He Yu actually boasted in front of everyone that he had taken many risks with his life without any problems.

And said to everyone,"I have the blessing of Bodhisattva. Otherwise, how could I still be alive today? I should be considered a person with great destiny!

So please rest assured, Director Li.""

"You said it very easily, but every time I hear you say it, my heart beats nervously.

If you are not careful, who knows how often you may run into problems.

Explosions are not like a baby setting off firecrackers, don't take it for granted!

After you are transferred, you are not allowed to go to the blasting site anymore, and you can only go to the blasted areas to give command, which is okay.

This is my order!

If you violate my rules, I will transfer you to a production team with relatively flat land."Director Li said

"You must not transfer me away from Xipo Village!

I just follow your orders.

I still have my own plans, and I want to find a way to complete the task of rebuilding the city.

I also plan to use the transformed flat land to increase soil fertility.

Let the sown corn seeds sprout strong new seedlings.

A huge harvest will be achieved during the autumn harvest, allowing you to bring your soldiers and horses to visit.

In this way, I will live up to your hopes!"

"As long as you obey my orders!

I won't transfer you.

However, I must let the production team leader supervise you!

If you secretly touch the blasting site, I will not only transfer you away, but I will also remove the leader of the production team. They are being dismissed one by one.

Have the leaders of your production team heard this?"Director Li said.

The captain quickly said:"I heard it!

This time it was my fault for not making strict arrangements. I was responsible for not asking them to strengthen their defense.

This will never happen again in the future"

"Just know it!

If I have time, I'll check it out."Director Li said


Do you want to check it out?

My comrade director!

Don't scare me!

I am born in the Year of the Rabbit!

That's a blast site, not where you go.

If something goes wrong, it’s not a matter of removing me from my job!

Now that you have spoken!

I'll arrange for someone to stand guard at the entrance of the village!

If they find you coming, let them keep you out of the village.

I will never let you step into the village!"said the captain

"you dare!"Director Li said

"I dare!

Not only am I the captain of this village, but I am also the head of the Zhang family in this village!

I gave the order. Who dares to disobey!"

"Oh yo yo!

I really admire you!

I just provoked you, but you really got serious with me!

If I want to come to check on the progress of leveling your slopes, you won’t let me go!"

Director Li asked

"After we complete the renovation, not only will you not be allowed to go, we will also invite you to go!

You said, right?"He Yu asked

"We listen to Comrade He!"The captain, vice-captain, and accountant said in unison.

"Could it be that Chief He's power is greater than that of you, the patriarch?"Director Li asked

"Of course it’s big!

Since Chief He came to our village, Comrade He will do whatever Comrade He wants us to do!

As long as he gives an order, who dares to disobey?

Captain Zhang is just the patriarch of the Zhang family. He assigns production tasks and we listen.

As for other things in the village, people with foreign surnames can listen or not!"The accountant said

"Captain Zhang!

Is what he said true?"Director Li asked

"What he said is true!

I am just the patriarch of the Zhang family.

There are not many people with foreign surnames in our village.

There are also several Hui and Yi families.

Regarding their customs and habits, I still have to respect them.

And we cannot let their lives be worse than those of us Han people."said the captain

"I see!

I really didn’t realize that you, the captain and clan leader, are not only qualified for your job!

And he is also a pioneer and model of national unity!

Wait until you get the chance!

I definitely recommend you to go to the county or province to attend the commendation meeting!

Let you fight for our commune!

Become a glorious captain and clan leader! Director Li said with a smile

"If only this day could really happen!

I don't know how to thank you?

I will definitely let more than 400 households in our village hang a big red plaque for you!"said the captain

"Oh yo yo!

They even hung a big red plaque on me!

Thank you!

I can't bear it!

As long as you, under the leadership of Chief He, complete the task successfully, you will have a bumper harvest this year.

Let every household in your village live a happy, united and harmonious life.

Let me bring the leaders of each brigade to visit, and I will be satisfied!"Director Li said happily.

It's true: he is not only a captain but also a clan leader, and his power is extraordinary!

He actually does not allow the director of the commune to enter the village.

His power is really huge!

If he can participate in the commendation meeting, he will also hang a big red plaque for the director.

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