Minister Zhou said to Sun Huixi:

"How you want to criticize He Yu is up to you, but you must do it before 7 o'clock or after listening to the news broadcast.

But Sun Huixi said:"I don't care whether it is important or not!"

It is important to criticize He Yu severely and knock down his arrogance!"

Having said that, Sun Huixi can wait for Minister Zhou to leave.

He will think about it calmly!

‘I wonder what important meeting was held above and what major decisions were made?

But Minister Zhou didn't reveal anything and even asked He Yu to attend?

Doesn't Minister Zhou know that in the isolation review area, he cannot participate in any meetings held by the agency?

And he himself is coming, which has never happened before.

I wonder what kind of meeting is held above, is it so important?

According to your own judgment and usual practice, only very important decisions will be made.

No information was revealed during the meeting.

It will only be announced on the news broadcast after the meeting.

This time, Minister Zhou was different from usual, but he didn't call. But he came to inform him personally.

Is this really weird?

What major decisions are there that will be announced tonight?"

He was thinking again: 'It doesn't matter if it's important or not!

I'd better arrange a few leaders before 7 o'clock. Prepare a speech and severely criticize He Yu to relieve the hatred in my heart. '

He first went to Director Wang of the Cultural Center.

He said to Director Wang:"Tonight I will criticize He Yu and Lao Xiao, and I will also announce that the vice principal who guarded He Yu will be dealt with."

You must write your speech criticizing He Yu as soon as possible.

And we can’t just say a few words lightly or without pain.

You are the director of the cultural center and you must take the lead!"


Director Wang was silent. He was thinking: 'I originally had strong objections to Sun Huixi's isolation and examination of He Yu.

Not satisfied with his approach.

He Yu is his great benefactor.

The year before last, He Yu heard that the cultural system in the Qujing area had two places for a visit to Beijing.

He went to the Qujing Bureau of Culture and Education, reported to the leadership, and requested that one of the quotas be allocated to Fuyuan.

That’s why I was lucky enough to go to Beijing.

This is the greatest happiness in my life.

I just hold a grudge against Sun Huixi's various actions, but now he wants me to write a manuscript to criticize He Yu?

Don't you want to stab my heart?’

"What are you thinking about? Can't you let go of your feelings?

From the isolation review of He Yu to the several meetings to criticize He Yu, you were not active enough.

Even if you criticize a few words lightly, it won't hurt.

Are you wearing the same pants as him?

You must take care of this head for me tonight!

Otherwise, you have to consider your position as the director of the cultural center. Do you still want to be the director?

When Director Wang heard this, he said angrily:"Comrade Sun!"

You can't say that!

Originally, everyone felt that it was inappropriate for you to isolate He Yu for review.

It’s just that everyone dares to be angry but dare not speak out!

Didn't you see on TV that Minister Zhou was shaking hands with He Yu tightly?

What does this mean?

You actually got angry at me. Want to oust me?

I advise you to think calmly and don't get too angry!"

"You are so brave, you actually taught me a lesson?

What's so great about his surname Zhou?

But you treat him like a god?

What's so great about his surname Zhou?

Don't look at him now as a minister!

Just because he shook hands with He Yu and it was broadcast on TV, he would have to step down immediately!

What I say is medicine.

If you don’t believe it, just wait and see!

If you don't criticize He Yu severely tonight, I will keep my word." After Sun Huixi finished speaking, he stood up, patted his butt and walked away! As he walked, he thought; 'Originally, Director Wang usually treats I am gentle and obedient.

But today, everything has changed drastically?

Did he hear some rumors, so he treated me like this? Is the situation really going to change? '


Is the situation really unpredictable?

Even a curator refused to listen.

Why on earth is this?

The person named Sun just couldn't figure it out!

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