Love is Sweet

Chapter 21

"Are you ready for dinner?" Jiang Jun knocks on the bathroom door.

Yuan Shuai opened the door, spurted hot air all over his body, pulled her into the bathroom, pressed her head down on the door plank and asked, "what to eat?

"What would you like to eat?" She chuckled, "can you eat you?" The fingertips rubbed back and forth on her lips. She opened her mouth and bit his fingers, causing him a series of low smiles.

He put his lower body between her legs and kneaded her breasts. "Little bastard, take advantage of me?"

"Well ~ ~" Jiang Jun groaned, "you are all on the cover, dog man and woman!" She gave his little brother a hard scratch.

"Ouch, you can rely on him for the rest of your life. You really have to do it!" He chatted and let go of her, "I hate to eat. I'm starving!"

"Comfort me Yuan Shuai came over and pouted to kiss Jiang Jun, who gave him a big kiss on his face and said, "wear your own clothes, round children!"

As usual, they ate very fast, and no one spoke except for the occasional collision of tableware.

After dinner, Yuan Shuai consciously goes to wash the dishes. Jiang Jun cleans the table and goes in to help. He cleans one and hands it to him. She controls the dry water in the next pool and puts it into the disinfection cabinet.

"What's up with you?" She asked, "no problem, just waiting for the approval." "I don't have to stare at Beijing anymore," he said

"Well, it's not convenient for me to be old!"

"How are you doing there?"

"That's still the case. Give me a hand!" She shook her head and said, "young people today can't bear hardships. When we were fighting, the shells exploded beside us, just like playing firecrackers. Listen to the sound and continue to rush forward!" Jiang Jun learned from Yuan Shuai's grandfather "skin itch, you!" "My grandfather also said you are coming, tell us to have a baby quickly!" he said with a smile


"Forget about resigning and go home to raise. Will you have a baby next year?"

"You don't want me to help you?"

"It's the most important thing when I'm a kid!" Yuan Shuai Lai PI hugged her, "Jun Jun, I'm afraid that our children's classmates will call me grandfather in the future."

Jiang Jun didn't take his words, put his arms around his neck and leaned against his arms.

They didn't do it for a week. Yuan Shuai was a little out of control, which made her very painful. Biting his shoulder, J Jiang Jun gasped and said, "don't make it. I'm all over my body. It's ugly!"

He ruthlessly throughout her, "make, you are my, you are my!" She complained in a low voice. Yuan Shuai pulled out and bit the tip of her breast, staring at her faintly She raised her hips and rubbed his desire, she wanted, she wanted him.

She kept shaking her body, holding his genitalia and sliding up and down, "here, come on!"

He ignored her and put his finger in her privacy. "Say, you're mine!" He scratched her playfulness. "Say it, I'll give it to you."

"You are mine She cried and laughed, "are you mine He retaliated by pulling her finger at her most sensitive area, "little one, kill you!" The desire to control everything surged out of her lower body. "I'm yours, I'm yours, please."

He thrust fiercely into her, pounding as if to tear her apart. She exclaimed, and he was more and more furious, and kept sprinting. The constant convulsions made her scream and cry, and he made a soothing voice, resisting the collision to heaven.

"Wait for me in the evening, let's go shopping!" Yuan Shuai's refreshed Jiang Jun put the concealer on his neck. "How ugly it is!"

Jiang junbai looked at him and said, "you'll be angry with me!"

"What time do you get off work in the evening?"

"Go in the afternoon, so as not to meet acquaintances!"

He bit her ear unsatisfied and said, "you really treat me as a adulterer."

"Juno's got flowers for you, the same way?" The secretary came in with a bunch of white roses and said, "look for a vase for me, beautiful one!" She looked at the two letters on the card, laughing out of breath. Yuan Shuai is a cow in her family.

Sally pointed to the rose on her desk and waved her hand exaggeratedly. "It's true. They said I didn't believe it. Oh, my God, you've got flowers? Isn't it? Someone else is sending you flowers? Who is so capable? "

Jiang junpa closed the folder "do you think I am Les?"

