Li Zhenhe heard a male teacher say,"I am a teacher in No. 5 Middle School. There are more than 20 students living in the class I teach. I have to get hot water from the boiler every day.

It is a big issue related to the safety of the students." , how can you say it has nothing to do with me?

If something really goes wrong, Principal Li can guarantee that the parents of the students will not come to you, but to you!

Are you responsible?

Does it have nothing to do with me?

If so, I can just say nothing. In this way, I, the class teacher, have nothing to do and am much more relaxed!

I can rest assured that there is no need for me to come here and talk too much!"

When Li Zhenhe heard this, he originally wanted to get angry.

But looking at the faces of the teachers around me, I suppressed my anger.

He was thinking,"Who are you?"

How dare you challenge me in front of everyone?

When I get the chance, I'll find an excuse not to beat you to death.

I will trample you under my feet, punish you severely, and make you cry for your father and mother.

You have to beg me for mercy. '

He Yu originally wanted to refute Li Zhenhe's bad words. But after hearing the teacher's sonorous and forceful rebuttal, I held back my anger.

He thought; 'Normally, I am only generally nice to this teacher.

During the teaching and research group activities, I only praised and encouraged his teaching work and achievements.

But at the critical moment, he ignored Li Zhenhe's power, dared to stand up for justice, and openly challenged Li Zhenhe!

It's not easy. , indeed rare!

Some teachers nearby felt strange when they heard what Li Zhenhe said, and they all whispered:"How could a high-ranking principal of No. 5 Middle School say such low-level words?"

When a danger occurs when the boiler is in use, the person in charge of the boiler is not responsible, but the two female teachers who went to Chengdu to perform the handover surgery are responsible.’


Not to mention us, even the students will laugh after hearing it!

It was obvious that he had objections to Teacher Zhao's business trip to Chengdu, but something went wrong.

When problems arise during the use and operation of the boiler, the person who manages the boiler is not held accountable, but the person who went to Chengdu for the handover operation is held accountable. It is really ridiculous!’

‘I am hiding here to say something unpleasant,

I wonder who it is?

To send such a low-level person as the principal of No. 5 Middle School?

Stop being embarrassed!’

‘do not talk! He has a backing, otherwise how could he promote such an ignorant person to be the principal of a middle school?"

"Don't call him ignorant!

He used his brains and tried every means to retaliate against Teacher Zhao.

Teacher Zhao personally called Deputy Director Li and made a fool of himself, so he made an excuse and said that the boiler was an operation performed by Teacher Zhao and the accountant. , if something goes wrong, he has the right to hold Teacher Zhao accountable.’

‘At first glance, what you say makes sense, but to people who know a little bit about boilers, they find it ridiculous!

If there is a problem with the boiler, the responsibility of the person who manages and uses the boiler will not be held accountable, but the responsibility of the person who went to the factory to handle the handover operation will be held accountable.

Teacher Zhao and the accountant have already received the inspection certificate.

Why should they both be held responsible?

How ridiculous!’

‘Stop talking!

Just let everyone know who he is.

If you let him hear it, he will be rude to you in the future.

Even for such an obvious thing, he will find a way to treat Teacher Zhao.

This shows what kind of person he is!

Be careful in the future.

They must have a strong background.

No matter how capable he is, he will still sit still in the position of principal. He

Yu listened to their discussions. He hurriedly stopped and said:"You are all people with a sense of justice. Thank you for your concern and support for Teacher Zhao, but it is enough.

If he is allowed to hear it, it will be detrimental to everyone.

He must have a backing. Those who hold the power of the school must be careful.

It is not good for him to find excuses to harass anyone!

Doing a good job in teaching seriously is a support for Teacher Zhao and me!"

When everyone heard what He Yu said, they all felt This teacher He is really a good person with a kind heart.

Even though I am no longer in the position of vice principal, I am still thinking about the teaching work in the school.

It’s true; if the road is uneven, everyone will tread on it, and if you speak unfairly, you must be condemned.

Everyone is talking and supporting, this is really rare!

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