Because Zhao Qianqian has a firm attitude and is upright, she just doesn't listen to Li Zhenhe's coaxing.

She said to Li Zhenhe,"Don't play tricks on me like a monkey!

How can you accuse me of embezzling public funds for something I haven't done?

What kind of intentions do you have?

You have a vicious heart, a jackal." Zhixin, you have the same face as Sun Huixi, but you only want to harm others.

It is the weasel who wishes the chicken New Year greetings with uneasy intentions. I am not a three-year-old baby for you to tease and coax."

After hearing this, Li Zhenhe's lungs exploded with anger!

He said to Xiaoqian with a straight face:"Since you don't listen to my kind advice, don't blame me for being ruthless. I want to make your beautiful face shed tears!

If I don't make you and He Yu miserable, I will It’s not Li!"

"I'm just not afraid of you!

Let me see if you have any special skills or strange moves tonight. I want to see how you perform."

At night, Li Zhenhe really showed his wolfish face.

He called all the teachers together and announced that he would criticize Xiaoqian.

Everyone was surprised!

He Yu stood up and said, 'You have such great power! It's really lawless. The situation is lawless.

It’s not clear yet.

You actually called all the teachers together to hold a meeting to criticize Xiaoqian.

You also announced that Zhao Qianqian embezzled more than 10,000 yuan of school public funds.

Who gave you the right to do this?

You actually took out the Did you have a rebellious spirit back then and held criticism meetings at every turn?

Don’t get amnesia, but ask everyone what era this is.、"

"Yes, it’s the 1990s now, and it’s not the 1970s when you were the leader of the rebellion. You can criticize whoever you want!

Punish whoever you want."A young teacher said

"Can you ask the teachers sitting here, who will stand up and speak?

You can only justify it with your own assumptions. If you don’t believe it, ask everyone to raise their hands. How many of you are willing to criticize Teacher Zhao?"

"I make it clear that I will not make baseless remarks."A teacher said

"I also made it clear that I will never speak nonsense!"

"Like them, I also stated that I would not frame good people."

"I also take a stand….."


Suddenly, dozens of voices expressing their stance that they would not talk nonsense resounded throughout the entire venue.

Regardless of everyone's objections, Li Zhenhe threatened:"I am the president of a school. You are openly opposing me!

This is a big issue of right and wrong, and you dare to take a stand without speaking.

Are you going to join He Yu?

What a courage.!

How dare you go against me!

Don’t you want to be in this school?

Let me tell you, tonight, I will criticize her first. If she doesn’t confess honestly,

I will notify the police from the Public Security Bureau to arrest Zhao Qianqian into the detention center and torture her. Review.

He Yu must also cooperate well."

He Yu immediately stood up and said:"You are so bold and lawless! You don't obey your orders, but you want to kick these teachers out of the fifth middle school?

Don't you think about how much power you have ? , do you have more power than the Education Bureau?

Even your backstage boss doesn’t dare to do this.

You actually want to use the police to arrest people randomly.

Why don’t you weigh how much you weigh?

Maybe one day, it won’t be like this. The teacher was kicked out of the fifth middle school, but you are going to be kicked out of the fifth middle school.

It is not Teacher Zhao who is arrested by the police, but you!

The new accountants all say that because she has never done accounting work before, when Liu Yuanfang comes from Chongqing Come back and help Teacher Zhao and review it again.

Before the situation was clear, you held a criticism meeting and falsely accused Teacher Zhao of embezzling public funds.

Moreover, you did not hold a leadership team meeting and decided to hold a criticism meeting alone.

Don’t forget about it. Considering what are the consequences of your behavior that violates the policy?

It is a crime of frame-up!"

"Don't think that just because you are rated as a senior technician, you are great. How dare you boycott the criticism conference.

Say I framed her.

If you continue to be so arrogant, you and your wife will be kicked out of No. 5 Middle School, not me!"Li Zhenhe struggled and said

"Teacher He was right. The new accountants all said that because she had never done accounting work before, they would wait for Liu Yuanfang to transfer from Chongqing before helping her and checking it again.

The situation has not yet been clarified. Just come to the conclusion, isn’t it a bit ridiculous?

If you pass the reexamination and it turns out that Teacher Zhao did not embezzle public funds, and you are guilty of frame-up, not only will you no longer be the principal of No. 5 Middle School, but it may be that you, not Teacher Zhao, end up in the detention center!

If you don’t believe it, I’ll bet you!

In less than a month, you, the principal, will step down!"Teacher Xiao Chen stood up and said plausibly.

It's true; you can't steal the chicken but lose the rice.

I didn't expect that the meeting to criticize Xiaoqian would turn into an attack on the principal.

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