Love is Sweet

Chapter 16

"Where are you?"

“…… Master, Xiaoyun bridge! " She sat in the car. "You little girl, come and find me! The address is xxxxx! "

She hung up and looked down at the text message she just received, and she was in a good mood.

"How to wear so little!" When the car stops, yuanshuai welcomes him, "you know the bad smell. Go, get in!" He paid the fare "Hi, Juno, I haven't seen you for a long time!" As soon as she entered the door, she was recognized as greeting her.

Yuanshuai took her to a secret bar.

"Zeus is still big, even Juno can please move!" LK's executive director said half drunk, "OK, introduce some new friends to you!" Yuan Shuai holds her half "this is Liu Dan, XX Department beauty director!"

The other side smiled and hit him on the shoulder. The real person is better than the magazine. She looks at Liu Dan, "Liu Dan, this is Jiang Jun, which is Juno they always mention!"

"Hello!" She reached out, the other party just nodded, then turned her face to drink, and she patted the next LK brothers. "No wonder Du asked me to come over and help him take a seat. I didn't have to drink the soup later!"

She smiled and held a glass at two different styles of women.

"That dare to rob you..."

Everyone is talking about the happy, Liu Dan suddenly said, "Yuan Shuai, let's dance!"

Who is sweet with? It turns out to be her. Jiang Jun sipped the wine, red label is good lemon added a little bit.

She slipped to the bathroom and smoked a cigarette. When she went out, she saw yuan Shuai standing in the safety passage of the oblique door and laughed at her.

"You big rascal!"

She walked over with a twist.

When she mends her makeup, she just hears Liu Dan asking him, "how can't you see your wife come here?"

"She is in Hong Kong!"

"And you're not afraid you're running? So confident? " Liu Dan seems to drink high, "no, is it because they say you are beautiful women with wild animals, and also care, how long." Jiang Jun face can not believe to walk to his side Yuan Shuai hands on her shoulder a good posture, squint at Liu Dan, "I am not afraid to bring out too to hit your confidence?"

"Come on!" Jiang Jun pushed him away, "talking to beautiful women is much better than you!"

"True false, envy to say straight!" He showed his white teeth, reached for the match, and rubbed her chest with his arm, and looked at her with bright eyes.

"I want to die!" He sucks her tongue and his fingers are pumping through her. The stairwell was dark and yellow, and she twists her hips up and down, and stroked his raised desire, "I am too!"

Du's brother

Jiang Jun is wearing a dark purple high collar sleeveless dress, and his hair is loose and loose in the back of his head. In the eyes of the crowd, the money went to Du and sat down.

"Are you ok?" Sally asked in a low voice.

"What's wrong?" She subconsciously covered her neck. "You never wear this in a company, such a woman's clothes!"

"Eight, I'm going to have a meeting!" She waved in embarrassment. You need to buy more high-collar shirts.

"The new man is here. I will come and report later!"

"I know, hard work!"

After the regular meeting, Du called her to the office and handed her a document. She quickly read "jay. Yin has a good qualification. They are the new people?"

"My brother There is little connection with the same kind of paternity I'm not. "

He coughed twice, "yes!"

He said with a relaxed and happy voice, "we have dinner together at noon. You can communicate with him. I am going to let him do things in Beijing. He is still your alumni..."

"Hey Du, are you helping me arrange my dating?" She broke his nagging with her chin on her chin, "outside the city, at 12:00!"

She has always carried out the practice of favoritism for everyone, and the fat water does not leave the field of foreign people.

“DU !” Jiang Jun walked into the box and saw Du nodding to order dishes. She looked around and saw no one else, "what about your little brother?"

He looked at her with his eyes slanted and laughed.

She was so embarrassed that she took her bag and hit her.

"Well, I don't laugh!" He held her wrist and a ring on her waist.

"This way, sir!" The waiter opened the door and they looked at the people.

Her hot face was cold in a flash.

She thought, why the fuck is there anyone who knows?

"When did you start smoking?" Jay frowned to see her Du, and the amber pupil was marked with fire. He helped her to light the smoke slowly and smoothly. "Would you like to introduce it to you?"

"You'd better introduce him. I know him. He doesn't know me!" She laughed innocently, "OK, Jay, this is my best director, Juno!"

Her fingers flicked, a piece of ash broke in the ashtray, and she reached out to "Hello Jay!"

"Hello, Jiang Jun, I am yinzhe!" He held her back with great force.

"You and Jay, you..."

"I've been chasing your brother before. He doesn't go, that's it!"

"I see, but you're going to bring him!"

"Whatever you are!"

"No problem, right?"

"It doesn't matter. I'll be embarrassed. I'll go out and do something!"


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