you go on fighting, both men will win with her feeling.

Ke Beichen knows how much he can beat her, and Li Weizhou knows even more.

This game is not fun at all.

I don't know why. When Ke Beichen was bitten and bleeding, her heart still seemed to hurt.

There are some complex, even after five years, is still complex in the bottom of my heart.

Some deep love, even after five years, seems to have never faded.

So goodbye, the heart palpitation is still there.

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