Love is More Than a Word

Chapter 79: Preemptive seven

Preemptive seven

"Master! Didn't you say that this is the wish of the master, must it be completed?" He stepped forward and knocked Gu Xiaojia away for several steps.

Gu Xiaojia got angry and kicked, "Donation of the government is the money-making plan devised by the imperial court! If the treasury is empty, the imperial court will have no choice but to do it. Do you really think that your junior qualification can be an official in high school? It's not the official's expectation, why do you die because you don't harm others!"

"Shut up!" Hao Guoguo couldn't stop her. "What's not an official's material, what should an official's material be? It's the life of a neighboring county magistrate? Or Qincheng Zhifu indiscriminately? You really think that those who know it are also Is the literati suitable for being an official? Farting! What an official really needs is to ask for help for the people. Parents and parents want to love the people like children, not to write poems and paintings! When it comes to this, what is the difference between my young master and others?"

Gu Xiaojia was stunned by him, unable to speak for a long time.

The two roared, and shouted Master Jin and Lao Tao.

Master Jin said: "What's the big deal, it's worth talking in the corridor? Let's talk in the house."

Lao Tao didn't speak, but just looked at Tao Mo with another meaningful look.

Tao Mo lowered his head, wondering what he was thinking.

When Master Jin saw one or two standing in the hallway, he had to push the person into the room one by one, and then closed the door to completely isolate the eyes of other people's probes.

Entering the door, Gu Xiaojia walked to the table and patted the table heavily.

The tea set on the table was dislocated.

Master Jin originally wanted to say something, then remembered Gu She's identity, and swallowed back the words. Seven senior officials in front of the prime minister's door, Gu Xiangfu is an authentic prime minister's house.

Hao Guoguo didn't think as much as he thought. Seeing that he clapped the table to vent his anger, the fire in his heart was also rubbing out, and sneered: "Just use your mouth to say, what is the temper to take the table!"

Gu Xiaojia turned suddenly, staring at him and said, "My son was injured by Tao Mo, did you accept it?"

Hao Guoguo retorted: "How can it be troublesome? Obviously your son Gu Gu willingly."

Gu Xiaojia's eyes were red, and he said: "My son has never suffered from this kind of suffering since he was a child. His wife had asked him to practice martial arts in the past, and he was unwilling, not to mention how badly he is now."

Before Gu Xiaojia was aggressive, Hao Guoguo was able to **** for tat. Now that he was in tears, Hao Guoguo came to say no rebuke and looked at him stiffly.

Master Jin listened to these words and found out the ins and outs, saying, "Gu Gongzi is the first talent recognized in the world. His every move must be well thought out. Right or wrong, he has a steel scale in his heart. Beside others' beaks?" His remarks clearly praised the shooter, but secretly belittled Xiaojia.

Gu Xiaojia has been around Gu She for so many years. Although he is not clever, he is also clever and clever. How can he not understand what he said, he immediately hummed two channels: "The son is clever and smart, in the end he is flesh and blood. He usually And no matter how good it is, how can I stand up to such a board? Some people know it clearly, but choose to stand by." The fire was on the old pottery who was standing aside silently from beginning to end.

Old Tao ignored him. His eyes only looked at Tao Mo when he entered the door. At this moment, he said: "What's the young master's plan?"

Hao Guoguo anxiously said: "The young master said he didn't want to be an official anymore, you should persuade him."

Lao Tao looked at Tao Mo.

Tao Mo slowly raised his head, his eyes faintly faint. But he quickly calmed down and whispered: "Gu Xiaojia is right, I can't do anything, I don't have the qualification to be an official."

Old Tao scolded: "Excuse me!"

This was Tao Mo and Hao Guoguo's sternness when he saw the old Tao once.

Old Tao said: "Since ancient times, the hereditary is the knighthood and the throne. I have never had the hereditary official position. Master Jin, have you heard of it?"

Master Jin naturally knew what he was going to say and shook his head very cooperatively: "I have never heard of it."

Old Tao said: "Since the official position is not hereditary, it is for everyone to live in, is it not?"

Master Jin said: "As long as it is obtained in the right way, it is true."

Tao Tao: "Is the official donation the right way?"

"The court expressly stipulated that it was the right way." Master Jin said.

Lao Tao looked sideways at Tao Mo, his eyes burst out with fierce anger that hated iron but not steel, "Since this is the case, why did the young master stand still and shrink back?"

Tao Mo whispered: "It's not necessarily right for what the prefect said, but he counted my guilt but it was all right. I did not have a post-mortem with Cui Jiong and neglected my duties. I received nothing wrong."

Master Jin hurriedly said: "I forgot to remind the owner, and please forgive him."

Tao Mo shook his head and said: "No, no, this is my business and has nothing to do with Master."

"Even though the owner didn't care, I felt uneasy." It was his own idea to accept the money paid by Cui Jiong as a fee to repair the county government. Now he is in a position to blame.

Tao Modao said: "Master, don't do this. If I had a master in the past few days in Tanyang County, I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to do even one day's official." When I first went to class, he even signed a red head and a green head. The signing is unclear, and Master Jin reminded him to know how to use it, which is really shameful.

Master Jin smiled bitterly: "I haven't met a county official like the Dong family for a long time, right? Even the word "corrupt" that the county official is most concerned about has been left behind, and it is really ashamed."

Rao is Master Jin who is so sincere in counting his own faults. He takes all the mistakes to himself, and still does not impress Tao Mo, let him change his mind.

Old Tao saw that Tao Mo was unable to get out of the dead end, so he had to use a killer tool and said, "Why not ask Young Master Gu's opinion?"

Tao Mo shook his head gently: "He doesn't want to see me."

Tao Tao said: "You haven't asked, how can Gu Gongzi not see you?"

Tao Mo stared at Gu Xiaojia.

Gu Xiaojia said with a sneer: "At this time, I remembered my son is coming?" He was worried about Tao Mo's failure to visit Gu She.

Tao Tao said: "You first ask if your son can see my young master, if not, everything will be in vain."

Gu Xiaojia thought about it and opened the door.

Old Tao gestured to Tao Mo and asked him to follow him.

Tao Mo stood there for a while, hesitating for a while before he slowly followed. The closer to the door, the more tense Tao Mo was. At this time, he was somewhat envious of Gu Xiaojia's appearance without going into or out of Gu She's room.

After a while, Gu Xiaojia went out reluctantly. If he had said that Tao Mo intended to leave the officialdom, Gu She did not intend to see Tao Mo. But this non-expression just reflects Gu She's concern for Tao Mo, which is what makes Gu Xiaojia awkward.

Tao Mo lifted his feet into the room and smelled a strong medicinal fragrance.

His footsteps were gentle, but his eyes were eagerly searching for the figure that made him dream, until his eyes were aimed at the figure lying on the bed, the anxiety faded between the eyebrows, and the thick one was replaced. Heartache and annoyance.

"You want to abandon the officer?" Gu She opened the door.

Tao Mo stood on the spot and said softly: "I can't be an official."

Gu She said: "Because that Zhifu?"

Tao Mo shook his head and said: "I don't know how to read, I don't understand the law, and I can't even do the most basic things of being a county official. I am really ashamed of the court."

Gu Shedao said: "Who said that an official must be worthy of the court?"

Tao Mo was stunned.

Gu Shedao said: "As an official, you should be worthy of the people and your conscience."

(End of this chapter)

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