Lin Lin said to Xiaobo:

You are a doctor, and only you know whether it is a stroke or a myocardial infarction.

Moreover, you are in Guangzhou, your second sister is in Dalian, and your sister-in-law and I have been in the coal mines for a long time.

Only your eldest sister is at home. When she goes to class, Yang Jie is helped by her parents.

Who sent them to the hospital? Should Yang Jie do it?"


"I'm married and have a family. When they retire, I can bring them to live with me in Guangzhou."

"Live with you?

If you don’t draft your words, even if you are married, you will always live under someone else’s roof and live in someone else’s house.

It's not a big problem for your parents to come and stay for a few days, but if you want to stay for a year or half a year, it would be strange if your wife doesn't kick her out!

Nine out of ten wives in the world are bad. There is no room for mother-in-law and father-in-law."Lin Lin said

"As you say. Then my parents won’t be able to live together for a long time because of you?’

"It's absolutely okay, because your sister-in-law is different from ordinary people, she has a kind heart, and she listens to my words very much.

She is the only one among the ten daughters-in-law who can accommodate her mother-in-law and father-in-law.

Before my parents retire,

I will go to Kunming to sell a large house for my parents to live in.

Your sister-in-law and I will go to Kunming to live with our parents when we have time."

"Oh yo yo!

What a big statement. Buying a house of more than 200 square meters in Kunming costs at least more than two million yuan. Where do you have that much money?"

"When my parents retire, I will have either two million or five million.

Don't you think about it, the current annual net income of coal mines is more than 4 million.

Calculated based on ten shares, how much do you think you can get per share?"Lin Lin asked

"There is no need to calculate this. First-year students can calculate it. One share can be divided into 400,000."

"How much money will I have in ten years?"

"Four million in ten years, this will also come to my test.

From your tone, do you think you have enough money to buy a share?

Don't be too exaggerated!

Before going to the coal mine, you and my sister-in-law were still knocking rocks at home to sell," Xiaobo asked strangely.

"You said it, that’s history!

Brother, let me tell you, your sister-in-law and I have been together since we started building coal mines. It was only in those years that the construction started, and the investment in equipment was huge. Moreover, not long after the construction started, another accident occurred in the coal kiln.

So I had no money at the time and could only give you five hundred yuan a month.

It's different now, the annual net income is several million.

I have already discussed this with your aunt.

You return to Kunming and temporarily stay at your aunt's house. They have a small bedroom that has been vacated for you to live in.

When I find a suitable house, I will pay the developer 300,000 yuan first, and the remaining balance will be paid off in two years.

Buy a house with three bedrooms, one living room and two bathrooms, and prepare for you to find a wife to live in Kunming. Mom and dad will go up and live with you temporarily. I wonder if you are satisfied or not?"


Xiaobo was silent

"Do you suspect that your brother is telling lies?

I will show you the bankbook now! Lin

Lin said as he took out the bankbook from his bag and showed it to Xiaobo.

Xiaobo took it over without politeness and looked around. He could see clearly that there were 412,300 yuan in the bankbook.

"If you are worried, you can follow me back, and you can choose a room. After making the choice, go for the operation. After the operation, you can deduct the money from your bankbook. Lin Lin said.

Xiaobo thought for a while and said,"Do you really want me to go back to Kunming?""

"Of course what I said is true. Although you miss this big hospital in Guangzhou, the director of the imaging department, and the director's daughter.

But don’t you think about it, since you didn’t know Kunming, your mother has been crying every day and getting angry every night.

I'm so angry that you can't Kunming that my blood pressure has reached over 200.

You are studying medicine, what does such high blood pressure mean?

My mother feels dizzy all the time and can't control her hands.

This may be a precursor to a stroke.

If you make your mother angry, we sisters and brothers will never let you go!"

It's true; coaxing and scaring, only a two-pronged approach can make her heart move.

Lin Linke has good intentions.

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