When He Yu heard what the captain said, he felt a little strange that he did not take Sun Huixi to dinner;

‘I originally thought that the captain would take Sun Huixi to his house for a good meal.

But I wonder if Sun Huixi is still hungry?

And before leaving, the team leader specially asked Sun Huixi: I wonder who you will send to teach the more than fifty students in our village tomorrow morning?

If there are no teachers to teach these students, it will not end well for you if parents make trouble!’


What are you thinking?

Didn’t the captain already tell you when he left?

Take me quickly to find something to eat.

If you don't want to have a full stomach, just ignore me! , I'm so hungry!

I don’t even have the energy to speak!

We'll talk about other things in the morning."Sun Huixi really just had to kneel down to He Yu!

He Yu was thinking again; 'This captain doesn't know what the show is about?

Why did you bring Sun Huixi there without giving him anything to eat?'

But now he is getting rid of this difficult matter. Give it to me?

But think about what the captain said. Although he was praising me, he was actually belittling Sun.

That’s fine!

Let him know that I am more capable than him! You might as well be the director! If I had n’t been

The position of Deputy Director of the Bureau of Culture and Education was not suddenly revoked.

I have the right to do what I want to do, and you, surnamed Sun, can only rely on me.

Do you think being the director of the Bureau of Culture and Education is a good job?

In fact, you are Wang Zhonglin's fault.

You can only think these words in your heart, don't show them!"

In order to ridicule Sun Huixi again, He Yu said:"Director Sun!

I really can't understand that you are a director. Why is the captain messing with you like this?

If he doesn’t give you food, he can take you to any house and get food!

Well now, you actually asked me to take you to find something to eat.

I am an outsider and you want me to take you to find food?

This is unclear. Are you making things difficult for me?"

"Am I allowed to starve to death here?"Sun Huixi said pitifully.

"Director Sun, don't be angry!

I want to discuss with the martial arts office about which restaurant to go to so that I can find something for you to eat.?"

"There's nothing I can do!

Don't discuss it with me!

I'm all taking advantage of you.

Let me tell you the truth!

Fortunately, we met Chief He who rescued the old man's grandson from the deep cave last year.

His family just entertained us.

Otherwise, we would still be hungry now?

Didn't the captain say that he would take the director to his house?"

"Forget it! What did he take me to eat?

He is a cheapskate!

He asked me to find out more about the situation, and the conversation lasted for more than an hour.

I was really hungry and asked him to get me some food, but he verbally agreed, but didn't take me to get food right away.

He suggested that three glances are four.

When I meet you, he will use the excuse that there is no one at home, throw me away, and leave me to you two!

This captain is not a good guy either, he actually came to play tricks on me!

Just a liar!

I wonder how you two dealt with him in the first place?"

When He Yu heard what Sun Huixi said, he said,"Isn't this captain very honest and sincere when dealing with me?

Every time I come, he is very warm to me, takes me to his house, and entertains me with good wine and meat, but today he is so stingy to you?

And he even played a trick on you!

It’s so hard for me to understand!

To say something unpleasant,

I'm afraid he knows that you drove this teacher away, so he intends to control you.

I guess he may have also informed the whole village that he will not give you food.

Otherwise, why wouldn't any family give you food?……"

He Yu originally wanted to say, 'If you go to any commune school to do anything in the future, since you are taking me with you, you should ask me first. Talk again!

Otherwise there will be trouble like now.

But considering that he must be the director, do you accept it? '

And now he's so hungry!

Just didn't say it.

Look at him, he is so hungry and lacks energy, it is very difficult for him to speak, and he can hardly sit still!

What if you collapse from hunger?

Don't say that I, He Yu, can't bear it, but I can't even explain it to my superiors?

My family members didn’t let me go either!

Because I brought him here.


I wanted to punish Sun again, but his body had been deformed by starvation. He Yu really couldn't afford it if an accident happened.

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