Teacher Xiao Zhang asked He Yu:"The inhaled air can only be exhaled from the mouth or nose. How can it be released from the palm of the arm?

There are no air holes in the palm?"

He Yu said:"I had the same idea as you at first.

How could Qi be released from the palms of my hands?

I practiced according to what my old classmate Li Yang taught me. After Qi passed through the lower, middle and upper Dantian, it turned into a kind of thermal energy. I thought about transferring the thermal energy from my arms to my palms.

I was very happy when I released it no matter how hard I applied it.

This is the essence of practicing internal strength."

"Don't coax us. This should be a function that only high-ranking monks can practice.

You, a mortal, have only been practicing for a month, and you can transform Qi into heat energy.

Is it a bit too exaggerated?"Teacher Yang said

"Don't you believe it?

Sorry, I will show you now."

He Yu first squatted in a horse stance. Then, through luck, he settled the Qi in his lower Dantian, and then slowly converted the Qi into heat energy, creating a thought that directed the Qi energy from his arms to his palms, aiming at Teacher Yang's calf. Release the heat energy vigorously.

Teacher Yang suddenly felt a stream of heat flow into his calf.

The calf was warm.

Teacher Yang said:"It's so hot!"

"It’s not that mysterious!

I do not believe."

He Yu followed the method just now and pressed his palm on Teacher Zhang's calf. After a while, a stream of heat poured into his calf.

Teacher Xiao Zhang said:"There is really heat energy released into my calf.

Why is it so mysterious?"

"This energy can also cure diseases. If it is a minor iron injury or rheumatism, it can be cured!"

"Stop blowing. My calf bone hurts when it is touched by the threshold. Please deflate it and help me heal it."Teacher Yang said


I'll try my luck now, and then I'll aim at your painful area and see how it feels."

After He Yu got lucky, and after continuous improvement, he aimed at the injured part of Teacher Yang and deflated.

Teacher Yang suddenly felt a heat penetrate the muscles and reach the bones.

After a while, the pain was relieved, and slowly I no longer feel any pain.

Teacher Yang said:"It’s amazing!

You have only practiced for a month and you can release energy to cure diseases.

This is indeed somewhat magical"

"It's not magical. As long as you practice successfully, you can release energy to cure diseases.

Because of the heat energy released from my body. It’s difficult to relax the muscles, activate blood circulation, and disperse blood stasis.

Doesn’t Chinese medicine say that if there is pain, there will be no pain, and if there is pain, there will be no pain?

The energy I release can clear the meridians and open up the blood vessels.

It can also cure rheumatism.

But it takes at least several years of practice to achieve this skill."

"When you come to this training, you will not only obtain the Olympic Mathematics Level 2 Coach Certificate.

He also practiced internal skills and achieved positive results.

Can you teach me."Teacher Xiao Zhang said

"I'll take the car back tomorrow morning.

Even if I want to teach, I don’t have time.

It depends on whether we can meet each other again in the future, and it also depends on whether you have a fate with Neigong.

This is not something ordinary people can practice successfully."

"I'm just joking with you, firstly, because I don't have time, and secondly, how can I be smart, spiritual, and talented like you.

Can learn everything.

Even if you want to teach me, I will never be able to learn it in my lifetime."Teacher Xiao Zhang said with a smile

"Xiao Zhang is right!

Your master has been coming to Baoguo Temple since he was in elementary school. He has been practicing for 20 to 30 years before he achieved the true state of cultivation.

However, you have basically mastered all the internal skills after practicing for just one month.

And it can release energy to heal my pain.

You are not an ordinary mortal, but a god!

This is not my flattery, but my personal experience.

It works in person!

If you continue to practice, you will become a master.

Not only is he physically strong, but he can also help people heal their illnesses.

I adore you."

It's true:

Not only did he obtain the second-level coach certificate, but he has also achieved positive results in practicing internal skills.

Not ordinary people can do this, and it is really enviable.

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