Hearing that, Lee Xiaolee's eyes immediately narrowed, the devil claw extended towards Huang Chenguang, and said while gnashing his teeth: "Cute? I'll make you cute! "You actually dare to tease me? Seeing that I'm not showing off, you really think I'm a sick cat?" As he said that, his hand reached towards Huang Chenguang's waist.

His waist was a sensitive area for Huang Chenguang, so when he was touched and scratched by Lee Xiaolee, he immediately giggled.

He couldn't hold it in anymore, so he surrendered while laughing and said, "Please spare my life, big hero. I know I was wrong."

"It doesn't matter if you know your wrongs. I won't allow you to tease me. I'll see if I can't beat you up."

Seeing that begging was impossible, Huang Chenguang turned around and started running.

Seeing that Huang Chenguang had run away, Lee Xiaolee used his arm to pull away and chased after him. While chasing, she was also shouting, "Stand still, I won't cause any more trouble. Otherwise, if you get caught by me, you'll die for sure."

"Do you think I'm as stupid as you?! If I listen to your orders and stand still, wouldn't that mean I'll die even faster? " Huang Chenguang was not stupid, and was not moved in the slightest.

"Are you going to stand or not?"

"Don't stand!"

"If you're not stopping, then I'm going to use my ultimate move."

"Go ahead, I won't stop."

"Good, look at my big move!" Lee Xiaolee's eyes turned, and stopped chasing. He crouched down and cried out in pain, "Aiya! Pain... "It hurts …"

Sure enough, upon hearing the voice, Huang Chenguang immediately stopped, turned and ran towards Lee Xiaolee without hesitation, only to see Lee Xiaolee's hands on his leg, his face full of pain.

Huang Chenguang's face tensed up as he asked: What's wrong? Did he twist his leg? "Let me see …" As he spoke, he prepared to lift up Lee Xiaolee's trousers.

Seeing the opportunity, Lee Xiaolee pounced forward, suppressing Huang Chenguang as he laughed proudly: "You must have been caught by me, hmph! I let you run, do you still want to run? "

Huang Chenguang lay on his back on the ground, looked at Lee Xiaolee who was incomparably cocky on his body, glared, and slapped Lee Xiaolee's butt with one hand. He said fiercely: "I let you scare me … You're scaring me to death, don't you know that? You're not allowed to do this in the future! "

Lee Xiaolee was a little smug just now, but when he saw the concerned and anxious expression on Huang Chenguang's face, he immediately felt that he had gone a little too far. Looking at Huang Chenguang's cold face and staring eyes, she muttered guiltily: "Who made you stop? Who let you tease me, who let … "Well, not anymore."

Huang Chenguang caressed Lee Xiaolee's face and said: "Little guy, do you know? You are more important to me than I am to myself. Your every move directly controls my happiness, anger and sorrow. If you are injured, then it would undoubtedly be using a knife to stab me in the heart. So... In the future, don't use your own safety to scare me, okay? "

Lee Xiaolee nodded his head: "Alright, I understand, I won't be like this ever again."

Huang Chenguang looked deeply at Lee Xiaolee, his eyes full of passion.

Lee Xiaolee also looked deeply at Huang Chenguang, his eyes full of emotions.

The two got closer and closer, at the moment when the two were about to get close to each other.

Shouts and gasps could be heard from not far away. At this moment, a pleasant female voice rang out from not far away, "What are they doing?"

Another female voice said, "Shh! "Don't be so loud, you'll be heard."

"Oh!" "Good!"

Even though the group of girls had already purposely lowered their voices, the two of them still heard it. The two of them exchanged a glance before quickly standing up. Under the gazes of the group of girls, they calmly walked forward. This left behind the group of girls' exaggerated words.

Girl A: "Wow! They are so handsome! "

Girl B: "Look, they're holding hands!"

Girl C: "They must be a pair!"

Girl Ding: "It must be a pair. It's so lovable."

