Love In Vain

Chapter 45

"Who? Can't you hear my voice? "

"Meng Qinqin, what do you want me to do?" Meng Qinqin has been crazy for a long time and was put into a mental hospital. It's impossible, but Meng Qinqin's voice is real, he remembers.

"Ha ha, Ke Beichen, blue amber and your mother are in my hands. Do you think I should kill Blue Amber first or your mother first?"

Ke Beichen took a deep breath, "Meng Qinqin, don't mess with me."

"If you promise not to call the police, I won't do anything."

"Well, I promise you, you tell me, where are you?"

"It's no problem to tell you, but you can only come by yourself. If you bring one more person, I'll kill one person. If you bring two more people, I'll kill your mother and blue amber together. Hahaha."

Ke Beichen closed his eyes. "Where are you?"

Ke Beichen asked while walking to the side of the road, scanning around, his car has been towed away by the trailer because of violating the traffic regulations.

At this time, there was no sign of half a taxi.

There are some cars that are the best to drive and the fastest to drive.

Police car.

Ke Beichen just glanced at it and quickly got on a police car. The police who handled the case never thought that someone would even dare to rob the police car, so they didn't even pull out the key.

When Ke Beichen started, he drove directly to the place Meng Qinqin told him,

his eyes were red.

Neither mom nor amber can be OK.


When the police responded that the car was driven away by him, he had already driven a long way, and even the police car was not easy to chase, because it was their police car.

All the way out.

He soon left the police car by the side of the road.

Then, I took a taxi to the suburbs.

It's an old warehouse.

The reason why he lost his police car was that he didn't want more than a dozen police cars to follow him all the time. Otherwise, before he got to the warehouse, Meng Qinqin decided that he had called the police.

At that time, I can't say it clearly.

Ke Beichen pushed open the door of the warehouse.

Sure enough, I saw amber and my mother tied up at a glance.

Mother did not know that she was kidnapped. She looked at amber with a smile and kept shouting "daughter-in-law".

But her cry was what Meng Qinqin hated the most, "old woman, shut up, or you will be the first one to die."

"Daughter in law, she scolded me." The old man complains to amber, but still admits that amber is his daughter-in-law.

"Damn it, I'll blow your mouth off." Meng Qinqin said and waved his hand.

"Stop it." Ke Beichen drank low, and then walked towards the three people step by step.

He had to save amber. Naturally, he had to save his mother.

He can't make another mistake five years ago.

Otherwise, I will regret my whole life.

"Ke Beichen, you stop for me. If you go one step further, I'll shoot." Meng Qinqin's eyes watched Ke Beichen come over, flustered.

The gun in his hand was also raised, even the trigger, as if it could be shot at any time.

Ke Beichen had to stop.

But the visual inspection is only three steps away from amber and her mother.

As long as he acts suddenly, maybe he can save amber and his mother at the same time.

Just take a risk.

At this time, mengqinqin is staring at him, is not a good time to hand, he can't take mother and amber life to joke.

Unexpectedly, Meng Qinqin was so powerful that he could bring his mother and amber here.

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