Love is Sweet

Chapter 23


yuan Shuai was scurrying along the empty corridor of the hospital. He pushed the door of the ward with light movements. Someone stood up from the sofa in the coat room of the ward to meet him. They looked at each other, and the fire burst out in the intersection of their eyes.

When Jiang Jun wakes up again, she finds herself on the plane. She tries to sit up, but finds that she is firmly bound to the hospital bed. "Yuan Shuai!" she whispered in the dark

"Awake?" A big hand was put on her face, which made her shiver. She turned her head to see yuan Shuai, who was hiding in the dark without even turning on a night light "Go home!" she asked bewildered He freed her from the hospital bed, held her in his arms and wrapped them in a blanket. "Let's go home!" He leaned against her hair and said, "where's the special plane?" She pulled his ear. "Traitor, you tell my grandfather to pull?"

"No!" He was forced to bow his head and look dim, "you don't know!"

"What's the matter with you?" She touched his hand. "How cold it is

"Are you cold?" He hugged her. "Why do I feel so cold?"

"Cold?" She went to touch his forehead and was held by him. "King, hold me. As long as you hold me, everything will be fine." He was childish and buried in her neck socket

Who's sick, she thought with amusement. Hold him tight.

When she arrived at Xiyuan airport, she got on the ambulance waiting for a long time, accompanied by the doctor of health care office. Yuan Shuai didn't follow. He had been worried for three hours. He got off the plane and told a good doctor. She left in a hurry without saying a word to her.

She was carried around by the doctors and nurses in a daze, drawing blood and scanning.

In the haze, someone gently wiped her lips with cotton balls. She pursed her mouth and said in a hoarse voice, "you know, look at me!"

Yuan Shuai pecked her lips with a smile? We will serve you for the next week

"Don't go back on your word!" She rolled her eyes half full and leaned against "yes!" He patted her to sleep.

Her phone kept shaking in his pocket. When he came out of the ward, Du called him. He thought about pressing the button to connect him. He changed his voice and talked to Du. He told Du Jiangjun that his family had taken him back to Beijing for cultivation. The doctor suggested that he should be hospitalized for observation for two weeks. He was not bothered to answer Du's detailed inquiry about his condition: "are you?" Du asked, "her brother!" He said, "thank you for your concern. We will take care of Jiang Jun!" He hung up the phone and went to the doctor's office. When he returned to the ward, the phone began to vibrate again. He looked at Jiang Jun who was sleeping soundly. He put his finger into his pocket and hung up his kiss on her face. He carefully pinned her hair behind his ear. The phone began to vibrate again. He was a little agitated and walked out of the room. It was shown on the screen[ JAY.YIN ]"She knows what you did!" In the flash of passing, Yin zhe asked him "fuck!" The phone hit the wall, bounced back, and fell to the ground in pieces.


"I said, I don't want to spend all day at home!" Jiang Jun helplessly looked at Yuan Shuai, he Teng stood up, "can you think for me?"

"What do you want?" Jiang Jun patience good voice asked him the tone and expression of the same tough "you immediately quit home, a good rest for a period of time, the rest of the wait for a good talk!"

"I'm too lazy to tell you!" The prompt sound of the new mail rings, Jiang Jun no longer pays attention to him, goes into the study, deals with the matter on the work.

He followed in and slammed on her computer. "It's no use talking to you, is it?"

"Don't go too far. We agreed at the beginning." She glared at him angrily. "It's not the same now. You're not in good health."

"The doctors say it's OK, and I'll pay attention to it later!"

"Can't you listen to me?" He sighed, "reasonable, I'll listen to But don't make me do what I don't want to do! "

"What do you want to do, tired like grandson every day? You're happy to get sick, aren't you

"I'd love to!" She was completely infuriated by his sarcastic tone, "Mr. Zhong, I'm for you!"

"No need!" She choked her neck. "You're my mother's wife!"

"Wife?" She looked at Yuan Shuai with a cold eye

"You Asshole

The huge sound of closing the door made her feel distracted and groped around for cigarettes. Just after lighting, her mobile phone rang and looked at the display above[ JAY.YIN ]She fidgeted through "what's up?"

"Jiang Jun, I have arrived in Beijing. Is it convenient for Fang to come to see you?"


"Ust case needs to communicate with you!"

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