Zhao Yilin got out of the car after putting on her clothes. Seeing her, Zhang Yanzhen walked over to her hurriedly and said, "Take a look at the news."

Zhao Yilin took out her cell phone and called up the latest entertainment news.

About an hour ago, a Weibo post posted by Qin Shanshan caused a sensation.

On Weibo, it said: "Sorry, my dear fans, because my legs are bad and I won't get the upper hand." I still hope that everyone will support Director Wu's new film, "In order to make love come true".

Zhang Youzhen said, "There were always fans who left messages on her Weibo asking her why she didn't appear in a new movie. "At first, Qin Shan Shan didn't reply. I don't know why she said that today."

Looking at the comments on Weibo, Zhao Yilin suddenly felt a headache coming on. "If she says that, everyone will think that it's me."

Huo Yelin walked over to her phone and took a look. His expression did not change at all.

Zhao Yilin thought about the candlelight dinner he had with Qin Shan and her face darkened. "Why aren't you talking?" Didn't you see that the person she was talking about was me? "

Huo Yelin returned the phone to her and said, "There's no need to care about her now. We'll wait for the movie's promotional period."

"Ah?" That will take a few more months. "

Huo Yelin said, "Yes, there's no need to rush. This isn't her style of doing things. I have to investigate this first."

Hearing his words, Zhao Yilin realized that she had overlooked something very important, "Yeah, I almost forgot. She's in the same company as me, and she's also a celebrity. There's no need to cut off your back for the sake of a role, unless …"

Zhang Yanzhen continued, "Unless she found a way out for herself."

In the half month after Qin Shanshan posted this Weibo post, Zhao Yilin posted tens of thousands of messages. Most of them called her a mistress, and only by borrowing her brother-in-law's title did she become the female lead.

There were also some people who felt that this matter was just for show. Qin Shan Shan and Zhao Yilin were both actors under the same company, so there was no need for them to do such a thing.

There were also a few people who thought that unspoken rules were a common thing in the entertainment industry. There was no need to make such a big fuss. Since they were both beautiful women, Zhao Yelin was more to Huo Yelin's liking.

With one hand on the sofa, Huo Yelin looked at his cellphone and said, "This person is very smart. He can see the problem from my point of view."

Zhao Yelin reached out to take his phone away, but Huo Yelin dodged her hand.

"Don't read such a disgusting message in my house, haven't I had enough scoldings in the past half month?" Zhao Yilin sat on the sofa and switched on the TV.

Huo Yelin kept his phone and looked up at her. "Where's my coffee?"

Zhao Yilin pressed on the remote control, "Only the instant solution and the cheapest one. Do you want to drink it?"


Zhao Yilin put down the remote control and went to get some coffee.

Huo Yelin leaned back on the sofa and crossed his legs. "You don't seem to be too welcoming of me."

There was a clanging sound from the kitchen. "Because you shouldn't be here now."

Huo Yelin pursed his lips into a smile. "Yes, I'll pick a convenient time for you to come next time."

Zhao Yilin took out a can of coffee from the cabinet above her head, scooped two spoonfuls of coffee and poured them into a white porcelain cup. She suddenly felt that something was wrong, "Hey, you seem to have misunderstood me.

Huo Yelin got up and walked to the window in the living room and lifted the curtain.

Zhao Yilin was on the seventh floor, so she could clearly see the yard downstairs. This was a very ordinary residential district, and anyone who walked in or out of it was allowed to walk around freely.

"Eli, it's time for you to move."

Zhao Yilin was waiting for the water to boil. "Why are you moving?"

"You're a star now. You need to live in a safer and more secluded place."

Zhao Yelin turned to look at him, and Huo Yelin also turned to look at him. Their gazes met, and it was clear what they were talking about.

"Well, let me think about it."

Huo Yelin put down the curtain and said, "There's no need to worry. I'll send someone to find a good house for you. You can move in."

Zhao Yilin remained silent. When the water started to boil, she quickly turned off the electric stove.

Huo Yelin walked back to the sofa and sat down. Zhao Yelin handed him a cup of coffee.

He picked it up and took a sip, frowning as usual.

Zhao Yilin thought about it and said, "I'll think about it. But that's my problem, I don't need your help."

Huo Yelin wanted to advise her against this, but he saw that she was looking at the surroundings of the living room with a nostalgic expression.

"I've lived here for more than three years, and I'm already very attached to it. I want to find a good place to sell it. Besides, Uncle gave me the down payment, so if you want to sell it, I have to discuss it with him in advance. "

Zhao Yelin looked around with a reluctant smile. A warm feeling filled Huo Yelin's heart.

She was very beautiful and very real. He could clearly see the meaning behind her smile. He could hold her hand with his, and give up his sincerity in exchange for her sincerity.

Zhao Yilin saw him looking at her with a burning gaze, and said embarrassedly, "Do you want to eat roast lamb chops? Although it was left over from last night, but it should taste pretty good if it's hot. "

Huo Yelin said, "Yes, I was just planning on staying here to eat."

"Then I'll cook two more dishes. Do you have anything special you want to eat?"

"No, I'm not picky with food."

Zhao Yelin got up and went to work in the kitchen. Huo Yelin was drinking coffee and chatting with her through the pearl curtain.

"Did you eat barbecue last night?"

"En, with Ah Zhen and Yingying. That barbeque store is very delicious, if you want to go there next time, I'll bring you along. "

Huo Yelin did not say anything, but Zhao Yelin did not mind. She continued cooking.

