Recently, the battle between high-level factions of the company has become increasingly fierce. IBD, as the traditional pillar of the company, is the focus of fierce battle. The arrival of several airborne soldiers has made her smell a little bloody.

Du appears indifferent to this arrangement, but she knows that the man is waiting for the opportunity.

The same fierce, the same tough, the same cold-blooded.

"So what are those guys doing lately?"

"To be a dog cub team, to inquire around, HR said that even the new secretary's information has been transferred out!"

"Rats!" He sneered scornfully, "are they in your way?"

"Is that the question?" She frowned. "It's really impossible. We Juno have no weaknesses. Nothing can't be done as long as you want to, isn't it?"

"You praise me really make me uncomfortable, don't worry, that little action is not painful!"

"What happened to the mice that helped them?"

"Cold palace, exile, life is worse than death. It is estimated that many people have resigned recently!" She took a bite of the golden crispy rice crust and crunched, "I heard that your assistant is going to be transferred to HR?"

"Yes, is there a problem?"

"No wonder Linda died in your hands, so many years of Daoism, tut Tut, was played by a little girl!"

She put down the cutlery, held her chin, blinked her eyes, innocent like a child, "I remember she was abandoned by you yourself!"

"If you had not set up such a big set, she would not have fallen into such a field!"

"She forced her to leave MH, but you let her leave the investment banking circle!" She was a little excited.

He leaned over to her, grabbed her head and forced her to look him in the face. The eyes are extremely fierce, like a hungry wolf.

"She has been with me for six years, but I still let her go. Do you know why?" The heat from his mouth swept her lips, and she began to shiver and her hands and feet were cold.

"Do you like Huaiyang dishes?"

He suddenly let go of her as if nothing had happened.

She lowered her eyes and her eyelashes trembled slightly.

She almost forgot what a dangerous man he was.

Du of MH IBD and Zeus of GT FID are cruel roles of meeting God and killing Buddha. People in the industry evaluate him and Yuan Shuai.

If we say that Yuan Shuai is an eagle in the sky, he roams the blue sky and overlooks the hills. Once he finds his prey, he pours down and is as fast as lightning.

He then the tiger on the ground, quietly following the target, waiting for the prey to relax, a fatal blow.

"Tell me about you!" He had the dishes removed and a pot of Biluochun was made.

"What can I do for you? A little potato

He laughed, got up and brought her a box. She looked at it and knew it was a limited number of top cigars.

She would be crazy about cigars. He gave him a cut cigar. She took it in her mouth and looked for a lighter. He pulled the cigar out of her mouth and lit a match She was embarrassed to see him holding the smoked cigar in his mouth and striking a match to continue to light it. It turned out that lighting a cigar was so troublesome that she once pulled out the same pine long diameter match from Yuan Shuai's pocket, which was probably used by him to light this thing. It's a pity that she used it to light incense in the bathroom She was thinking wildly, the burning cigar was put into her mouth, she subconsciously took a puff, he immediately pulled out the cigar, she did not understand what happened, then tears splashed, coughing.

He handed her a handkerchief and smoked it leisurely beside her. When she was better, he demonstrated the correct smoking method with a very exaggerated action. She looked at it stupidly until the cigar came back to her innermost part again. She took a puff of smoke like him and put the smoke in her mouth, which made her feel shocked and dizzy. The cigar was taken away by him again, and he gave her a box of matches. He told her that she knew from the beginning that she would not let him down. The feeling of waiting for her to break out of the cocoon was very similar to that when he lit a cigar once and again

He is really a very strange man, a little bit of temptation to her, until she can not stop addiction. Be a true hermit.

She was inexplicably agitated. She got up and went to the window and looked down at the flowing car river. "Why don't you have a boyfriend?" He poured her a cup of tea. "It's none of your business!"

"Are you Les?" He lowered his head in her ear side gently asked, lips rub her ear lobe from time to time, "yes! So what She panicked to turn around and run away. He chuckled and suddenly pressed her on the glass. The smell of tobacco and sandalwood suddenly surrounded her. His nose held against her. His eyelashes brushed her eyes. She saw the flame beating in his eyes. She struggled. He locked her tightly with his body. He breathed quickly, and the constant emission of gas made her dizzy.

"Then you must be p!" His hoarse voice came from her lips, "why, why not t?" She subconsciously opened her mouth, his hot and humid tongue ran into her mouth, without hesitation. She stroked every corner of her mouth with a tyrannical touch. Her consciousness seemed to fly out of her body. He pulled out his shirt from her skirt, and walked with his flaming fingers on her skin. The tip of his tongue swept her gums, "goblin, give me your tongue!" He pushed up her bra, hot palms on her chest, she trembled out of her tongue, was one of his mouth, with his fierce kiss her, the tip of the tongue again and again into her mouth, hands vigorously rub her breast, from time to time pull the top of the protuberance, she fell into a demon like depravity, tongue and body with his crazy entanglement, he rudely pulled up her skirt I can't help but touch her thigh.The phone rang suddenly, and she pushed him away, stumbling and stumbling, "are you still working overtime?" Yuan Shuai's clear voice brought her back to reason.


"Come back early, I'll wait for you!"

She hung up the phone, grabbed her purse and ran out. He grabbed her and dragged her back into his arms.

"Let me go!" She did not look at him, struggling desperately, "just for a moment, really, I don't move you, just for a moment!" He put his arm around her and rubbed her into his body.

"What do you think of me? Another Linda? " She choked and pressed against his chest. "Don't think about it. You are you." He let go of her, gently helped her with her clothes and sent her home.

When the car stopped at the door of the apartment, she got off the car without hesitation. He chased out, "listen to me, I'm divorced, and there's no one else, just you. Give me a chance, just one! " He took her hand begging. She couldn't turn her eyes on him. His shirt was jammed in his pants, and the platinum Cufflinks were pulled by her. He shouldn't be like this. How could he be so embarrassed. She remembers his slightly raised eyes, light canthus, high nose, tight lips, three points handsome, seven points resolute, his pure hand-made suit is always straight, his eyes are always firm and sharp. He is a God. How can God have such a worried expression?

She reached out her hand and stroked his face to make sure that the man in front of her was the Du she knew. His hand was over her, and his cheek was caressing her hand intimately.

She looked over his shoulder, behind him. Yuan Shuai stood on the steps of the apartment, facing the light, not knowing whether he was looking at them or staring at the night.

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