Xiao Li put away Xiaoqian's luggage and left.

Zhao Qianqian entered the dormitory and found that although the dormitory was small, it had been cleaned and arranged neatly.

"Do you feel satisfied? Although the dormitory is small, you are the only single young teacher in this school who can live alone."Principal Yang asked

"Thank you Principal Yang for your careful arrangements and care."Xiaoqian said

"You're welcome! As long as you are happy. From now on, we will be next-door neighbors. I will take good care of you. I will be your protector."Yang Zetong said comfortingly.

At this time, Xiaoqian took a closer look at Principal Yang; he was tall, with long hair, a pointed chin, a hooked nose, and a slender basin. At first glance, it made people feel... is an unusual weirdo

‘This kind of person will be really difficult to deal with in the future. You must be careful and don’t be careless.’

"good! You arrange it. I am leaving!"Principal Yang slowly started to walk away.

"Thank you, Principal Yang, for letting you worry!"

"You're welcome, as long as you are satisfied, my family will be happy!"

After Principal Yang left, Xiaoqian arranged the bed.

She sat on the bed and thought quietly: 'It's great to live in such a single dormitory.

But, next door is the dormitory named Yang. A man and a woman , how unbecoming is it to live just two doors down?

Besides, the way the man named Yang looked at me was like a greedy cat, unmoving.

He is a pervert who wants women like crazy, and he must be very interested in me. Not so kind.'

She walked out of the dormitory and looked around. Only her dormitory was with Principal Yang's. Others were surrounded by classrooms.

‘Students all go home from school in the evening, and other teachers' dormitories are quite.

What if he has a bad idea for me in the dead of night?

The more she thought about it, the more scared she became, and the more she thought about it, the more timid she became.

The teachers heard that the assigned female teacher was very beautiful, and that the assigned female teacher named Yang lived next door to him.

Everyone was talking curiously:

‘This guy named Yang is so outrageous! Why did he let a talented young female teacher live next door to him? He had bad intentions and was not well-intentioned.’

‘After the male teacher who lived with him a few days ago was transferred, he kept this dormitory and did not share it with other teachers. It turned out that he had a purpose’

‘Based on Yang's virtue, he must have wanted to seduce this teacher and make her his wife.

We must warn this female teacher not to be fooled by him’

‘I estimate that maybe the superiors were afraid that he would not feel at ease here and deliberately assigned a female teacher to take care of him, so he assigned the female teacher to live next door to him.’

‘He was daydreaming. The toad wanted to eat swan meat. This girl was very beautiful and a college student. '

Xiaoqian saw some teachers gathered around, so she walked out of the dormitory and looked at everyone. A male teacher looked at Zhao Qianqian and whispered to the teacher next to him,"Good boy! For such a beautiful young college girl to be assigned to this hellish place, it's like a phoenix has landed in a pheasant

's nest." An old female teacher said,"The one with the surname Yang is nearly here." A man in his forties still wants an old cow to chew young grass? Instead of peeing and taking care of himself, he actually wants to take advantage of this girl? He is really overestimating his abilities, daydreaming, and shameless."


The person named Yang has bad intentions. , actually wanted to play Xiaoqian's plan.

Letting a girl live next door is shameless and shameless.

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