In order to persuade Zhao Qianqian to hold a teachers' meeting, Dian Zhifu overthrew Chen Ruimin, who recommended attending a private teacher training class, and recommended his nephew to go.

He painstakingly found Director Li of the Agricultural Management Committee and used hard and soft methods to ask Director Li to reconvene the teachers' meeting and conduct a vote.

But Director Li still didn't buy his account.

After being hit hard.

After he left Director Li, he walked angrily and said

"I don’t believe this evil! There is nothing in Huangni that I can't do to get rich! '"

He went directly to his cousin, the captain of the production team, Di Xingwang.

Through coercion, his cousin was entangled by him. He had no choice but to leave Zhao Qianqian and Director Li alone and go directly to hold a teachers' meeting.

The team leader held a teachers' meeting in person, Who dares not to listen?

Dien Chifu threatened him in advance, and all the teachers had no choice but to go against their conscience and re-vote for Dien Mancang.

The team leader asked Dien Chifu to take the form and go to Dien Mancang to fill it out.

Then he did not go through the brigade. The other leaders agreed and stamped the report.

Dien Zhifu happily went to the commune and used his sharp tongue to entangle and lobby.

In the absence of Director Zhang, Dahe Commune approved, stamped and reported to the Culture and Education Bureau.


After Zhao Qianqian found out, she was so angry that she wanted to argue with the captain.

But then I thought about it, with my ability, it would be useless to go to him.

Only by going to the city to find He Yu as soon as possible and asking him and Director Ai to find a way can Chen Ruimin be recommended again.

Before going to the city, she considered that Chen Ruimin was young and was afraid that she would not be able to withstand such a heavy spirit, so she had to go to Chen Ruimin's house for comfort first.

Only in this way can Chen Ruimin not be confused about what happened because of this matter.

She hurried to Chen Ruimin's house.

He entered the house and saw that Chen Ruimin was not at home.

She hurriedly asked Chen Ruimin's mother:"Aunt! Why are you alone at home, where is Teacher Chen?""

"Zhao! You came just in time. He closed the door and thought hard!

Please advise my son quickly!

Since I found out about the captain, I have deleted the list of people who recommended him.

The meeting was reconvened. After reporting the recommendation of Dian Zhifu’s nephew.

When I got home, I felt downcast and depressed. No food to eat, no water to drink.

No matter how we tried to persuade him, it didn't work.

You are here just in time, so please persuade him and enlighten him! enlighten!

Don't let him get confused and do something stupid!"Chen Ruimin's mother begged.

"Aunt! Don't worry, I will advise him.

Please call him out and I will talk to him."

When Chen Ruimin heard Teacher Zhao coming to her home, she went out and sighed:"Teacher Zhao! It's useless no matter how hard you try.

It’s just that I’m a miserable person!

He is also a member of the opposite sex in Huangni Brigade"

"Don't be pessimistic and disappointed!

I don’t believe that being rich can cover the world with one hand?

The final decision-making power for approving private teacher training personnel still lies with the Bureau of Culture and Education.

Lin Lin's father is responsible for organizing training classes.

I will go to the city tomorrow to find Lin Lin's father.

He will find a way to solve it."

"Zhao! You are all outsiders.

Don't fry your pot for my beans!

The Bureau of Culture and Education is under the jurisdiction of their Propaganda Department.

If it doesn't work well, Chief He won't even be able to keep his position! never mind!

I only have an appointment!

If I can keep my job as a private teacher, I will be regarded as Amitabha if they don’t let me go!

As for public teachers, don’t even think about it!"

"You can't say that! Documents issued by the government stipulated that no matter how great his ability to make money, he could not violate it.

For your sake, I will break into the dragon's den and the tiger's den!

You should cheer up and go to class well.

Dark clouds covering the sky are only temporary!

The sun always shines on kind people!"

"Then I have to thank Teacher Zhao!

I hope that with the blessing of Bodhisattva, my son can go to the training class!"Chen Ruimin's mother said


It’s true; what’s so great about a clerk,

I, Xiaoqian, don’t believe in this evil.

She even ordered her cousin to recommend her nephew.

Don't think that Xiaoqian is a weak girl.

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