He Yu stated that no matter where he takes office in the future, as long as he has the opportunity, he will definitely help Damo Village build a coal kiln.

Principal Ou said,"Xiao He! Don't brag about Haikou here!

You care about the people here. I know, but I can't help myself!

I don't know where you will work in the future, or whether you will transfer here if you have a chance.

It is still unknown.!"


Anyway, I won’t leave Fuyuan.

My wings are short and I can’t fly far!

When the time comes, I’ll invite you to visit! visit!

Not only is it an ordinary small coal kiln, it is also a modern large coal kiln!

I kept thinking about it when I fell asleep for several nights, and even dreamed about it.

I dreamed that I built a large coal kiln here.

Many large trucks coming to pull coal were lined up in long queues!"

"You are really daydreaming!

I see you are going crazy over building a coal mine!"Principal Ou said...

After the captain heard what He Yu said, his tone was so firm.

He thought, 'Principal He is a man who speaks his truth.

If we follow what he said, our Damo Village will really become rich, no? Maybe it's a dream.'

The captain was looking forward to the beautiful scenery of the future, and he couldn't calm down.

He Yu said:"Let's not talk about anything else now. I have already told everyone the plans and arrangements for building the pool. Look, everyone. I don’t have any other opinions yet."

The captain of the production team said,"It turns out that you have already made up your mind. Thank you for being so considerate for us!

You are really discerning. Not only did you investigate that there are large rocks in the mountain behind, but you also thought of using this groove to build a pool.

We only need to dig and tidy up the surrounding area and the bottom of the groove according to your requirements, and then we can use local materials, lay the bottom of the stones, and build the surrounding area to create a pool.

We have no objection to what you said!

However, as Xiaolin said, this is just an ideal!"

After the captain finished speaking, he was silent in thought and frowned.

When Principal Ou found out, he asked the captain:"Didn't you just praise Principal He for his vision?

Why are you suddenly frowning like Xiao Lin said, this is just an ideal?

I just can't understand it!"

"yes! Can you tell me what else is difficult?"He Yu asked

"What you said is indeed a good thing, but don't you think about how much cement is needed to build such a large pool?

You helped us pay off the water pump on credit. How long will it take to pay it back?

Buying cement costs a lot of money.

Where can we find the money to buy it now?

So I told the accountant that this is just an ideal. Let your efforts for us be in vain."said the captain

"yes! What you, Principal He, said is quite pleasant.

The unpleasant words you say are just like an adult coaxing a little baby. They just make us happy!


Sora likes a game.

Not realistic at all."Accountant Lin said with a sigh.

"I have also considered your concerns. Such a large project does require a lot of cement.

I began to consider going to the leader of the county cement factory to see if he could lend us a few tons on credit and then pay him back later.

Because the former leader of the cement factory had a child, I taught him at Zhongan Primary School.

I wonder if he is still the leader?

Even though I'm still the leader, I don't want the cement. I wonder if he can give it on credit?

And I wonder if he still accepts this favor?……"

"If he is still the leader and you are thinking about the people here, he will not fail to give you this face.

You might as well go find him and see if he can help with this?"Principal Ou said

"Principal He is right!

Even though he is still the leader of the cement factory, it is not Principal He who wants to use cement.

How could someone easily lend cement to a poor production team like us?

If everyone were like Principal Ou’s eldest son-in-law, and lent machines and supplies to poor villages like us, all companies would have to go bankrupt. never mind!

You two should go back!

We’ll talk about building the pool later."

"Don't you want to be discouraged?

Even if they don't take credit, we can go to the commune leader and ask him to help us and think of a way.

If the commune leaders can’t control it!

I will use my salary to buy it!"He Yu said

"yes! There is nothing in the world that is too difficult for the two of us.

Also, my salary is higher than Principal He’s. With our two salaries combined, it won’t be a problem to buy a large truck of cement in just a few months!"

"Who says I don't care?"A man suddenly appeared and shouted loudly!

It's really: It

's so easy to say, where can I find the cement?

The plan is just on paper, this is a big joke!

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