"Oh ~ arrange it. Hurry up. I'm going out of the house to do business!" Shen Xingyue ordered in a brisk tone. She seemed to be in a particularly good mood.

"Miss, where are you going? So anxious?" Caiyu was curious.

"King Jin's residence, quit your marriage!" it's really not as comfortable as usual!

"Pa Da --" Caiyu was frightened by her young lady's words and petrified on the spot. The hairpin slipped from her hand and the hairpin flowers crashed to the ground with a gurgling sound.

Shen Xingyue was really startled by the jade picking reaction. She suddenly stood up and scolded in a high voice: "what are you doing?".

Ah!! Accidentally, the childe's cold strength jumped out involuntarily!

Caiyu suddenly returned to his senses, trembling with fear, and quickly knelt down and kowtowed to make amends. The cross eyebrow was so cold that all the girls knelt down and knocked there like garlic.

It's really annoying! Brother lianxiangxiyu won't, but I have a long heart!

"Forget it, get up." Shen Xingyue was a little annoyed and raised her feet out of the door. Out of sight, out of mind!

The master went out. Caiyu hurriedly told the girl to ask the housekeeper to prepare the car quickly, while he quickly chased up and followed the young lady out of the town general's house.


Jin Wangfu bamboo garden

"Lord, Miss Shen from the general's house of the town is visiting." Xiao Jiu hurried to report.

"Ask her to come over." Feng moye's tone took a little eagerness and expectation.

Xiao Jiu was stunned. He stayed where he was for a long time and didn't respond. He extremely doubted whether he had heard wrong and confirmed timidly: "Lord, please invite people to Zhuyuan?"

Zhuyuan, this can be regarded as the forbidden area of the royal residence. No one can set foot in the Zhuyuan except a few people allowed. Even the emperor has never entered it! It seems that Miss Shen is not an ordinary visitor, at least in the Lord's heart.

As soon as the Lord's front foot entered the house, someone came to visit his back foot.

If you leave it at ordinary times, you must roll away impatiently, no matter who is visiting. Although I know it will be the same word "roll" for thousands of years, Xiao Jiu still has to report every time someone visits. Seeing or not is the master's business. Deceiving and not reporting is the servant's dereliction of duty. What if the result will be variable? For example, today's case!

"Oh -- oh --" Xiao Jiu turned away blankly and hurried to the front hall. All the way, Xiao Jiu lowered his head, slightly bent his back, looked thoughtful, raised his hand, twisted the hair scattered on his chest, stretched out his index finger and kept making circles!

Soon, people were brought into the bamboo garden.

"Lord, take Miss Shen here." Xiao Jiu stood under the steps outside the hall for instructions.

When Feng moye opened the door, Shen Xingyue's vision was firmly absorbed: Feng moye was dressed in a narrow sleeved black robe with dark patterns embroidered with gold piping. There was no pendant around his waist. He was only tied up with a belt embroidered with gold on a black background. The whole person exuded the spirit of a noble and arrogant king, making people want to bend their knees and bow down.

The upper body leans back slightly, the arms are staggered in front of the chest, the right hand gently holds the left elbow, the head is slightly tilted, and the left half hook gently supports the chin, which has a sense of enchanting all sentient beings.

The waist like waterfall black hair was tied behind his head with a red Forging band. The outline was cold and clear, like a carefully carved evil charm. There was a hint of playful smile on Jun's face. The sword eyebrows were light, the lips were slightly hooked, and a pair of beautiful peach blossom eyes were shining with color, directly hitting Shen Xingyue's line of sight.

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