Several retired seniors from No. 1 Middle School were dissatisfied and went to the Education Bureau Director Li to file a complaint against He Yu.

Director Li felt that they had nothing to do, so he gave them a lesson and said,"I told them not to take care of these things."

Have time and energy.

Just go to the ridge of the river, sit together, play chess, poker, or go fishing, and enjoy yourself!

This is actually good for the body. sorry!

I am too busy at work and can no longer accompany you."

Director Li stood up and left as he spoke.

When several seniors heard Director Li say that He Yu would not only be reinstated, he might also be transferred to the No. 1 Middle School to take up a leadership position.

So I told you, don't take care of this. Something happened. It was incredible.

They talked about it after they walked out of the door of the Education Bureau;

"What is the relationship between He Yu and Director Li?

As soon as Cao Ruiming left, he was immediately appointed as the vice principal of No. 5 Middle School.

And it’s really strange that He Yu will be transferred to No. 1 Middle School as a leader in the future."

"Director Li is usually very kind and kind to people, but today is very different. He spoke sarcastically and said that we should not take care of these things.

Have time and energy.

Just go to the ridge of the river and play chess, poker, or go fishing, and have a great time!

This is actually good for the body’

"He talks too mean!

Not directly, but with a hint of thorn in the words.

Why does he value He Yu so much?

Did He Yu secretly bribe him?

Otherwise he won't reuse him"

"never mind!

Don't worry about eating too much carrots. Director Li is right. If you have time, go for a walk by the river. Playing chess and poker is good for your health"


With the support of Principal Huang of No. 1 Middle School and the help of Teacher Yang.

The No. 1 Middle School selects two students from each of the five classes in the second grade of high school to come to the No. 5 Middle School for training.

Although it is a small training class, it has made a huge impact among parents and middle schools.

The parents of the students from No. 1 Middle School who were selected to participate in the training were very happy to praise their children for their potential. After being trained by Teacher He, if they can participate in the provincial selection competition and get a ranking, it would be an honor for the family.

Parents of students who were not transferred to No. 5 Middle School for training came to No. 1 Middle School one after another and approached Principal Huang, demanding that such a training class be held in No. 1 Middle School.

Principal Huang said to them,"I'm sorry!

No one of our teachers in No. 1 Middle School has obtained the China Mathematical Olympiad Coaching Certificate, so we can't open it."

A parent asked,"Why is it that No. 1 Middle School is the highest educational institution in Fuyuan, but none of the teachers has obtained the China Mathematical Olympiad Coaching Certificate?" China Mathematical Olympiad Coach Level Certificate?

The Fifth Middle School is just an ordinary school, but Teacher He Yu received the certificate?

Isn't this strange?"


Don't make things difficult for me. I can't explain it to you.

You have to ask the math teacher.

Only they themselves know whether they can obtain such a certificate."

"What a strange thing!

There are many authoritative people in No. 1 Middle School, but no one has obtained such a certificate.

Teacher He Yu is just an ordinary teacher in No. 5 Middle School, but he has obtained this kind of certificate."

He Yu opened this training class, and the repercussions in the society were great.

There were many discussions;

‘I heard that the knowledge content taught by Teacher He Yu is more profound than the textbook knowledge.

If you participate in the provincial selection competition and get a ranking, you will not only get extra points when taking the college entrance examination, but you can also go to Beijing to participate in the national selection competition.’


This is something that has never happened before when Pangu opened the world.’

‘If a student who has participated in the training goes to participate in the provincial selection competition and wins the award, this He Yu will be famous not only in Fuyuan, but also in Qujing and even the entire province.

Even the parents of the award-winning students became famous.

This is the same as taking the No. 1 exam in the past. For example, when you pass the exam, the whole family will be proud of their ancestors.'

It's true; opening a training class will bring such a big sensation and push He Yu to the forefront.

If he fails, he will be ruined.

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