He Yu heard that the old chief's son Xiaodong had graduated from high school and started working.

He was very happy.

He immediately recalled that when he was teaching him at Zhongan Primary School, at the request of Section Chief Zhong, he tutored him every Sunday and took him to the farmland to see how farmers worked hard to harvest rice and plant wheat.

Through observation, let him personally experience Tang poetry

‘It's noon on the day of hoeing, and the sweat is dripping from the soil.

Who knows dishes on the menu,

A Journey. '

What does it mean to say, 'every grain of grain is hard work'.

This was a great inspiration and education for Xiaodong!

He thought; 'Xiaodong can graduate from high school and join the workforce.

It is inseparable from my devotion to Xiaodonghua!

That's why Section Chief Zhong and the old chief came to the wedding. Section

Chief Zhong asked He Yu:"Who is your wife? Let her come and meet us, okay?"

He Yu called Xiaoqian over.

She introduced to Xiaoqian:"This is Section Chief Zhong!"

Section Chief Zhong looked at it and asked:"You look so delicate and beautiful!

What kind of job do you do?"

Xiaoqian replied:"So you are Section Chief Zhong? I only heard about it in the past. Your name, I finally meet you today!

I am He Yu’s classmate, a girl in her twenties who graduated from college.

You were Zhao Qianqian who was assigned to Luna Elementary School to take care of Yang Zetong, who was in his forties!

He couldn't pursue me, so he persecuted me until I became ill.

I wonder if Section Chief Zhong still remembers it?"

Section Chief Zhong heard this!

Suddenly I thought: 'So she is Zhao Qianqian who was assigned to take care of Yang Zetong by me?

How could she marry He Yu now?

Didn't she marry Yang Zetong?

Yang Zetong couldn't pursue him, so he persecuted him? '

She suddenly felt very embarrassed when she thought about her stupid actions in the past!

I feel sorry for Zhao Qianqian and He Yu!

He Yu knows what Section Chief Zhong is thinking!

In order to prevent the wedding from being overshadowed, Section Chief Zhong and the others were given some face.

He came to the rescue and said:"I'm sorry!

Chief Zhong!

Xiaoqian is an outspoken person, please don't argue with her.

Xiaoqian! Don't mention those unpleasant things after the past.

Today is a happy day, please hurry up Chief Zhong, please take a seat!"

Just at this time, Master Xiao Zhang came over to shake hands with the old chief. Only then did we get through it!

"Old chief! Why are you here too?

We haven’t seen each other for so many years, but you two are still so strong."

"It turns out to be Master Xiao Zhang!

We are both retired!

Went back to Fuyuan to play for a few days.

Stop by to see He Yu.

Who knows, today is his big day.

So the two of us came to join in the fun

"Section Chief Zhong!

Your efforts in cultivating Teacher He were not in vain.

Only a year after you were transferred, he was promoted to the principal of the county-run agricultural middle school."


Was he promoted from an elementary school teacher to the principal of a county agricultural middle school in one step?" Section Chief Zhong asked in surprise

"As you may not know, he published two articles on his experience in learning and self-cultivation and criticizing authority figures in the provincial newspaper.

It caused a sensation throughout the county and had a great impact!

So he was promoted to be the principal of a rural middle school.

People call him Rocket Cadre!"

"I see!

Such people should be reused and promoted.

What a good seedling!"

But you don't know that he has only been in office for more than two years. As soon as the movement came, he became the target of criticism. He was criticized every day, and with an iron plate weighing dozens of kilograms slung around his neck, he was taken from Longhai Nongzhong to the county town.

Fortunately, he I became the captain at that time, so I tried to rescue him."

"He has only been the principal for two years and comes from a good family. Why is he being punished like this?" Section Chief Zhong asked

"I couldn’t figure it out at the time either!

Later I learned that he was a shabby worker in their farm, and he was always against him.

After being taught a lesson by Principal He, he held a grudge.

Take advantage of the movement to take revenge.

They even incited some people to beat him at night and coerce him into going to the county leaders to promise to turn their workers into official national workers.

County leaders were all targeted for criticism, and He Yu felt that this was impossible. Can't do it.

Principal He was determined not to sign the report he had written, so he was beaten severely.

Fortunately, some kind-hearted students saved him.

Otherwise, you two won't be able to see him today!"

It's true; the old section chief came suddenly, one was embarrassed and the other was heartbroken.

Fortunately, Xiao Zhang came to the rescue, otherwise unpleasant things would have happened.

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