"No, it's just cold feeling, ha ha!" She said "who in the end is it, let our majesty move the heart of the queen!"

"Secret!" She fiddled with the delicate rose, smiling like a flower.

the new employees recruited by IBD this time are all elites from domestic banks with strong business ability. Yin Zhe and Jhon are among the best. They quickly adapt to the high-intensity work rhythm and stand out from the crowd.

"I've read your plan and it's not bad. I have indicated the parts that need to be modified. Keep trying Jiang Jun pushes the folder to Yin Zhe and Jhon. "Next, you will concentrate on cooperating with Sally in the case of SLK company, hoping to hear good news!"Jhon said, "we will try our best."

Yin zhe said, "no problem, it can be done."

Jiang Jun smiles and says nothing! "She thought," what's the case of SLK? "Du glared at Jiang Jun." what do they eat? What are you doing again? Gathering flowers every day, busy dating? " He put his hands on his desk and glared at her. "Juno, how about your private life? I won't interfere, but please don't affect your work!"

She looked at Du coldly. "First, you don't have the right to interfere in my private life. Second, what caused these news to be disclosed. Third, you are out of control. Don't pour dirty water on irrelevant people."

"Good!" He threw a dozen documents in front of her. "You see, you think you'll be ok if you don't complain about Sally? Nearly 500K loss. I told you to keep an eye on them. What are you doing? Ah

Anyhow, I'm just looking at the file. Those people deliberately set a trap on Sally behind their backs. It's strange to hide them! " She thought about it and laughed, "you gave jnon to Jay as a partner, and asked me to give SLK project to them. Isn't that just waiting for this day? Three with one arrow. What can you be angry about? "

"You Forget it, do as you want, but SLK still needs someone to do it. You can't keep Sally. Jhon, you can find a way to handle it more! "

"I see, I'm out!"

"Juno, I'm sorry."

"I'm not the one you're sorry for," she said with a wry smile

Sally handed all the information to her, choked and said, "I'm sorry Juno, I've caused you so much trouble. I really want to go to Beijing with you. Am I bad?"

Jiang Jun is speechless. She just gives the girl who has worked with her for more than three years a hug between friends. Although she tries her best to retrieve the confidential information of SLK company, it still causes losses to the company. As the direct person in charge of case, Sally is pushed to the wind. She wants to protect this lovely girl. After all, this matter is for DU and her, but there is no way, Sally She must be held responsible for her negligence.

She gave Sally an envelope to take her away.

"Let Jhon and Jay come to my office in half an hour!" Jiang Jun handed over his secretary and sat stiffly smoking one by one.

They can't move Du, they can't move her. What about the others? The first is Sally. Who's next? Who's next?

The phone rings. She put in "girl!"

It was yuan Shuai's bitterness that gave birth to "brother Yuanyuan!" She sobbed and collapsed on the seat, half strength.

"Who bullied my Lord, I destroyed him!" Yuan Shuai said in a vicious voice that "..."

"MIS Jiang Jay and Jhon are here!" The secretary informed her "let them in!" She hung up the phone with a chill in her eyes.

You have to fight to death, right? Well, she will be with you.

Yin Zhe's choice

"the acquisition project of SLK company was done by you with Sally. Now there is something wrong with this case and Sally has left!" Jiang Jun stopped and looked at them. No one spoke. Even the heart beat seemed to stop.

"You are excellent. But I'm sorry, I hope to see your resignation reports within this month! "

"What do you want me to do?" Yin zhe quietly looked at her "find evidence that Jhon framed Sally and leaked secrets?"

"Wait!" Jiang Jun calmly drank a cup of tea and said, "wait patiently, wait for Jhon to make a move. He doesn't have so much ability. What I'm interested in is the people behind him!"

"Are you sure he would do that?" "Yes, he wants to stay in MH and I insist on fire to kill him, so I have to ask the master for help. Sally asked you to make several plans for the acquisition of Rongda technology. We will give him as a gift. "

"Yes, I'll find a chance for him to get it!"

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