"Well, every year, the official ladies who have not been invited to the Mid Autumn Festival banquet will perform a show. If they are liked by any prince, they will be married by the emperor. But these ladies go to the king's palace. As a result, the king's Royal Highness doesn't attend at all! I don't know whether the emperor wants to do it or not. He tells them to set seats for the king's highness every year. Those ladies look really good It's very interesting! I stared at the empty seat all the way, and some even choked and resented each other for it! It seemed that whoever stared more would belong to his Highness the king of Jin. "The poison girl smiled with her stomach covered as if she was watching those young ladies pinching each other, full of schadenfreude.

Shen Xingyue couldn't help laughing and said, "have you performed too?".

"Of course not! I had an engagement with the king of Jin long ago!" the poison girl stopped laughing and denied it.

Shen Xingyue was amused to laugh.

"Princess Jin?" the king of Qi raised his head and shouted at Shen Xingyue. "Princess of Jin --"

"That man looks familiar..." the poison girl followed her reputation, frowned and looked at Feng Xiaoyu, as if trying to remember where she had met.

Shen Xingyue fixed her eyes and murmured, "king of Qi! Why did he come here? It seems that Feng moye didn't do anything about the goods! Hum, don't bother to pay attention to him!"

"King of Qi?" the poison girl was stunned. "King of Qi Feng Xiao Yu?"

"There are other kings of Qi in Qiong?" Shen Xingyue squinted at the poisonous girl without a word.

"Cousin Yu!" the poison girl looked very excited. "He is cousin Yu. I haven't seen him for more than five years. I can't recognize him. He has changed so much!"

"Oh?" Shen Xingyue was curious. "Do you like him?"

"I remember when I was a child, cousin Yu often came to the general's house to play with me. At that time, he was not so tall or so thin. He carried the black pot for me and was always bullied by me..." when the poison girl said this, she couldn't help but cover her mouth and smile, and the two clusters of red clouds on her cheeks were as bright as dawn.

This is not nonsense! For more than seven years, when he was a green boy, he was big without any change.

Shen Xingyue smiled, "that's right!"

"What's right?" the poison girl stopped and asked with a smile.

Shen Xingyue smiled but said nothing. What a stupid girl. Your little lover has been arrested by Feng moye, the top vinegar king! Now he's a pro, so he's back!

"Hello -- Princess Jin -- what are you looking at up there?" Feng Xiaoyu shouted curiously below.

What a living treasure! So loud for fear that others don't know there's someone on the roof?

Shen Xingyue reluctantly stroked her forehead, glanced at him with disgust, stood up and jumped up quickly. After several ups and downs, she returned to the Palace Banquet.

It's a cousin! Or a childhood sweetheart with deep feelings. How could you... Alas! Embarrassing!

As soon as he sat down, he heard his father-in-law shouting "the emperor is coming!" with their unique voice. Everyone stopped and got up to greet him.

"It's a coincidence to come early!" Shen Xingyue secretly feigned and looked slightly at the Dragon chair. The emperor's face was much better than that on the day of worship. He smiled and looked amiable.

"Let's all be flat!" his tone was easy-going. "The Qing family sympathized with me. I took my family into the palace to spend the Mid Autumn Festival with me in my busy schedule. I'm very relieved! Ha ha - don't be too formal. Let's let go. Just have fun!"

"It's not the first time to hold a palace banquet every year. Isn't it too fake? Few people here want to spend the festival with him? Their ability to open their eyes and tell lies is really superb!" Shen Xingyue said.

"Ha ha - the emperor says so every year without a new sentence! You're right. Who dares not to come with his order? He's good. He has to look like everyone is begging to accompany him. It's really hypocritical!" the poison girl couldn't stand up with a smile.

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