The beaded curtain behind her jingled. Zhao Yilin cut the cucumber in her hand and said, "There's oil smoke here. You should go out and wait."

Huo Yelin picked up a cucumber and chewed it. "It's very fresh."

"Yes, I bought it this morning."

"Do you and Zhang You really go out to eat a lot?"

Huo Yelin reached for the cucumber again, but Zhao Yelin slapped his hand and said, "You're not allowed to eat anymore. What does it have to do with you that my friends and I are out to eat?"

Huo Yelin's face turned cold as he looked at the bright red back of his hand.

Zhao Yilin didn't think that she would hit him so hard. She wanted to say something to make him feel better, but he acted so domineering, so she ignored him and continued cutting the vegetables.

Huo Yelin watched on from the side for a while before turning around to push aside the curtain. He said, "He clearly knows that you're a celebrity, but he always brings you to places like the barbeque shop. He's not a cooperative agent. I'll send someone to give it to you."

Zhao Yilin said angrily, "He's not a manager. He's looking for a job. Once he finds one, he'll leave."

"Then we've been looking for too long."

"Because he wants to find a job as a martial arts director. Without a background, it's very difficult to find. "Hey, that's right!" Zhao Yilin lifted the curtain and said, "Is the company short on people? Let's just let him be an assistant first. "

Huo Yelin held his coffee and looked at her with contempt. "If he can promise that he won't contact you in the future, I can arrange a job for him."

"Do you have any interest?" "Ah Zhen saved me before," Zhao said, walking out of the kitchen. "That's why I wanted to help him."

Huo Yelin turned around and saw that she was wearing an apron and holding a spoon in her hand. She looked like a housewife. "You sure have a lot of saviors."

He made a joke about it. He didn't expect Zhao Yilin to be upset, so he turned around and walked into the kitchen.

Huo Yelin looked at the photo of Qi Xiaoyan on the TV cabinet. He felt like his hands and feet were tangled, unable to exert any strength.

How to stay in a person's heart forever, is to die when he loves you the most.

Zhao Yilin had been busy in the kitchen for a long time, cooking three dishes and one soup.

"Hurry up and taste my cooking skills."

Huo Yelin ate a mouthful of cucumber scrambled eggs.

Zhao Yilin looked very nervous, "How is it?" "Is it delicious?"

Huo Yelin carefully savored every dish before saying, "Not bad."

Zhao Yilin pouted and picked up her chopsticks, "Tsk, of course I'm not as good as your chef."

Huo Yelin said slowly, "Although it's not as delicious as what the chef makes, it suits my appetite."

Zhao Yilin pursed her lips into a smile and stopped talking.

The moon quietly climbed up to the top of the branches, and the street lights were lit. As the night went on, no one moved in the yard anymore. It slowly quieted down.

Zhao Yelin looked at her phone. It was almost ten o'clock. She turned her head and saw Huo Yelin calmly eating an apple on the TV, as if he was not at all at someone else's house.

"It's almost ten."


Zhao Yilin got up and stretched. "Did you get the driver to come and pick you up?"


Zhao Yilin's heart was filled with a sticky and sour feeling. This was a feeling she had only experienced after meeting him. "Then how are you going to get back tonight?"

Huo Yelin looked up at her. "I don't plan on going back."

Zhao Yilin walked back to the sofa and sat down, thinking about what Fang Xinying had said.

Since they had fallen in love with such a person, there was no need to be afraid or regretful. If they wanted to continue walking happily, then they would have to justify their relationship, even if that might scare him away.

Huo Yelin seemed to know what she wanted to say and quietly waited.

"Ye Lin, our relationship has started to get a bit bad. The process has been going through ups and downs. There may be many difficulties in the future, but I hope that it will have a good ending. I hope you can tell me who I am to you now. "

A hint of confusion flashed in Huo Yelin's eyes. He reached out his hand to caress her cheeks and leaned forward to kiss her.

Zhao Yilin dodged the attack and said angrily, "I am serious! I don't want to be your lover anymore! "

Huo Yelin suddenly remembered what his grandfather Huo Qiang had said, as well as Zhao Yueran's warning. He said solemnly, "As my lover, you can have everything I have."

Zhao Yelin had already made preparations against Huo Yelin, but she did not expect to hear such a painful conclusion.

She forcefully grabbed her palm and took a deep breath, trying her best to remain calm as she said, "You should leave everything to yourself. I don't need it." She absentmindedly stood up, wanting to open the door. Huo Yelin grabbed her hand, leaving the two of them speechless for a moment.

"Eli, no matter what happens in the beginning, I really like you."

"My uncle once said that if a man doesn't want to marry you, no amount of sweet talk is of any use to him. In fact, he just doesn't love you."

Huo Yelin was speechless, but his hand still held onto her tightly. He said in a hoarse voice, "Yilin, no matter what you want, I can give it to you."

It was as if an awl had been inserted into her chest, causing her to feel unbearable pain. She had no choice but to flee from this man.

"Leave, and leave me alone."


"Let's go!" Zhao Yilin wanted to pull him up, but he pulled her into his embrace instead. The strong kiss fell on her like a torrential downpour, making her cry in anger as she continued to beat him, "You beast! Why are you doing this to me! Let go, let go of me! "

Huo Yelin's eyes were bloodshot. The hand that was holding onto her trembled a little. "Eli, you're mine. Eli …" He kept repeating the words, kissing her like a rose in a storm.

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