Love Is So Sweet

Chapter 74 - I cannot be who I was

Lisa was confused as to why Randolph would do something like this. Why was he hiding from her? While Lisa continued to speak through the earpiece, Jun was interrogating the fake Randolph.

"So what's your real name?"

"The name's Mark Haven."

"So do you know anything about the one who hired you?" Mark shrugged his shoulders 

"Truth be told I haven't seen the guy. The one who approached me was one of his henchmen. He spoke to me through that earpiece and told me to dress up, meet that girl called Lisa, and act like him. Aside from that, I know nothing else. So do I get my money now or later?"

Hearing Mark's answers Jun knew that he was pretty much useless at this point. "Fine, give me your bank details and I'll send you the money." 

"Sure bro, if you want later we could also go out and get some drinks. I know a nice place with fine as* ladies." Mark was happily writing his bank details and at the same time trying his best to befriend Jun. This was a once in a lifetime chance for him to get in good with a member of the Tang family.

When Jun was about to receive the paper Mark wrote on he felt a massive headache. The pain he received was much worse than earlier this morning. He felt like a hammer was banging on his head. 

"Are you alright?" Mark asked as Jun knelt on the ground clutching his head. When Lisa saw this she stopped what she was doing and approached Jun while looking at him worriedly. 


"I'm alright, it's alright." Lisa then tried to help him up but Jun stopped her. 

"There's no need for that." Jun stood up by himself and once again smiled at Lisa, who still looked very worried. 

"Should we go to the hospital?" 

"No need, I'll go by myself later." 

"So, it looks like you're doing quite alright now. So I already gave you my details, I hope you guys have a great day." After he saw Jun was alright, Mark spoke and quickly left the scene. Things might get a lot complicated if he sticks around and something happens to Jun. 

Seeing Mark's leaving figure Jun sighed. For now, the headache he was feeling was secondary. What was important was that he gained only a few details regarding Randolph. 

"Can I borrow this." Jun took the earpiece Lisa was holding and spoke to Randolph. 

"Hey creep that claims to be the childhood friend of my girlfriend. I don't care if you're the real deal or not. All I know is that you're a coward that uses other people. The antics you pulled frightened Lisa, and that's all the reason I need to hate your guts." 

Even with all that ranting Randolph who was listening on the other end, had no response. He continued to seat silently as he gnashed his teeth. He wasn't expecting this outsider to buŧŧ into his business. 

"So are you going to say anything, or are you just going to continue listening in?" Jun was about to say something more, but then Lisa took the earpiece from him. 

"Randy... I don't understand what had happened to you. Maybe you experienced something horrible, maybe you have something that's bothering you. But I cannot understand as long as you don't explain it to me. If you want to talk you can tell me anything. You know that, right?" 

After a moment of silence, Randolph finally spoke. 

"Lisa... I'm sorry that I wasn't there for you. I'm sorry that I'm a coward that needs a lot of effort and courage just to leave my room. I know what you've been through and it hurts me that I wasn't there for you." 

When Lisa heard the real Randolph's voice she felt that it was very familiar, yet at the same time different. The confidence and perky tone of his voice has changed into a haggard one. Yet what surprised her the most was what he said. It would seem that Randolph knew a lot of what happened to her. 

Jun, on the other hand, found Randolph's statement to be quite intriguing. 'The way he spoke seems to indicate that there something that happened to Lisa when he went away. This could be related to Lisa's mental issues.' 

"It's alright Randy, I'm fine now." 

"Not it's not alright! When I first heard what happened to you, the first thing I thought was that I'm glad that I wasn't the only one suffering. The moment I thought of that I was filled with hatred at myself. I couldn't believe that I actually thought about such a thing. I'm a horrible person, that's why I could not bring myself to face you. But as expected of my selfishness... In the end, I couldn't help myself. I wanted to see if you were alright..." 

"Randy, what happened to you? How come you became like this?" Lisa wasn't angry at what Randy had done, nor was she disgusted by his actions, instead she felt confused and worried. The Randy she remembered was a nerdy person but at the same time confident. No matter what challenge he was facing he would always face it head-on. That was the Randy she knew the one in her memories. Yet this Randy was different, he was the complete opposite. 

"It's not a story you would want to hear. It's nothing compared to what you have faced... Lisa, can you please pass the earpiece to that boyfriend of yours." Lisa was reluctant but she still handed the earpiece to Jun. 

"What do you want?" Even though Jun didn't know what kind of circumstances Randolph was in, he couldn't help but not like the guy. 

"Can you go a bit further away from Lisa. I don't want her to hear what I'm about to say."

"You heard what he said, you go into the apartment first, I'll come after he and I are finished talking." Lisa looked at Jun a bit worried about his condition as well as what he and Randy were going to talk about. Seeing how reluctant she was Jun took his time convincing her to go inside her apartment. Once that was done Jun went to the corner of the hallway.

"So what do you want?"

"First off, I want to thank you for taking care of Lisa. I'm also sorry for the approach I took in meeting her. Now that's out of the way, I'll be straight to the point, I want you to break up with her."

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