Xiao Qiong heard that Lin Lin had no father or mother since he was born.

He was raised by a wet nurse. She said to Lin Lin:"If your current father hadn't saved you and found a wet nurse to feed you, your biological mother would have left you alone. You might have died.

Or you might have become an orphan and lived on the street. You wouldn't be where you are now." Looks like that.

So from now on, we must honor our two benefactors who are neither relatives nor friends, but are closer than relatives."

"You are right, I will never forget it and I must repay them well."

After Lin Lin said goodbye to He Yu, he took Xiaoqiong to the train station and got on the train bound for Kunming. When he arrived in Kunming, because Xiaoqiong had not been to Kunming yet, he said to Xiaoqiong:"While this is happening, When I pass by Kunming for the first time, I will take you to play.

I wonder where you want to play?"

Xiaoqiong said;"There are too many places to play in Kunming. Because I have to rush to Yiliang, you took me to Dianchi Lake to take a boat ride.

I really want to wander in Dianchi Lake."

Lin Lin said,"Okay!

When my father took my mother to Kunming for medical treatment, he also took her to Dianchi Lake for boating. Today I will also take you to Dianchi Lake for boating. Let you experience how wide and boundless the 500-mile Dianchi Lake is.

Let me hear you appreciate how beautiful Dianchi Lake and the surrounding scenery are"

"When I was a child, I wanted to go boating in Dianchi Lake," Xiaoqiong said.

"Today I will take you to realize your wish."

Lin Lin said as he took Xiaoqiong to get on the No. 4 bus to Daguanlou.

When he arrived at Daguanlou, he went in and saw that the lotus flowers in the pond had withered and only a few leaves were left.

Xiaoqiong had never seen this before. Lotus, she said;"What a shame. Wait until you take me to see the beauty of lotus flowers in the future"


As long as the lotus blooms in July,

I will take you to watch it."

Xiao Qiong stood by the lotus pond and wandered for a while, and Lin Lin took her to take the boat. When they arrived at the boat ride, there happened to be a tour boat ready to leave.

Lin Lin bought two tickets and helped Lin Lin They got on the boat.

The boat had two floors, so they climbed to the upper level.

There were more than ten people on it, and everyone held on to the railings to watch.

Lin Lin said to Xiaoqiong:"Pay attention. Under the blue sky, the green The lake is so beautiful, and Dianchi Lake looks extremely wide and boundless.

In front is the Sleeping Beauty of Xishan Mountain."

Xiaoqiong said curiously, I heard:"

Sleeping Beauty looks so similar, why didn't I see it? Lin

Lin pointed at Sleeping Beauty and said,"If you look carefully, her head is on our left side, and her long hair is flowing further to the left."

His chest is very obvious, and his abdomen and feet extend all the way to the north side of the west mountain.

The entire Western Mountain, which is more than 40 miles long, is like a sleeping beauty."

Xiaoqiong said in surprise:"I haven't noticed it until you tell me. The more you talk about it, the more you make me feel that you look too much like a sleeping beauty.

She slept so peacefully, comfortably and without any worries"

"How come you observe so carefully and speak so vividly?

It also makes us people from other places feel strange.

Listening to your introduction today opened our eyes."A woman said.

Lin Lin said:"This is not because I have observed carefully, but because I don't know how many years ago, someone discovered that the Sleeping Beauty in Xishan has become a business card of Kunming.

Not only many people across the country but also overseas know that there is a Western Mountain beside Dianchi Lake in Kunming, which is a great beauty sleeping peacefully.

In the past, the ancients came to worship Sleeping Beauty.

Every year on March 3rd of the lunar calendar, Kunming people go to climb the West Mountain in groups.

On that day, the whole Xishan was very lively, with people singing folk songs, singing Yunnan lanterns, singing Yunnan opera, and dancing various folk dances.

They also sell various snacks"

"It's a pity that it was already the tenth month of the lunar calendar when we came!

If you want to play Xishan, you have to wait until next year!"An old man from outside said.

Xiaoqiong said:"We have to wait until the baby grows up and come back to play on March 3rd!"Xiao Qiong said

"By then, I will drive a BMW and take you all to Kunming to play in the West Mountains!"Lin Lin said.

Xiao Qiong said;"If that's really the case, I'll jump for joy!"

It's true;

I was born without parents and grew up eating other people's milk.

I went to visit the grave of my adoptive mother to save her life, passed by Kunming, and took a cruise in Dianchi Lake.

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