After Li Yongqiang gave the green pine hair to Aunt Song, she was praised by Aunt Song. Xiao Qian also praised him for his ability to see the scenery and be a good person. He felt warm and relieved in his heart.

After he picked Songmao into Xiaoqian's house, he quickly picked up the vegetables that Xiaoqian's parents had picked up, and put them into the basket with Xiaoqian.

Then, Li Yongqiang took the vegetable basket and went to the river to wash with Xiaoqian.

The two of them came to the small river outside the village, talking and laughing. I saw the river water was clear and flowing slowly and leisurely.

The bottom of the river is covered with small stones of various shapes and patterns washed down from the mountains by the river, swaying and shining in the sunlight.

The small fish in the river swim freely in the water, chasing each other.

There are many people washing vegetables in the river. Men and women, young and old, they were all on the stone ridge by the river, washing and laughing.

Some people put the wooden benches they brought in in the middle of the river and sat on them to wash.

Many children who followed the adults to wash vegetables were also playing happily in the water like small fishes.

Sometimes they chased small fish, sometimes they touched the stones in the water and looked around, feeling how magical and interesting these stones were.

It’s really a flourishing New Year celebration. A joyful sight!

Li Yongqiang pointed to the scene in front of him and said;"Here is another beautiful scenery of women, so moving and full of life.""

"Do you want to write poems again and use scenes to express your emotions?

You really want to become a crazy person who is passionate, passionate, and sentimental"

"If a person turns a blind eye to these beautiful scenery and is indifferent, what is the difference between him and mummies and terracotta warriors and horses?"

"Yes! Yes! I really admire you! Just be inspired by poetry and use scenes to express your emotions!

I'm happy!

I like!

To tell you the truth, I feel proud and proud to meet such a passionate, sentimental and multi-meaning person like you. Just open your mind and feel free to express your feelings through scenes!"

"I'm working on my ideas, and when I'm confident I'll sing a few more songs for you to enjoy."

"never mind! Now my passion is surging, and I am suddenly inspired by poetry. I also use the scenery to express my feelings and hum a few lines. You can listen carefully with your ears straight: the clear river water flows under your feet, and my heart is also swimming in the river.

Acacia under the blue sky is like a crooked river.

My dreams are packed in my luggage.

All the waiting is no longer waiting!

My whole life,

I have chosen you.

Meeting you is my fate.

Watching you is my song.

Honey! Wooing!

I love you so much!

Just like the flowers in Peach Blossom Village, they bloom forever!


How about it? This is modern poetry that comes from the heart. Is it much more lyrical than your ethereal flowers and plants?"Xiaoqian said proudly

"What a poem! What a poem! It’s really hard to see anyone under the big hat! admire! I am really impressed with my admiration. move! I was so moved that I almost shed tears!

This may be the influence He Yu gave you in the past four or five years, right? , only for this touching poem!"

"I admit this and don’t hide it. During the four or five years that I spent with He Yu, I was indeed influenced by He Yu.

But you are only half right. Don't forget that my academic qualifications are one more 'big' than yours!"It's true:

"Meeting You is My Destiny" is a song.

Xiaoqian's heartfelt lyrics moved Xiao Li to tears, and all lovers are inspired to write poems.

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