The next day, the two of them got up early, ate a simple breakfast, and then hurried to school. to meet up with Lee Jun, whom they had agreed to meet up on the phone yesterday.

After the four of them met at the school gate, Lee Xiaolee cheerfully introduced the two of them: "This is my cousin, Huang Chenguang!"


Wang Lei opened his mouth wide in shock. Lee Jun's brows deeply furrowed, and directly pulled Lee Xiaolee over and whispered in his ear: "Are you sure he's your cousin? Why does he look so familiar to me? "

Lee Xiaolee laughed, and said foolishly: "Hehe! My cousin is a public face, that's why you look so familiar … There are so many of these faces on the street. It's just the face of the masses. "

Although Lee Jun could not believe it, he could not remember where he had seen Huang Chenguang before. Therefore, he muttered to Lee Xiaolee: "Nonsense! How can there be so many that are so handsome and have such a stylish face? "

Lee Xiaolee was afraid that the shrewd Lee Jun would think of where he had seen Huang Chenguang before, and immediately changed the topic, saying: "Enough! Alright! Let's not talk about my cousin. Didn't the head of the Education Bureau say to go to his office at 9 o'clock? We're almost there, let's go! "

Thus, the four of them headed towards the office building. While walking, Wang Lei pulled Lee Jun who was beside him and gave him a look. Lee Jun understood what was happening and immediately slowed his pace.

Wang Lei looked at Lee Xiaolee and his cousin who were walking in front. She whispered to Lee Jun in a low voice, "Jun, why do I feel that Xiaolee's cousin looks so familiar?"

"Hm!" I also look familiar, but I can't remember where I've seen him before. " Lee Jun still could not remember where he had seen Huang Chenguang before.

Wang Lei nudged Lee Jun with his shoulder, and said softly: "Why do I feel that the more I look, the more similar my cousin Xiaolee looks to the people in the 'Morning Light Computer' shop."

With Wang Lei's reminder, Lee Jun instantly remembered that he had seen Huang Chenguang before. I nodded towards Wang Lei: "Yes! That's him, why does he look so familiar … Have you forgotten? When we passed by their shop at the internet cafe a while ago, this man often sat there playing mahjong. Xiaolee stared at him. There were a few times when this man wasn't there. Every time Xiaolee walked there, he would look like he had lost his soul. Now that I think about it, I understand everything. "

They were silent for a moment. Wang Lei then said, "Xiaolee said that this man is his cousin, why can't I believe him … Sigh! Let me tell you, didn't Xiaolee lose his phone last time? Xiaolee said that he wanted to repair the phone card, and that day, we coincidentally went to that Dawn's Computer Shop. And that time seemed to be the first time Xiaolee went to Morning Light Computer Shop. You said that this person is really Xiaolee's cousin, how could Xiaolee not know that his cousin is in that shop? That's why I feel that this person is impossible for him to be Xiaolee's cousin. "

"Hm!" I think so too, Xiaolee has been sneaking around during this period of time, his actions are very abnormal. So there must be a problem with the two of them! "

Wang Lei wanted to ask, 'What kind of problems can the two of them have'? Xiaolee who was walking in front turned around and shouted at them: "The two of you are muttering at the back, what are you waiting for? "Let's go."

"He's here!" The two of them looked at each other for a moment before chasing after him with large strides.

Ben thought that the only people in the office were the head instructor and the class teacher. When the four arrived at the office, they found out that, in addition to the head instructor and the class's form teacher, the principal and another female teacher were also in the office.

Seeing so many people, Lee Xiaolee couldn't help but start to worry … Worried that Huang Chenguang would be scared off the stage, worried that he wouldn't be able to handle it. After all, he was a young man in his twenties. He had to face four or five people who relied on their words to eat, Old Ginger.

The truth proved that Lee Xiaolee's worries were completely unnecessary.

From the moment Huang Chenguang entered the door to the time he greeted the Director, he had been calm and composed, neither humble nor haughty, and replied her without fear.

After hearing the director's slurring, he went on and on with his nonsense. Huang Chenguang faced the Principal and the Principal, and said with a hint of politeness: "Principal Liu, Dean Li, can you ask them to leave first? I want to talk to you alone. "

When the Principal and Principal heard Huang Chenguang's words, they were stunned for a moment. The principal waved his hands in agreement. The dean then turned to the three teachers and politely said, "Teacher Wang, Teacher Shu, Teacher Ma, why don't you go to the conference room across from us and wait there?" The three teachers nodded in agreement and walked out.

The director turned around and expressionlessly looked at Lee Xiaolee and the other two. With a slightly stiff tone, he said, "The three of you can go out and wait as well!"

After exiting the office, Lee Xiaolee started to worry about Huang Chenguang again … He was worried that they would not agree to it, worried that Huang Chenguang would be troubled.

In the end, Lee Xiaolee did not even finish worrying. Huang Chenguang had already come out from his office. Following Huang Chenguang out was the Principal, who had a happy expression on his face, and the Director, who was nodding and bowing as he accompanied the smiling faces.

When Lee Xiaolee and the other two saw this scene, they were shocked and curious at the same time?

What surprised him was how could they talk so fast? They seemed to have talked happily!

What was curious was how did Huang Chenguang do it? In just a short three to five minutes, the dean, who had been sharp-tongued, was now smiling amiably. He looked like a completely different person from before.

