After wandering for most of the day, it was almost noon. It happened that when passing by the door of a restaurant called shouxianju, Shen Xingyue stopped and looked up at the powerful gold characters. From the outside, shouxianju was a four storey attic with carved beams and painted buildings. Shen Xingyue couldn't help but want to go in and have a look. Blinking star eyes, he turned his head and looked at the three brothers.

"Yue'er wants to go? Then go, it's just a restaurant." he pulled Shen Xingyue in.

The layout in the lobby is noble and elegant, the jade pendant on the porch edge, the ornaments between the wall grids of the counter, and the screen used to separate the seats in the guest room... All express the talent of the designer.

Waiter hurried over to say hello, "four guests are lucky."

"Is there a private room upstairs?" Shen Shixuan asked.

The waiter nodded enthusiastically, "yes, yes, I'll take you up."

The waiter trotted happily to lead the way.

Carefully taken care of flowers are orderly placed on both sides of the stair steps. Rows of private rooms are unified dark red carved doors. When you step into the private rooms, a picture of crane pine sunset glow is hung in the middle, and low cabinets are placed on both sides against the wall. On the cabinets are an elegant stone ornament, a purple gold hollowed out incense burner and a basin of needle pine with shape repaired, dark red short tables, and brocade mats around, The four people took their seats one after another. Shen Moyu ordered the waiter to eat the best food.

"Give me some of the best wine you have here!" Shen Xingyue explained very well.

Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua.


Shen Xingyue, who received the surprised and puzzled eyes, said with a dry smile: "I'm not looking at my brothers coming back. I'm glad to have two drinks to celebrate, celebrate..."

I'll go. Why did this vulgar childe's problem come out again! that was close!

"Oh --" the three said in unison, as if they were a little clear, and then nodded slightly to the waiter to do it.

A high-end restaurant is a high-end restaurant. It's not just the layout. People don't have to say this speed. They haven't exchanged greetings yet. The dishes and good wine have been sent to the table.

With the delicious wine and food in front of me, I listened to the three brothers of the Shen family telling interesting people and things on the battlefield. They were full of fun and wine, but the next door made some discordant sounds out of time.

"Did you hear that the emperor ordered to dissolve Shen Xingyue's marriage to his Royal Highness the king of Jin?"

"It's so noisy that everyone knows it!"

"Princess, why did you say Shen Xingyue was divorced? But what shady activities did she do?" gossip was curious and full of flattering female voices.

"Shen Xingyue saw that his Highness the king of Jin had no intention of marrying her over the years. She couldn't stand the loneliness of the empty boudoir. The emperor knew about stealing a man in the middle of the night." it was a female voice with a loud voice.

"The emperor married her five years ago. Why didn't his Highness the king of Jin marry her after so many years?"

"Haven't you seen Shen Xingyue? She's unruly and willful. She's still a waste. I heard that she's only three orders and one star now. She's lazy and stupid. How can she get into the eyes of his Highness the king of Jin?"

"Oh -- what else do you know, princess? For example, who is the man she stole?"

As the female voice fell, what followed was an uproar of laughter

The three brothers of the Shen family couldn't listen any longer. They closed their lips, squeezed their fists, and their scarlet eyes burst with bloodthirsty sharp eyes. Shen xingyuesheng forced the angry three back to their seats and motioned them to continue listening.

Helpless, who let them be sister slaves! Sister said one, they will never two, bear!

The brothers jumped violently, while Shen Xingyue picked up the wine glass. The old God was drinking wine leisurely, with a smile on his face. He looked like he was listening to other people's interesting gossip. But the deep star eyes twinkled with a little forest cold.

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