The next day, when the sky was just starting to brighten, Huang Chenguang was woken up by the ear-piercing sound of the bell. Looking at the little fellow who was still sleeping soundly, Huang Chenguang unconsciously revealed a satisfied smile.

Huang Chenguang who was yawning got off the bed, cleaned himself up quickly, and went into the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

After breakfast, Huang Chenguang went to wake the little guy up. In the end, the little guy stayed in bed and refused to get up. In the end, Huang Chenguang managed to coax and shout, and even harass the body, causing the little guy to finally be woken up.

After breakfast, Lee Xiaolee dragged his tired body, preparing to catch up on his sleep. Just as he was about to fall asleep, his phone rang.

Huang Chenguang's eyes were closed, he took out his phone and did not even look at his phone, he then pressed the answer button, and spoke into it: "Hello, who is it!"

A calm male voice came from the other side of the phone, "Morning Light, have you not woken up yet?"

Huang Chenguang was in a daze and he did not manage to recognize him. He looked at the microphone and asked impatiently: "Who are you?"

"Are you confused by your sleep? How long had it been since they last saw each other? Even my voice could no longer be heard! It looks like your days are too carefree. Tsk tsk! Seeing how free and unfettered you are made people jealous … Oh right, I have to accompany Jiamin back to our old home. Get up and go to the company. Don't delay the meeting at ten o'clock. "

Upon hearing the two words "Jiamin", Huang Chenguang had more or less regained consciousness.

Shen Jiamin was Gu Xiaotian's wife. In university, Shen Jiamin was Huang Chenguang's junior, and later on, he got to know Gu Xiaotian through Huang Chenguang. The two fell in love at first sight, slowly knowing each other and falling in love until their marriage. In between, Huang Chenguang contributed a lot. Therefore, when facing Gu Xiaotian, Huang Chenguang was not courteous at all. As for Gu Xiaotian, in order to thank Huang Chenguang, she helped him catch Shen Jiamin. That was why he was willing to resist the company and work for Huang Chenguang.

After listening to Gu Xiaotian's string of words, Huang Chenguang cleared his throat and said, "Haha! It's Xiaotian, you called me so early in the morning, is something wrong with the company? "

It's Jiamin's father. We just received news that Jiamin's father met with a car accident yesterday morning. I am currently rushing back with Jiamin to my old home, the rest of the company is dependent on you. "

"What?" Jiamin's father got into a car accident, how could this be? Is it serious? Is it any trouble? " Huang Chenguang sat up from the bed and asked worriedly.

"Jiamin and I have just arrived at the airport, so we aren't too sure yet! "Don't worry too much. I heard it's not too serious." Gu Xiaotian spoke guiltily, looking at his beautiful wife and nodded.

"It's good that it's not serious. You and Jiamin should hurry back, don't worry about the company, I'll be there shortly. Take good care of Uncle Shen. If you need me anywhere, you must call me. " Just as Huang Chenguang finished speaking, he seemed to have thought of something and asked the microphone, "About that … Xiaotian, when are you coming back? "

Gu Xiaotian looked at his lovely wife Shen Jiamin, who was winking at him. He shook his head helplessly and said into the microphone, "This?" I don't know yet. Wait until Jiamin gets home, then we can take a look at father Jiamin's condition first! "

"Un, alright then!" Huang Chenguang knew that this matter could not be rushed.

After hanging up the phone, Gu Xiaotian lovingly pinched Shen Jiamin's nose. Laughing, he said, "You demon! "As long as you have a lot of evil ideas, if Morning Light finds out about this in the future, he'll definitely anger us to death."

Shen Jiamin disapprovingly curled his lips and said: "Even so, you can't blame me for everything. Who told the Brother Chenguang to constantly exploit you, squeeze you, and seize you. You were so busy all day that you didn't have time to accompany me. Besides, I didn't lie. Heh heh … It's just a bicycle disaster. "

Speaking of which, two years ago, Shen Jiamin's mother died from an illness. His father, Shen Changshan, lived alone in his hometown. Every morning riding his beloved bicycle to the market to buy fresh fruits and vegetables is a daily routine for Shen's father.