After bidding farewell to the Principal and the Principal, Huang Chenguang led the three of them and left the office.

The moment he left the office, Lee Xiaolee could no longer suppress his curiosity. Asking Lee Jun what Wang Lei and Wang Lei also wanted to know.

"Little Yellow, quickly tell us, how did you convince our headmaster and the troublesome head of the Education Bureau in such a short period of time?"

Huang Chenguang shot Lee Xiaolee a glance, and said casually: "What else can you say? Just like that! Why are you asking so much? "

Lee Xiaolee obviously could not believe it, and said: "Damn! What do you mean that? Who are you trying to fool? "Tell me, what exactly did you say?"

Huang Chenguang looked at Lee Xiaolee, and said arrogantly: "It's just like what you said just now! It might be because your Principal thinks that I have a good character and can be relied on, so he decided to repeat the matter. "

Let alone Lee Xiaolee, even Lee Jun and Wang Lei did not believe Huang Chenguang's words.

Therefore, Lee Xiaolee became even more curious, and asked: "Are you trying to trick me? Do you want to say it? "If you don't say it, I'll scratch you until you itch."

After saying that, Lee Xiaolee extended his Demon Claw, and aimed at Huang Chenguang's waist, and used his trump card.

Huang Chenguang was scratched and laughed as he rejected the offer. However, Lee Xiaolee did not allow him to reject, and continued to mess around with Huang Chenguang's waist. At the same time, he kept pressing on, "Do you want to tell me? I won't tell you! "

Lee Jun and Huang Chenguang looked at Lee Xiaolee laughing intimately. They looked at each other with understanding expressions.

Huang Chenguang knew in his heart that if he did not give a good reason, Lee Xiaolee would never let this go, so he grabbed onto Lee Xiaolee's hand that was on his waist.

"I'll say it!" I say! You take your hand away, I say, okay? "

Lee Xiaolee retracted his hand, and said with a face full of pride: "That's right! "Say it, say it."

Behind Huang Chenguang's clothes that were all messed up by Lee Xiaolee. Only then did he open his mouth and say, "I heard that your school wanted to expand the building, so I donated a few computers to replenish your school's microcomputer room. So, this matter is over."

"What?" Donate a computer? "

"Hm!" Huang Chenguang nodded, looking like he did not want to talk about this matter too much.

Just then, Lee Jun asked sharply: How many have you donated? If they donated less, their attitude wouldn't have changed so quickly. "You must have donated quite a bit, right?"

"Jun is right! How much money did you donate? " Lee Xiaolee's face was filled with urgency.

Huang Chenguang saw that if he did not explain this matter, Lee Xiaolee would not let it go, and casually said: "Not by much! "Just 100."

"What?" The three of them cried out at the same time.

Wang Lei who was from the countryside, upon hearing that Huang Chenguang had casually donated 100 computers, immediately opened his eyes wide, his mouth was wide opened, and his face was filled with disbelief.

Compared to Wang Lei's exaggeration, Lee Jun was much calmer, but his brows were still tightly knitted, and he was a little shocked.

After all, a hundred computers isn't a small number for a small computer to sell." Leaving aside whether Huang Chenguang was really cousin Lee Xiaolee, even if he was really cousin Lee Xiaolee. With a casual wave of his hand, he generously donated 100 computers to his cousin. Such magnanimity! This spirit! This was not something an ordinary person could do.

Compared to Lee Jun's guessing, Lee Xiaolee was much more direct. He shouted at Huang Chenguang, "Are you stupid! 100 computers, how can you just donate? That was a hundred, not ten or eight. How many computers would you have to sell in your store to make it back? "

Huang Chenguang was indifferent to it, but comforted Lee Xiaolee: "Enough! Alright! Isn't it just 100 computers? We've already donated them, why are you still talking about this? "

Lee Xiaolee looked at the unconcerned Huang Chenguang, and continued to rebuke him, "With your ability, are you extremely proud of yourself now? "Is it a special …"

"Ding..." Ding... Ding, "Huang Chenguang's phone rang. Huang Chenguang took out his phone to see who it was. It was Xiao Xiong. She gestured a shushing gesture towards Lee Xiaolee. He picked up the phone, "Hello! Brother Xiao? "

"It's me, Dawn. Do you have time now?" If you have time, come over. "Let's sign the transfer contract..."

"Yes, we have time. Where are you now?" I'll come and find you. "

"I'm in Hu Lu, come on!"

"Okay, Brother Xiao. I'll be there right away."

After hanging up, Huang Chenguang said to Lee Xiaolee and the other two: "I have some matters to take care of, so I'll be leaving first.

Lee Xiaolee waved at him, and said uneasily: "Mn, go busy yourself! What happened today... "Thank you for today."

Huang Chenguang rubbed his hair and chuckled: "Idiot! "You even said thank you to me."


"Alright, I won't say anymore!" I'll be leaving first. " After saying that, he happily turned around and left.

Lee Xiaolee stood in place and looked at Huang Chenguang's figure that was walking further and further away. He muttered to himself, "You're the fool! Even without 100 computers, he's still so happy. "

Lee Jun who was at the side, pushed Lee Xiaolee, and teased: "Stop looking, he has walked far away, let's quickly go back."

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