He Yu told Weihua about Li Yuqin's death and Zhao Qianqian's ex-husband.

Weihua felt amazing. He asked He Yu:"What you said is really surprising, scary and shocking. Are they true, or are you just making them up?"

He Yu said,"What is my relationship with you?

How can I make it up to fool you?" You.

What I have told you is indeed magical. If I wanted to tell you all the thrilling experiences of Li Yuqin, Zhao Qianqian and me in detail, it would really take one thousand and one nights to finish. Not only will you be moved, And she will definitely shed tears"

"Oh yo yo! Depend on your literary level. You can write a novel.

When people see it, they will be deeply moved and amazed!"

"When I have time after retirement, I will definitely write a full-length novel.

Not only will it be read by many people, but it will also make people deeply moved after reading it, and they will definitely shed tears!"

"Then, I will wait for your novel to be published and Xiao Chen and I will read it carefully and savor it."Weihua said

"But first of all, if there is a wonderful story involving you and Xiao Chen, don’t get angry after reading it, and don’t smash the published novel on the ground."

"I don’t care if you write about your experiences, but if you really write about Xiao Chen and me. I will never forgive you! He Yu smiled and said,"Don't you want to think about the relationship between us?"

How do I go about scribbling?

You can only write about your glorious deeds. You are the best among my classmates!

All we can do is sing praises and praise.

Not only have you been promoted to a senior professional title, you have also entered the senior professional title review committee.

You are so beautiful. Brilliant."He Yu said


You are a great writer, you are really good at talking.

Go to sleep! Late at night."

Weihua and He Yu slept in the same room.

They fell asleep while talking.

The next morning,

He Yu and Weihua got up, washed up, and went to the auditorium where the meeting was held.

It was time to leave the meeting. In more than twenty minutes, nearly half of the fifty rows of seats were filled by attendees.

At the opening of the conference, not only the chairman and vice-chairman of the Provincial Mathematics Council and several mathematics experts were sitting on the stage.

And sitting in the middle was the chairman of the National Council of Mathematics, a well-known authority on mathematics.

Although he had attended several annual meetings in Qujing in the past, none were as spectacular as this one.

The next morning when the winning paper was announced, he was surprised. Among the five first-place winners, He Yu ranked second and Weihua ranked third.

They were also asked to prepare and read their papers on stage in the afternoon.

He Yu and Weihua walked to the stage together When receiving the thesis certificate,

He Yu was very excited and looked around as he walked.

He was thinking: 'It's really unexpected that Weihua and I won the first prize at the same time.

Five first prizes were won by Qujing District. Lost two.

What a sight!

I wonder what people on stage and off stage will think of it? When I get the certificate,

I will show it to Xiaoqian first and then show it to Li Zhenhe when I get the certificate, and then show it to Li Zhenhe when it comes time to evaluate the senior professional title.. Even though he is the principal, he can't compare with me.

There is no one in the fifth middle school who has my competitor!"

Walking up to the stage, He Yu and Weihua stood close together. When they received the certificate, He Yu When Yu saw the eyes of thousands of people in the audience looking at him, he was filled with admiration and excitement!

‘I never imagined that I would be in such a beautiful place today!

This is not an ordinary certificate, it is the result of all the hard work and hard work that I have put in over the years.

This is several times more valuable than an article published in a national newspaper.

It’s just a small step away from getting a senior professional title! '

It's true;

I never dreamed that my paper would win the first prize at the provincial level, and that I would be tied for first place with my love rival.

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