Sun Huixi heard that He Yu was the secretary of the chief minister and that he would go to Huangnihe Commune with the chief minister tomorrow. This made him angry to death.

He felt that his end was coming!

In a fit of anger, he becomes bedridden!

No matter how much his colleagues tried to persuade him, he still couldn't listen!

His wife comforted and persuaded him on the surface, but in fact, she was secretly happy!

I wish he could lie in bed and never get up!

Don’t worry, you’ll only be cursing in one day!

She was thinking; 'Now, Chief He will be able to get ahead!

You made Chief He's family miserable!

He was kept in isolation and examined for several months. When his daughter-in-law gave birth to a baby, he was not allowed to go out and take a look at it!

The chief stockman's wife was sick, but he had no conscience and transferred their family to Shibalianshan!

Now you are afraid!

Your days of arrogance are over!

Your good days are coming to an end!

If you have the ability, why don't you pretend to be sick, get up and continue to fight with the heck?

Evil will be rewarded with evil, good will be rewarded with good!

From now on, Chief He will be the chief’s favorite!

Do you still want to punish him?

Go ahead and dream!

He will definitely not spare you!

It would be strange if Chief He didn't take this opportunity to retaliate and punish you!

Everyone is waiting to see your show!

When you step down, will you still be rampant?

You still want to treat me like you did before!

I am sick and cannot have children, so I still don’t have a baby!

She doesn’t want to leave me, but she often goes behind my back and secretly hangs out with a girl from the literary and art propaganda team at night!

When someone told me, it made my heart hurt like a knife!

If I had known today, I shouldn't have married you in the first place!

I will suffer the consequences with you!

Chief Wakaga really wants to take you down! I don't know how to thank Chief He for venting his anger on me


I won’t be angry with you anymore!

I don't know how to thank Chief He?

My life will be much better!

Until then!

I will try my best to get rid of you and find a fertile man again. In this way, I will have descendants!’


When He Yu returned to No. 5 Middle School, some teachers felt very strange when they saw him walking arrogantly with a briefcase under his arm!

Everyone was pointing and talking;

‘Aren't he and Teacher Zhao going to be transferred to Shibalianshan?

Why are you so happy walking back with a briefcase under your arm?’

‘yes! How strange!

Not only did he come back with a briefcase under his arm? Still looking majestic and high-spirited’

‘You are so rare and strange!

Haven't you heard that he was transferred to be the chief secretary?

Moreover, the chief also sent someone to ask Principal Yin to reduce Teacher Zhao’s teaching burden.’

‘I see!

It’s so rare to be the chief’s secretary!

I won’t be angry with Sun Huixi anymore!

Maybe Sun Huixi will become his loser!’

‘do not talk!

Chief He and Teacher Zhao have endured so much suffering and torture that they are almost like Monk Tang. After ninety-nine and eighty-one hardships, I obtained the true scripture.

He can now live a decent life for a few days’

‘You are so right, only after surviving the tribulations will you be blessed with future blessings!

If the two of them are really allowed to go to Shibalianshan,

Teacher Zhao is weak and sick, and if it is unlucky, he will die there.’

‘I feel the same way as you. Teacher Zhao married Section Chief He and followed him through countless hardships and hardships.

I finally got through it today!’

‘I wonder who, with such a good conscience, recommended Chief He to the chief to be his secretary?

This is a great thing in the world.

This kind of person will definitely live a long life!’

‘I know that it was 100% recommended by Director Zhang from the government office.

It was Chief He who was not afraid of floods, had the spirit of sacrificing himself to save others, and took risks to rescue Director Zhang from the flood.

Director Zhang is a good person who knows how to repay kindness!

If Director Zhang had not come forward, he would not have become the secretary of the chief.

This is called a kind of fate!’


It's true: he is bedridden in anger, and even his wife is not angry.

It's so boring for such a man to live, he might as well disappear from the world as soon as possible.

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