He Yu heard about Xiaobo and decided to keep him working in the imaging department of the hospital after being interviewed by the vice president of Guangzhou Cancer Hospital.

He was very happy.

He said to Xiaobo:"It is an honor for our family that you can work in this big hospital." Xiaobo said:"I work in Guangzhou, and you and my mother can come to Guangzhou to play in the future!" Xiaoqian was very happy when she heard this.

Angry, he took the phone and said:"What is glory or not? Don't listen to your father.

You must come back to Kunming and work in the First Affiliated Hospital under the jurisdiction of your aunt.

Your second sister is assigned to Dalian. I won't be able to see you even if I want to.

If you are assigned to work in Guangzhou, I will become a lonely old goose.

Now I have been diagnosed with high blood pressure and need to take medicine every day. The rheumatic heart disease in the past has not been completely cured. I will go there after I get seriously ill. Who are you looking for?"

He Bo said:"Mom, don't be angry!

As long as you insist on taking medicine every day, nothing will happen.

If you are seriously ill, I will take you to Guangzhou for treatment. The medical conditions here are much better than in Kunming."

"We let you study medicine just because I am sick. You stay with me and get treatment immediately.

Anyway, you have to come back to Kunming. If our family or relatives are sick, we can come to you.

You can't be like Yang Jie who went to the hospital when she was seriously ill and the doctor didn't care."

Xiaoqian called once a day to urge Xiaobo. She was crying while talking.

Xiaobo was thinking: 'How nice it is to be in Guangzhou! The director of the department cares so much about me. If I stay in Guangzhou, he will marry his daughter to me, and he will marry me." There is a house for me to live in. This is a great thing, but they insist on urging me to go back.' He was crying while answering the phone while thinking about it.

He Yu called Yanyan to tell Yanyan about Xiaobo being left in the Guangzhou Cancer Hospital.

Yanyan After Yan heard this, she was very anxious. She called Xiaobo and said,"I am already far away, and you have to stay in Guangzhou. It's absolutely impossible for both of us to be without our parents. You still have to listen to your mother.

I heard my father say that my mother called you and cried while talking.

After listening to this, I also shed tears!

I hope you don't live up to your mother's expectations of you"

"Guangzhou Cancer Hospital is not an ordinary hospital.

It's a rare opportunity for me to stay.

There are more development prospects in Guangzhou than in Kunming. If you have the opportunity, you can also go to Australia's famous hospitals for visits, exchanges and further studies.

You asked me to go back to Kunming, and my heartache was unbearable.

You lived comfortably in Dalian, but you asked me to go back to Kunming to take care of my parents?"Xiao Bo said

"My good brother, don't say that!

I regret it so much now. Do you want to follow in my footsteps?

You go to work in Kunming and take good care of your parents.

From now on, you can take care of the illness of these two old people. If you need money for anything, I will pay for it. I beg you!

Don't let your mother cry every day about your work problems!"


I don’t know why, Xiaobo doesn’t answer the phone?

After a few days. Yanyan called He Yu and said:"It seems that Xiaobo is determined not to return to Kunming.

I have asked Yu Xinhai to fly to Guangzhou to convince Xiaobo.

But when he arrived in Guangzhou, Yu Xinhai heard that the director of the department had a daughter, so he She works as a nurse in Guangzhou Cancer Hospital and wants to keep Xiaobo to marry his daughter.

The department director has a separate house and has promised to leave it for their marriage.

After hearing this, Yu Xinhai felt that it was really rare to have such good conditions in Guangzhou. Without any further persuasion, Xiaobo took a plane back to Dalian."

He Yu was silent after hearing this.

He was thinking; 'Xiaobo can marry the daughter of the department director, and he also has a house ready for their wedding.

But in Guangzhou, it is a very rare and great opportunity.

This is Xiaobo's blessing.

But regarding this matter, Xiaoqian was so angry that she cried every day because Xiaobo didn't come back. I also eat less food and sleep less. What if I get sick from anger?

He Yu had no choice but to call Lin Lin to discuss what to do?

Lin Lin said:"Dad, don't worry!

After I arrange my work, I will go to Kunming first and find my uncle to discuss how to send him back to Kunming.

Then I will fly to Guangzhou immediately and I will find a way to get him back."

It's true; not only can I stay and work in Guangzhou, but I can also become the son-in-law of the department director.

The new house has been prepared for the wedding.

What a beautiful thing in the world.

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