Love is Sweet

Chapter 33

It's boarding time. She takes him to customs.

"Don't you want du to know you're here to meet me in Beijing?" he asked

He lowered his head. "Du doesn't want you to know about these things. He wants to settle for himself, i. I can't do anything. I have no qualification to protect you. I can only wait and watch. Jiang Jun, I just want to see you. I want to help you and do something for you. "

"Thank you, you have done a lot, and you have to trust Du, after all, he is your brother!" She patted him on the shoulder. "Go in and keep your place in MH is the most important thing for you right now."

He walked in without a word, and she turned away.

On the way back, Jiang Jun didn't dare to drive too fast. She didn't worry about MH. The so-called evidence was nothing more than the letter of recommendation she wrote to her. She carefully recalled the contents of the letter and had the bottom of her heart. At the beginning, she really wanted to go to GT. It was her business that she wanted to resign. She was determined to leave. No one could stay. But now she doesn't want to leave. She wants to knock her down and kick her out? Dream. She believes the situation will soon be on her side. The key is who gave the letter to MH's people. Never Sally. Who would it be? It must be the people around yuan Shuai who can make such a big fuss. Who will it be? What is the purpose?

She decided to go back and have a good discussion with Yuan Shuai. This guy's brain is better than her, especially in this kind of heresy.

Just halfway through the car, the phone rings, and she connects to the hands-free Bluetooth in the car.

"What's the matter? You've lost all my calls! " Du's voice said, "I'm going to ask you that. Why don't you tell me?"

"I've confiscated all your phone calls, and I'm so well informed!" "Don't worry, it's going to be OK!" he sighed wearily

"I know, you're Superman," she said


Du probably told the story. As she guessed, someone used the letter.

She communicated her ideas with Du and got his approval.

"Juno, I know I shouldn't ask, but what's your relationship with GT's Zeus? Why did you ask him to help? Do you really trust him? "

She was stunned and remembered Du's warning that she should be careful of Yuan Shuai. She pulled over to the side of the road and pondered over it or asked, "who gave the letter, do you know?"

"The letter in MH is the original, not the copy, you understand!" He said, "stay away from him. I don't know what his ultimate purpose is to give that letter to the gang, but Juno, you can't play with him!"

She was speechless. After a long pause, she said, "Du, Yuan Shuai is my love. We will get married soon, so he won't hurt me!"

She and Yuan Shuai have known each other for more than 20 years. She has been with him since she was sensible. She was the first to talk to him even when she first came to the tide. He bought her the first package of sanitary napkins and gave her an English Health textbook with colorful pictures. The blank pages were filled with his translation contents. He knew all the secret things about her. When she was most miserable and helpless, he ignored her harm to him, enlightened her, accompanied her and led her to a new world.

For her, Yuan Shuai has already become an indispensable part of life. He never doubted that he would not hurt her just as she would not hurt him. Even though they never said the word love to each other, it seemed that she was destined to be with him. Naturally, she was his rib, and he was the end of her life.

She believed him. Even if he did it, there must be his reason. If he insisted that she leave MH and go to GT, she would go. As long as he gave her reasons, she would believe whatever it was. No matter what he wants to do, she will help him achieve it.

True or false

when Jiang Jun returned home, Yuan Shuai had not come back. She remembered that last night he seemed to have said that he would hold a conference call with his colleagues in the US headquarters today. It seems that she can't get an answer today. She thinks that she has to go to the study to play games to distract her energy. She is a very old game, and she studies finance as a stepping stone. When she first came to the United States, she studied applied mathematics. She was ready to enter the research room or become a teacher after graduation. When Yuan Shuai came to see her once, she played this game. She lost in a mess and became angry. She just stayed up all night to read the relevant knowledge. So she became interested in finance and went to read the MBA of our school regardless of the tutor's advice 。 During the summer vacation, in response to Yuan Shuai's call, she joined GT as an intern and started her so-called banker's career. While capitalism has become a necessary software for her to install in her computer, she can play it once when she is upset and depressed, which is an excellent pastime.

"Why?" It's nearly 12 o'clock, and Yuan Shuai called to check on his work.

She tossed out a stock and looked at the rapidly rising figures in the fund column and said lazily, "playing games!"

"Capitalism again?"


"Village girl, how many years has it been?" He said with a smile, "I've got the latest version. In the drawer, look for it!""No sooner!" She cradled her neck, held the phone, opened a drawer and said, "are you done?"

"Not yet. It started at half past nine. It's early. Slip out to call you, you sleep first, don't wait for me Did you find it? Put it with the XP disk! "

"Pull it down. There are XP disks in every drawer. Do you want to pour CDs..." She was suddenly stunned. She took out the envelope with MH logo from the scattered objects and opened it carefully with the hand signed Junio. Jiang is particularly conspicuous at the bottom of the straight printed letters. She takes a deep breath and says, "why is my recommendation to Sally here?"

He seemed to be stunned, "nonsense, the first time your eldest lady wrote to me so solemnly, I didn't want to hide it like treasure. If you don't say it, you can look for it. It's in the drawer of the study. I went to a meeting."

Jiang Jun was completely stupid. She looked at the letter, the original was in Yuan Shuai's place. What happened to MH's letter? She thought for a long time and didn't get the point. She just understood that it had nothing to do with her round brother. She was in a good mood. She changed a skirt and turned into a light. She called du to tell him that the letter was fake. She held the original to the chandelier He said, "if you don't see the watermarks clearly, I dare to do sports in full swing. I won't let go of any of them this time!"

Yuan Shuai is absent-minded looking at the boss in the video. He knows that Jiang Jun already knows that someone in MH takes her recommendation letter as an article, and someone must have told her about the original. She does not know if she doubts him. He has long thought that there will be such a day, so he is well prepared. In MH's letter, it is a color printed copy after scanning, and he puts it with some other irrelevant articles The letter was sent to the Secretary's office to be destroyed. As he wished, the letter was quickly handed over to MH by the person who had the intention. Everything was the same as the original, but there was a problem with the anti-counterfeiting watermark. But how could those people who were eager to get rid of Jiang Jun and Du pay attention to this small difference? He didn't want to hurt Jiang Jun, but he really didn't want her to stay with MH and Du. He knew that it was a dangerous move, but he had spent so many years with her and had no progress. At that time, there was a lot of crisis. He had no choice but to force Jiang Jun to leave MH. At least Du was suspicious of her. Now it seems that this method is useless. Du will tell her the details only when she is completely relieved. He has figured it out. It doesn't matter if Jiang Jun doesn't want to leave MH. She can do whatever she wants, as long as she is by his side.

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