Love is Sweet

Chapter 35

"No, I have to stay in Beijing, Du, please believe me, I will deal with it!"

"How to deal with it? Unless GT gives up IBD, I can give up FID. After all, this business is not our strong point. In the short term, it is good to focus on Hong Kong and Taiwan markets. The mainland can not move first, but what about him? Can he give up IBD? Before that, we lost several domestic cases in a row. They robbed them to do them. If they tasted the sweetness, he might let go? " He looked at her and said, "I'm not trying to stir up a relationship between you. I just don't want you to be hurt."

"Du, if he does it, I'll rob him. Everything is the same as in Hong Kong. If this incident affects our feelings, I'll accept it, whether it's a breakup or a feud, but to be honest, I don't think this will happen!"

"That's how you believe him?" He said, "yes!"

"Will you betray me for his sake?"

She looked at him in surprise and said, "Du, I always thought that if you would be the best general during the war, and I am your sword, I admire you and am willing to work for you. No one can replace you in this respect."

"Don't tell me such flashy things, I just want to hear you tell the truth!" He put his hands on her shoulder, and his momentum was "yes or no!"

She seemed to understand something, slowly and firmly said, "as a boss, what do you want to do, even if it is to swallow GT, I will help you, as a friend, if you hurt the people I love, I will certainly not let you go!"

Du has never been so angry. He tightens his arms and draws closer to her. He stares at her eyes. Jiang Jun looks back at him fearlessly. The two of them stood still until someone separated them.

"Hey Du, long time no see!" Yuan Shuai hugged Jiang Jun in his arms and said hello to him with a smile.


Du calmed down in the face of Yuan Shuai. He stood up and said with a smile: "yes, I haven't dealt with you for a long time!"

Without waiting for yuan Shuai to respond, he said to Jiang Jun as easily as if nothing had happened just now: "tell me when you have enough rest. If you are lazy, it's me who lies in the hospital!"

Jiang Jun nodded uneasily, "I'll go to the office tomorrow and talk to you!"

"I'll go first!"

"I'll see you off!" Yuan Shuai got up. He looked at Yuan Shuai. His jaw was tiny and he walked out of the door quickly.

Jiang Jun beat yuan Shuai's Fist: "don't bully him!"

"Dare I, my wife's idol!" He comforted, "I'll go and help you with the discharge procedures. You can go to sleep again. After this toss, we will not enter this place in the future."

When he went out of the door, Du leaned against the corridor outside the ward. He did not know what he was thinking. Du looked up at him, and there was no wave in his eyes Du said, "OK!"

They walked side by side to the hospital garden. In the midsummer, Du fiddled with the unknown little white flowers around him and said, "Juno will not leave MH!"

"I know, she wants to be in MH, just be in MH!"

"I don't care what you want!" Du stares at him, "I will give up the domestic non-performing assets disposal, let her go, she is different from us!"

Yuan Shuai met his eyes. "Then you fire her, I promise I won't do any business within the scope of IBD in the next two years."

"No IBD? So what are you doing with all that effort? "

"Marry her as a wife!" Yuan Shuai's self mocking smile: "I spent so much effort on this purpose, so you can rest assured that I have no interest in the site you are in. Everything is the same as before. Our well water does not offend the river water!"

"If you have the ability to rob me, I'll do the same, even if she gets married!" Du continued to say, despite the fire in Yuan Shuai's eyes: "I admit, Juno is infatuated with you now. You are younger and more handsome than me, but I will not give up."

Yuan Shuai clenched his fist and constantly reminded himself to be calm. He said coldly, "infatuated? How long have you known her? How much do you know her

"In five years, we spend more than 12 hours together on average every day. Five years is long enough to know someone!"

"Is it? I have known her for more than 20 years. She is 5, 10, 15 and 25 years old. How many 5 years have she been fighting with me

"What?" Du gasped and looked at him incredulously. Word by word, slowly and indestructibly, Du said, "I watched her grow up. I participated in every stage of her life. You only have five years. You know Juno instead of her. You will not give her happiness, nor can you give her happiness. Only I know what she wants, and only I can give her what she wants

"You can? If you can, then why would she be with Jay, that is Yin Zhe, and why would you let her come to MH? " Du sneered, "you say that I can understand, not infatuation, she is a habit to you!"

"Fart!" Yuan Shuai felt a heat rush to his head, but without thinking about it, he waved his fist. Du didn't take it, but his lips swelled up immediately. He even more disdained provocation and said, "yes, right? That's what you think in your heartYuan Shuai's fist hit the pine tree beside Du, and the pine needles fell like rain. He suppressed his anger and squeezed a few words out of his teeth: "do you want to irritate me? I won't give you a chance! "

Du looked at his bloody hand and wiped the foam from his mouth: "I wrote down your fist!"

Jiang Jun changed his clothes and was lying on the bed watching TV. Seeing yuan Shuai come in, he immediately jumped up and hugged him: "where have you been? For so long, I thought you had been abducted by the abnormal nurse!"

He reluctantly smiles: "I do the procedures myself, too troublesome!"

"What's the matter?" She noticed something wrong and tried to pull his hand, but she was surprised to feel the bandage, "what's wrong with your hand?"

"It's OK. I hit it!"

She just pulled it, carefully held his right hand and looked at it carefully? Who are you lying to? "

"It doesn't matter. It's just that the middle finger joint is a bit dislocated!" His pain straight back, Jiang Jun narrowed his eyes, "you fight?"

"Yes, I broke my hand!" He sat on the bed in a bad mood.

"How dare he beat you? Is it with a stick? I call the police She picked up one side of the phone to dial, was stopped by Yuan Shuai, "why don't you say I hit him with a fracture?"

"Nonsense, if you hit him with a fracture, then Du won't die? There's been a lot of trouble outside. Besides, Du used to be a boxing club in college! "

He laughed bitterly. "OK, OK, it's not his job. Go home. I'm disabled now. I'll be in plaster for at least three weeks. You have to give me a bath

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