Love In Vain

Chapter 42

His daughter, a beautiful daughter, is very sensible.

But now, the child may be as sad as amber.

A glass of strawberry ice cream, the child can't bear to eat all at once, then no more to eat, so, she ate very slowly, a small bite of a small bite.

It made Ke Beichen feel sad.

"Waiter, another drink."

But the waiter just came over, was blue Beibei stopped, "don't, don't, another cup, I will grow tooth decay."

I begged Ke Beichen to have a few cups before, but now I'm still self disciplined. I only have one cup. Such a small thing can control itself. Great.

It's all gone.

The child wiped his mouth and said, "well, I have to go back, otherwise, Mommy will worry about me."

Ke Beichen almost blurted out that amber would not worry.

"Beibei, your grandmother likes you very much, so I'll tell your mother to go to see her today, and then live with her, OK?" He had made a joke before, so he had to use his mother as an excuse to persuade his children.

Blue Beibei a smile, small adults like took Ke Beichen's mobile phone, fast point under a series of numbers, and then dial.

Her cell phone lit up immediately.

The child hung up, returned the mobile phone to Ke Beichen and said, "well, grandma really likes me. I know, but Mommy will really worry about me. I also promised mommy to go back.

I'll visit grandma tomorrow. This is my phone number. When Dad comes to pick me up, just call me. I'll come out and visit grandma with dad. "

Children do not refuse, but arrange everything in an orderly way.

It's even better than that arranged by an adult like Ke Beichen.

For a moment, Ke Beichen didn't know how to refute.

Looking down at the number saved by the child in the mobile phone, my heart trembled. If I don't give up, I don't want to force the child, "OK, call your mommy, ask where she is, and I'll send you."

"Yes, yes." The little guy picked up his cell phone again, "Mommy, where are you? May I come to you? "

This time, maybe the Amber's voice on the opposite side was a little lower. Ke Beichen didn't hear anything.

The child quickly put down the phone, "Daddy, you don't have to send me, I can do it myself."

Ke Beichen's mind moved, and his eyes turned to the glass door of the ice cream shop. Sure enough, amber was waiting there.

Seeing that she was alone and Li Weizhou was away, Ke Beichen got up and took Beibei's hand. "Daddy wants to hand you over to your mommy."

Here she comes.

See you again.

Ke Beichen felt that he was an old man and had the feeling of heartbeat.

Compared with the professional suit when I saw her yesterday, the blue amber at the moment is a casual knee length skirt.

She used to like to wear such a dress, when they first met, she was also such a knee length skirt, looking sweet and moving.

Time has passed for five years, even if she gave birth to Beibei, but the years almost did not engrave any trace on her body, still so beautiful.

It's the amber he's always loved.

He took his daughter's hand and walked towards her, while she looked through a glass door.

I just don't know whether she is looking at her daughter or him.

Zheng Zheng's eyes, let his heart jump, she looked at, should be him.

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