Love is Sweet

Chapter 14

It is a pity that her opponent is Jiang Jun, who is persistent and almost silly.

He hesitated, he couldn't bear to cry, her heart hurt, he was more painful than her.

The people she loves don't love her.

The people she loves hurt her.

The people he loves don't love him.

He hurt the people he loves.

They are all the more, desperate and helpless, holding their own red lines and following behind their lovers.

The same track, but can not walk together, only lonely, hobbling alone wandering in the edge of love, no end, no liberation.

Fortunately, their families did. Those who won through the bloody political struggle could not tolerate marriage with a philistine family.

If Yin zhe was born in a proper intellectual family.

If Yin zhe has mature right and wrong judgment.

If Yin zhe can really love Jiang Jun.

He congratulated himself that there was no if, did he?

Looking at the sweet Jiangjun sleeping in his arms, he whispered that it was good to kick them both away, or could you lie here to sleep?

Gains and losses

at 10 a.m., the phone kept ringing like a cramp. The doorbell also roared.

Jiang Jun and Yuan Shuai looked at each other sleepily for a while "It's over, it's over!" Yuan Shuai put on a pillow towel and circled between the phone and the gate, "dead, dead!" Jiang Jun barefoot everywhere looking for clothes, she jumped all the way wearing pants "who ah!" She mouthed him "Secretary!" He also used his mouth to reply that she jumped into the bathroom and threw yuan Shuai a bathrobe: "I'm not here, I'm not here!"

Bang of a anti lock door, "open the door, all go!"

She opened a crack in the door and poked out her head, "what's the matter?"

He hung his bra around her neck like hada. "The party, government and army officials are waiting to meet us in the villa. Let's go, hero!"

"They must force us to get married!" She wrung her fingers, and he squinted at her. "Well, that's it. Don't you like it?"

"What about your Beijing branch?"

"Whatever it is!"

"Slow down, get the branch business done first!"

“……” He didn't speak. He squeezed the steering wheel.

He wanted to ask her if you love me?

But he didn't dare. He was afraid.

Even if she has only a trace of hesitation.

He can't afford to lose. I really can't afford to lose.

At the door of the villa, he kisses her, "don't be afraid, there's me!"

She smile reluctantly, and he clasped hands, walked into the door.

She carefully applied yuan Shuai's eyes.

"Uncle yuan's hand is too cruel, his eyes are bloodshot!"

He chuckled and gently touched her face. "He was fighting for your grandfather. Didn't I destroy your innocence? Hiss - easy

"I think they did it on purpose. Why do you want us to sign the blank form? Now they are not naturalized! "

"If you do, advance the date a year and a half, a stamp. You've got all the face in it


"Jun, we will be a couple in the future."

They take turns to accompany their relatives like newlyweds. When he goes back to work in the city, she stays in his apartment in the city to help him sort out his data, deal with his own work, prepare meals, and wait for him to come back. After dinner, they may take a walk or a movie. They make love at night, exhausted, hugging and sleeping.

Jiang Jun has never lived such a leisurely life. She has been busy, busy studying, working and socializing. When she is free, she suddenly finds her private life desolate. She has no brothers and sisters, no friends who can say intimate words, and even her relatives have become a bit terrible after that.

Pick up the phone, thousands of numbers, no one can press, walk on the street, see others or pairs of pairs, or Gang Gang Gang, and she, only yuan Shuai.

It's a brother, a close friend, a lover. Her world is just him.

Her inexplicable panic

When Du called her, she was in a daze at her cell phone.

"I have a bad rest, so I have no spirit. I'm crazy to play with my friends."


"Sally asked to be transferred to your group. What do you mean?"


"Are you ok?"

"Fortunately, Du, I found that I really fit in with being a workaholic!"

He laughed, "well, you'd better work 24 hours when you come back to work."


"You insult me, I'm banker, more cold-blooded than capitalists!"


"Come back if you're not happy. Let's go skiing in Davos?"

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