That day, Shen's father was leisurely riding a bicycle. In order to avoid a stray dog, he accidentally bumped into a young man who was riding an electric bike. Then, coincidentally, Dad Shen fell off his bicycle. He sent his father to the hospital. After a doctor's examination, except for a slight fracture in his left hand, he was fine.

Afterwards, Shen Jiamin somehow found out about it and was extremely worried. He called Father Shen to confirm repeatedly that Father Shen was fine. She then discussed with Gu Xiaotian that they should return to their hometown to take care of Father Shen.

Gu Xiaotian loved his wife as if she were his life, and was unwilling to part from her for even a day. Unfortunately, he was too busy to spare time.

Shen Jiamin was also unwilling to part with her husband, but she cared about her father.

Therefore, after careful consideration, Shen Jiamin told Gu Xiaotian to call Huang Chenguang and tell him that his father was in a car accident and that Huang Chenguang had misunderstood him on purpose. Then, openly return to their old home with Gu Xiaotian.

On the other side, Shen Jiamin had succeeded in his wish and went home to see his father with his own husband.

On the other side, Huang Chenguang reluctantly put on the suit that was stored in the corner of the wardrobe for a long time and headed towards the company.

Although he had not been in the company for a long time, Huang Chenguang knew the business of the company like the back of his hand. Of course, this was all thanks to Gu Xiaotian, and his right-hand man in the company, Liang Xing.

Gu Xiaotian will not talk about it anymore, he's purely that type of person. If you throw the company to me and make me suffer, I will definitely not let you have the leisure to do so. At the beginning, no matter if it was a small matter of the company or what happened every day, he would ask his assistant to mail it to Huang Chenguang. The good name was to report the business to the boss. In reality, he only knew that Huang Chenguang was lazy to make trouble for him with all these.

Later on, the matter of sending work to the email became a habit over time. Although Huang Chenguang was lazy, he would frequently look through the company messages Gu Xiaotian had sent over when he was free. Occasionally, when Gu Xiaotian was dealing with matters that he found inappropriate, Huang Chenguang would give him a few pointers. Unknowingly, the two of them reached a tacit understanding between each other.

And Huang Chenguang's other right-hand man, Liang Xing. What a girl with a conscience.

One chance, Liang Xing was teased on the street by a hooligan, and he was saved by Huang Chenguang who passed by. After understanding it later, this Miss Liang who had just graduated from university joined Huang Chenguang's company and acted as his temporary assistant.

Back then, the company was small, and there was a shortage of researchers, designers, and so on. Due to the company's small reputation, it was very difficult to hire experts in research and development. That was also the time when Huang Chenguang was the busiest. He was usually busy to the point of overpowering a few people. It was the Miss Liang who unreservedly accompanied Huang Chenguang at his side, escorting him at his beck and call.

Later on, the company grew in size and reputation. Experts, professors, elites, and many more came to serve. Solved the shortage of manpower, the company is on the right track, after successful listing. Boss Huang's lazy nature gradually flared up.

It was also at this time that Miss Liang expressed his love to Huang Chenguang. Huang Chenguang had clearly rejected Miss Liang's advances in order to prevent her from having too much thought. In order to avoid awkward situations, Huang Chenguang directly threw the company over to Gu Xiaotian.

Later, Huang Chenguang was schemed against by Wu Xiumin and married to him. The Miss Liang slowly thought it through and completely gave up on Huang Chenguang. Last year, Miss Liang made a boyfriend.

One time, Miss Liang and his boyfriend treated Huang Chenguang to a meal because of a few things. On the dining table, seeing Miss Liang's boyfriend take great care of her, she felt great love for him. From the bottom of his heart, Huang Chenguang was happy for the Miss Liang who had accompanied him through the hardest and most tiring times.

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