Yang Yunpeng’s father said to his wife;

"Don't worry about your old face. You still need to tie the bell to untie it.

Just take your eldest daughter and go to Honghong and her parents to admit your mistake and apologize.

They are a reasonable family.

They will forgive you and the divorce will never be mentioned again. The old woman thought for a while and said,"I will shamelessly follow your instructions, but I wonder if they will let us in?""

"They are all teachers and understand the truth very well, unlike you who are ignorant and unreasonable.

As long as you are sincere, they will welcome you"

"All right! Let's go."

Based on the character of the old woman, it is impossible for her to apologize.

When she left her husband, she was thinking: 'You want me to go to his house to apologize?

Unless the sun rises from the west! Whether

I will go or not, he is lying on the bed, there is no way to know,

He Yu After returning home from Yang Yunpeng's house, he told Xiaoqian what Yang Yunpeng's father said.

Xiaoqian said:"For his father's sake, we won't care about the old lady, but Yang Yunpeng doesn't come to see her these days. Hit one, it's a bit outrageous.

Is he as patriarchal as Lao Nai?"

"It doesn’t matter whether he comes or not!

If he really dislikes Honghong for giving birth to a girl like Lao Nai, then we can only wait and see. It turned out that

I only asked Honghong to marry him for the sake of saving Honghong. Otherwise, a family like his would I really despise it. He doesn't even want Honghong to marry him," He Yu said impatiently."

"It's too late for you to say this now.

It turns out you didn't listen to what I told you.

He also took the initiative to come to express his position. From now on we will become a family.

Now that we have become a family, the old lady invited her eldest daughter to put iron nails next to the doll's pillow. How many days will Yang Yunpeng not come to see the doll and Honghong?

Do you really want a divorce?

As long as he brings it up, we will never be stingy or vague.

I will ask Honghong to follow him for divorce surgery right away," Xiaoqian said simply.

"In other words, if Hong Hong and Yang Yunpeng were really divorced, it would be strange if the old lady didn't come to her door and kneel down to beg for mercy."He Yu said

"yes. If that's the case, let her family search all over the world with lanterns and torches, but no girl is willing to marry him."


Three months later, Yang Jie was taken to the hospital several times when she was sick, but she still didn't get better.

Xiaoqian asked Yang Yunpeng to take Yang Jie to Qujing Maternal and Child Health Hospital for a check-up. But Yang Yunpeng said that he requested to attend the open class later.

Xiaoqian got angry and said:"What is more important, the baby or the lectures?

You can go to the open classes or not. As long as you ask for a leave from the school leader, the leader cannot refuse."

Yang Yunpeng actually said:"The baby is not a serious illness, in Fuyuan Just go to the county hospital and check it out, we are leaving soon, the car is already waiting."

Yang Yunpeng said and left.

When He Yu learned about it, he said,"Forget it if he doesn't go!

I asked for leave and let Honghong carry Yang Jie to Qujing by car. When I come back, see how I deal with him. He blamed me for being blind, so Honghong Hong Hong marries him. If we don’t agree, we’ll get divorced.

This kind of person really disappoints me."

Hong Hong said angrily:"I don’t want to be with him either.

This kind of man is so rare that even his own baby gets sick. No matter. Just like his mother, since Yang Jie was born as a girl, he has taken care of her.

Let him find whatever woman he wants to find."

After saying this, Honghong carried Yang behind her back. After Jie followed He Yu and got into the car, Yang Jie was either crying or making trouble. The high fever never goes away.

Honghong felt so distressed that she just cried.

After He Yu persuaded him, he was still crying, the child was crying, and the mother was crying again, which made the people in the car feel sympathetic and sad.

It’s true; you know people but don’t know their hearts.

It’s just because you were blind that you married your daughter to the wrong person.

Now it’s useless to regret it.

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