Love Is So Sweet

Chapter 57 - What to do

Hearing what Jun said shocked Matthew, it turns out Edrea was actually right... The relationship between Jun and Lisa was fake... 

'How can that be?' Matthew remembered the faces Jun made when in front of Lisa. He remembered the way Jun acted in front of Lisa. Those reactions were so authentic that it wasn't possible for it to be a lie. 

"Alright... So why were you faking it?" 

Jun then started to explain about the situation with him and his family. The situation regarding Edrea and her harassments. Listening to the whole story just made Matthew sigh. It would seem among his friends he was the most normal. 

"So then this was all a sham so that Edrea and your father would back off. You know I can never understand why you keep on pushing Edrea away like that. I know she can be a bit crazy sometimes, but all those things she did were all for you." 

"That's not the point Matt... I can't really see her as someone that I can be romantically interested in. At most, she's more like a little sister... Anyway, I already have somebody that I like. Actually that's what I want to talk to you about." 

"Who is it?" 

"It's Lisa." Hearing Jun's answer Matthew couldn't help but rub his forehead. 

"Huh?" Seeing the dumbfounded look on Matthew's face Jun started to explain what was happening. 

"I don't know if it was before we started fake dating or during, all I know is that I think I'm in love with Lisa Chu."

"You think?" 

"I have never been in love before, so there's no precedence. Also, I don't really understand too much about romance to say for certain that I'm in love. All I know is I seem to be drawn to her. I can't stop thinking about her. I want to stay by her side since I find it really fun to be with her. I worry about her, and I want her to be happy. I'm a bit confused and been feeling a lot of contradictions lately. I want to keep her for myself, but at the same time, I want her to be free. Do you think this is love?" 

Looking at his best friend's expression Matthew couldn't help but sigh even more. Jun was already far gone, he hasn't realized it yet but he fell harder than he thought. 

"Yeah, for me that's love in a nutshell."

"Then what should I do?" Jun showed a look of anxiety, confusion, and a bit of excitement all rolled into one. 

'Edrea it doesn't seem like I can keep my promise.' After showing a sad expression for a second, Matthew then hit Jun's back while smiling mischievously. 

"Isn't it obvious what you need to do next?" The mischievous smile on Matthew's face grew wider and wider. 

"Aren't I asking you because I don't know." 

"For a smart guy, you can be really dumb sometimes. Since you know you like her, how about telling her how you feel and verifying how she feels." 

"... You're right." Hearing such a simple solution coming from Matthew made Jun bewildered. Why wasn't he able to think of something so simple? Now that he knows how he feels shouldn't he be moving with the intent of improving his relationship with Lisa?

When Jun was about to resolutely go back into the room and immediately confess to Lisa, he suddenly felt a wave of anxiety come over him.  

'...?' Jun grew confused as he didn't know the reason for his anxiety. Wasn't he just going to tell Lisa about his feelings? Didn't he just want to know what she felt about him? Even if she did reject him now couldn't he just improve their relationship from there on?

'... Am I actually afraid of being rejected?' Seeing his best friend simply standing in front of the door to Lisa's room Matthew approached him from behind. 

"What's the problem?" 

"I think I'm actually scared of knowing what Lisa feels about me." Hearing Jun's teenage boy like response made Matthew look at him weirdly. In the end Matthew couldn't help but chuckle a bit.

"You know you can be cute sometimes, Jun." This response made Jun look at Matthew angrily. Instead of intimidating Matthew this just made him chuckle even more.  

"Don't worry man, just go on and ask her with your usual confidence. Even if she rejects you, we can still work on it from there. I got your back Jun." Matthew raised his fist and Jun responded with a slight smile and bumped fist with Matthew.

Jun entered the room with drinks at hand filled with renewed confidence. Seeing his best friend going forward, Matthew was already thinking of what to say to Edrea. He truly felt bad for the girl, he wanted both his friends to be happy. Such a simple wish, but it seems that would be difficult to achieve.

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