Love Is So Sweet

Chapter 78 - A memory from the past

Jun was confused and scared, he didn't like what he had heard, but there was no denying that it happened. Jun's mind was a mess, as he couldn't decide on what to do. As his thoughts were getting darker and darker, someone entered his room. 

"Hey Jun, what's happening to you man?" The muscular figure of Matthew appeared before Jun. When Jun heard Matthew's voice he quickly wiped away his tears and smiled. 

"What brings you here, Mat?" Matthew looked at Jun for a single second and saw that the once confident man looked pale and had red eyes. 

"Did you cry?"

"Who cried?! Me, are you saying I cried? Have you ever seen me cry before?" 

"Yeah, I've never seen you cry before, which is why seeing this now is so surprising."

"... Well, you know it turns out I'm human too." 

Matthew sat beside Jun on his bed. The two became quiet, after a few seconds Matthew sighed. Matthew didn't even glance at Jun as it was hard to see his friend look so weak. So he talked while looking ahead. 

"Hey Jun, you know it's okay to tell me if you're hurting, or if you're scared. Even Superman, the man who could literally do anything from the comics, would show a weak side every now and then. Like you said you're still human, so it's alright to show weakness. Besides, that aren't I your friend, we've been together for a long time now. Isn't it alright to trust me and tell me how you feel?" 

Hearing someone of Matthew's size say such soft-hearted things made Jun chuckle. He couldn't help himself, even though he already knew that this childhood friend of his was someone like this. 

Jun took a sidelong glance at Matthew who was waiting for him to speak. It felt like they flew back to the past, to the time when they were still in high school. Back then Matthew said something similar to Jun.


At that time Jun was having the worst time of his life. His elder brother the one who carried their father's pride, that perfect brother of his died. He lost to his sickness and died. 

'Even though he told me he would win against everything.' Jun had skipped classes and was walking in the back alleys kicking and punching a wall. As he was doing that he heard some footsteps coming near him. 

"Hey look at what this kid is doing?"

"Wow, lookie here, ain't that the uniform of those fancy little brats in that elite private school?" 

"Oh right, this guy got a lot of cash on him." 

"Hey buddy, want to hang out with us." One of the thugs hanged his arms over Jun's shoulders. Jun swatted the man's arms away. 

"I don't have time for this," Jun mumbled as he was about to leave. A thug then grabbed his shoulder. 

"Hey, kid where you going?" Jun no longer able to hold it in, held onto the thug's hand and twisted it.

"Ow, ow, ow, what the f*ck are you doing?!" The thug screamed as he desperately tried to separate from Jun. The other four thugs surrounded Jun as they blocked his way. 

"You've done it now Kid!" One of the thugs shouted at Jun before attacking. Jun quickly pushed the thug he was holding and blocked the other thug's path. Thug A bumped into thug B at full speed making them fall. Jun quickly punched thug C in the abdomen then at his chin. Thug C quickly collapsed. 

While Thug A and B were trying to stand up again, thug D and E attacked Jun at the same time. Jun defended himself for a bit, and when he saw an opening he grabbed thug D's arm and did a headbutt. Jun then used his elbow to hit thug D's neck making him collapse. Getting scared both thugs A and E ran away leaving only thug B alone.

"If you continue you might kill him." Jun turned around and a familiar figure was standing behind him. It was none other than his best friend Matthew. Jun clicked his tongue as he stood up and was about to leave. Yet Matthew grabbed onto Jun's hand. 

"Jun we need to talk." 

"What's there to talk about. Just leave me alone." 

"I know what happened to your brother was horrible but acting out like this won't bring him back." 

"What would you know about how I'm feeling?!" 

"I don't know anything, which is why I want to talk. I know you're hurting inside, and I know I can't do anything to change that. Still, as your friend you know you can talk to me, you can tell me what you're feeling and I'll listening." 

"What will that accomplish?! What will you telling how I feel, do? Will it change anything?!"

"It won't change anything, but it might make you feel better. It would be so much better than what you're doing now." 


"Besides that aren't I your friend. Isn't it alright to trust me, and tell me how you feel?" 


Jun could remember that day like it was yesterday. 'Matthew asked the same question, and after that, I told him what I felt. I told him of how I miss my big brother, about how I was mad at my big brother for lying to me. More than anything how I felt about gaining his responsibilities, on how heavy it was. Matthew didn't say much that day, he just listened, and it made me feel better.' 

"You never changed, you're still the same soft-hearted guy you were back then." 

"So are you willing to talk now?" Jun couldn't help but smile as he answered. 

"It's not like I have any other choice. You're just going to keep on pestering me, until I tell you, right?"

"You know me so well." Matthew smiled at Jun. 

Jun sighed as he started telling Matthew about Randolph, about what happened in the morning, as well as what the doctor said to him.

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