Love Is So Sweet

Chapter 9 - Packed lunch

Jun started to explain to Lisa what lovey-dovey scenes were about and how they usually made people feel. While Lisa was listening to Jun's explanation she started to write down every detail she heard. Even though Jun has gone out with his fair share of ladies, those were never serious and he hasn't really been truly in love before. Everything he was telling right now was based on what he heard from some girls, and what he saw and read.

Though he was practically the same as Lisa, Jun still has a better understanding of the subject, since he had better interpersonal relationships than Lisa. After talking for a while, Jun stopped. He was finally able to tell Lisa everything he knew about lovey-dovey scenes, and it only took a bit more than half an hour.

"That's all I know, was that of any help?" Jun asked looking at the serious Lisa who was writing down every word he said. Once she was done writing she mumbled something to herself. "As expected from a popular guy that was really informative. Still something missing..."

"What's that?"

"Huh? Nothing, just want to say thanks for the help."

"No problem, I'm glad that I could help." Jun flashed his patented winning smile, this was the smile made women swoon and the smile that won him the hearts of plenty a fair maiden. Yet Lisa wasn't affected by it and simply nodded her head in response.

"I have a good amount of info now, but I still don't get it. I think I really need to actually see a lovey-dovey scene in real life to understand it. I can't settle with what I can see in a movie since that won't feel as genuine. Do you have any ideas?" Lisa looked at Jun with expectant eyes. Seeing this made Jun scratch his head a bit, not only was his smile ineffective against Lisa, but this girl actually countered with such a look. There's no way he could say no, to that expectant gaze of hers.

"I think, I got a good idea where we can watch people showing a lot of lovey-dovey scenes, but before we head there how about we have lunch first? So, where do you want to eat, it'll be my treat."

"No need for you to treat me, you can pick whatever place you want. I already have my lunch prepared." Lisa showed Jun her packed lunch.

"Oh come on, no need to be shy. This is a meal to celebrate our first time working together, so allow me to treat you, we can eat anywhere you want, even in the most expensive restaurant. Money isn't a problem" Jun insisted on treating Lisa to a meal, trying to show her some of his good sides.

"I already said that I don't want to!" Lisa's suddenly raised her voice, surprising Jun and attracting the other people's attention. After she shouted, Lisa noticed what happened and left the coffee shop in a hurry. Jun, even though he was stunned was quick to act. He stood up, apologized for the disturbance and quickly followed Lisa.

When Jun got out of the coffee shop he noticed that Lisa was already quite far. ' How is she so fast? Was this girl a track and field star?' Jun started sprinting towards Lisa and was able to catch up.

He then grabbed Lisa's arm stopping her from running away. "Ms. Lisa!" Lisa whose hand was grabbed by Jun abruptly halted and turned around to look at him. Lisa's eyes were a bit teary-eyed which surprised Jun.

"What do you want? Are you going to embarrass me some more?" She spoke with a bit of irritation and anger in her voice. Jun still couldn't understand what went wrong, but as a man who made a girl cry no matter his understanding of the situation, he needed to apologize.

"No, I'm not, I didn't mean to embarrass you. I'm sorry Ms. Lisa for whatever I did. I don't really understand where I went wrong, was it because I offered to treat you to lunch? If that's it, I take it back I won't treat you anymore."

Lisa wiped away some of her tears and looked at Jun with a glare. "You promise that you would never do that again?" Seeing her calm down, Jun quickly answered.

"Yes." Jun looked straight at Lisa's eyes showing how serious he was.

At this time Lisa really wanted to simply go home and forget about what happened, but because her deadline was nearing she wanted to continue to try and understand lovey-dovey scenes, and for that to happen she still needed Jun's help. She was still a bit angry at Jun, but she decided to forgive him for her work, and also because it was also her fault for not explaining anything about her situation.

"Fine, I forgive you."

"Thank you, Ms. Lisa, again I really am sorry." Jun sighed in relief internally. However, he was now super curious as to why Lisa acted the way she did. It was obvious that it had to do with the packed lunch she made, and her aversion to being treated to a meal. Still, Jun knew that it wasn't wise to ask her anything regarding that in this situation. So he planned to ask Karla later for that info.

"Ok then, do we still head to the place where we can watch lovey-dovey scenes or do you want to go home for today?"

"It's okay, I'm sorry as well for overreacting. You really should eat first before we continue." Lisa who was teary-eyed moments ago was able to quickly calm herself down. Since it was for her work, she was willing to go through this minor inconvenience.

"Alright, I'll just get some take-out and eat with you at the park," Jun answered.

"There's no need to go to the park to eat, you can just eat your meal at the restaurant, I don't mind."

"Actually the place we're heading to, where we can find lots of lovey-dovey scenes is at the park. Also, I don't really eat much during lunchtime, so it's alright to eat out in the park. That way we can enjoy this nice weather while we research lovey-dovey scenes." Jun replied feeling a bit more relieved that Lisa was talking to him normally.

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