Love is Sweet

Chapter 52

Alliance Jiang Jun had been sleeping very well. Yuan Shuai's arrival reassured her. Until she was awakened by the mobile phone ring, she found that Yuan Shuai did not know where to go. She called several times without responding. The phone still kept singing. Jiang Jun looked at the number, frowned and pressed the answer button. There was no light in the room. Even the air was dark. She listened to the phone quietly and slowly closed her eyes.

Du raised the corner of his mouth, half smiling: "you shouldn't have let him go!"

"Yes Yuan Shuai took a sip of coffee, and his voice was tired: "but it's just a low-grade character who secretly takes photos. It can't be a big deal!"

"I admire you so much for a woman

"Each other, but it's a pity that you value her more as a partner."

"I won't let her go!"

"It doesn't matter. She'll be happy."

"Of course, you are welcome to continue to play some tricks. It's so quiet that I can't stand it!"

"How can I? My wife will be tired at that time!"

"Has she always been like this?" Du asks "what?"

"Do you think a person has unreserved love?"

Yuan Shuai's expression softened a lot. "Yes, she has always been like this, never changed!"

"You are lucky!"

"You're lucky that there won't be any more people like her who are so wild and try to help you. She trusts you very much."

"Trust me!" Du bowed his head and wryly laughed, "yes, she trusts me, just trusts!" Fierce raised his head hate said: "don't give me a chance, if you let her sad, I will not hesitate."

"Don't give me a chance to change her job. I'm not the boss who can tolerate people knocking on the table and slamming the door in front of me!"

"Yes, only I can stand her, and I feel smug that I have made a good partner!"

"Du, this is not very good. What you want is Juno, the partner who can fight with you side by side, and what I love is Jiang Jun, a woman who only belongs to me!"

"Are you comforting the losers? It's still uncertain who will win or lose!" Du seemed to think of something and asked, "did you talk to Jay about the past?"


"Jay once told me everything you had done when he was drunk. He wanted to tell Juno that I had warned him not to talk nonsense about things without evidence..." Du laughs treacherously. "A few days ago, I received a report that he recently bought a new type of mobile phone, which can be used for conference call. The effect of hands-free radio recording is excellent I thought it was for me. He didn't move all the time. I'm surprised You won't admit everything... "

When Yuan Shuai arrived home, Jiang Jun had already left. Her baby pig, her passport and her notebook were all gone, and most of the clothes he used were missing. He sat on the bed and touched her pillow. She was slightly wet. Last night, she was still lying here, groaning in his arms. The room was full of spring light, but in a twinkling of an eye, everything was gone.

He loves her, the fear of love, the love of unscrupulous means, but forget that she hates cheating most. Sure enough, he can't live by his own iniquity!

After Yuan Shuai left in a hurry, Du put away his smile. The phone had been shaking in his pocket. At this time, there was only one person who dared to call and harass him. His Juno, "look for me?"

"Let Yin zhe get out of here. It's better never to appear in front of me. Immediately, immediately!"


"Because I don't like him, I'll leave when he's here!"

"You know? That's a good phone

"Du, don't tell me you're part of it!"

"No, at best, I'm informed and told later. I'm very kind not to help the tyrant to deal with the enemy in love."

"You go with me!"

"Why aren't you angry?"

"Angry, you two bastards join hands to bully me!"

"Can you distinguish between the primary and secondary, normal women should now be heartbroken, sad pain unbearable, even have the strength to curse?"

"What's the pain? What do you say about yuan Shuai? Why? There is a person so thoughtful to me, moved all too late, still painful, I cried bitterly, how did not know earlier. I knew I wouldn't have wasted so many years. "

"Do you think that if you don't have him, you won't have you now. Anyway, sooner or later, it's better to have pain sooner or later."

"Isn't it?"

"Yes, but he doesn't think so!"

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