2. The Lord is with you (27)

It smelled of dirt. The smell of grass tickled the tip of his nose.

Even so, I couldn’t stop rolling on the ground. Without doing so, it was because they could not withstand the combined attacks of eleven monkey beasts.

The claws of the monkey witch’s claws pierced the soft dirt floor.

It was the place where I had been before. I immediately spat out curse words in my heart, and put an aura on the sword I was holding.

Seeing the subtle haze would make them more prudent, but the monkey masters were running more like crazy, as if they were doing well.

It was like a moth to a fire.

If there was a problem, it was that I wasn’t a flame, but that I was just a soft lump of flesh that could be killed by the claws of those monkey beasts.

Holding my breath, I shoot out a solid silver line.

The target was the monkey witch who had nailed it into the ground. It was a blow that was fired from a position where I managed to catch it after throwing my body.

It couldn’t contain the power, but it was enough to penetrate one monster with the help of the aura. But before that, there was something blocking my sword.

Kagak, sparks flew in the air. One of the monkey demons jumped down from the tree and lowered its claws. Even without that, it was a blow fired while the center of gravity was shaken.

Immediately, the trajectory faltered, and the Witchbeast smiled with a unique, goofy smile.

Cheeky bastard, I snorted and groped my waist with my other hand.

The monkey’s eyes, which were holding down my sword with its claws, became dumb. That was the last expression he showed.

With a snap, my hatchet took another life. The monkey, whose skull was smashed, fell to the ground as if it were collapsing.

There are now ten left.

However, there was no time to rest, and the sound of demon beasts kicking the ground was heard. This time it was three at the same time. A concert that is difficult to respond to, dominating three directions with an exquisite time difference.

I don’t know if the three of them rushed at once, but if there was a time difference like that, I couldn’t even cut several of them in two at once. If I did, I wouldn’t even want to grab my sword.

Like the first monkey demon you killed.

Instinctively hardening my heart, I hurriedly withdrew my sword and threw down the hatchet I was holding.

A hand ax stuck in the forehead of one of the monkeys who rushed at it with a crackling sound. Since he had received the power he had rushed into, blood welled up through the gap between the ax blades deeply embedded.

It was a beautiful fountain show suitable for a moonlit night.

But I didn’t have time to appreciate it. Another monkey was attacking along the imaginary trajectory drawn in front of me.

It was a trajectory extending in a straight line, a thrust.

His muscles were still stiff from the strength of throwing the hatchet. Then I gritted my teeth and forcibly twisted my muscles.

It was at that time that my hand, the fingernails that were barely passing by me, grabbed the arm of the monkey master.

My body reacted spontaneously. Each of the muscles and nerve endings were forming a coordinated movement as if they were so familiar.

Seongkuk Secret Jujutsu, Moon Reversal.

I dug into the monkey’s arms before I knew it, and pulled the monkey’s arm over my shoulder with all my might. The monkey beast that rushed at me from behind screamed in fright.

But it was already too late.

Blood was splattered in all directions. The body of the monkey beast I defeated was torn apart by my comrade’s claws. Of course, I didn’t forget to take special care so he wouldn’t be unfair.

A thump, and a shockwave that shook the ground resounded. It was a skill that combined strength enhanced by magic and the vision of the kingdom. The power was terrifying.


Of course, the colleague who had brandished his claws had no choice but to be crushed under the mangled corpse. A pitiful scream echoed through the forest.

I was still moaning. But that wouldn’t last too long. No matter how much the monster was, it couldn’t handle the impact with a straight hit.

Three of them fell at once.

Seven are left now.

Then, in my eyes, I saw the monkey witch holding out her arms again.

A beam of light poured from the scabbard.

A single blow, no matter how long the arms of the Monkey Witchbeast were, there was no way they could handle my reach combined with the length of the sword.

Another corpse collapsed to the ground.

Yes, six are left now.

It was much easier than the first. I caught my breath and glared at the monkeys who were now silently glaring at me.

“… … What you looking at? Do I look good even to a monkey?”

The monkeys immediately growled and showed their hostility.

It hurt a little. No matter how good-looking an enemy is, does it make things worse? I had never heard that I was ugly in my life.

Enraged, I kicked the ground. A couple of monkeys rushed in, and the ensuing dance of blood embroidered the empty space in the forest that was submerged in silence.

With each step, one day met another, and the corpses increased one by one.

Walk and walk like that, last.

The knife I threw pierced the crouching monkey’s head.

Push, and blood spattered into the air. The beast’s body collapsed as it was.

Of course, my body wasn’t all right either. There were deep cuts to his arms and back. It was a wound he received during a battle.

His arms were still moving, but the amount of blood he felt on his back was beyond imagination.

My head was dizzy. My back muscles couldn’t hold my spine properly, so my body wobbled slightly.

Out of breath, I bent over and pulled the hatchet out of the monkey’s forehead. Blood spurted out again, and the corpse convulsed once, as if to prove the life that had been there until recently.

It was the hatchet he threw when dealing with three monkeys at once. Now that I have thrown my sword, this is my only armament.

And a giggling sneer that tickled my ears.

My eyes turned to the epicenter. There, crouched down, trembling Delphine was seated.

“Stop it! Now, now, I was wrong… I won’t fight again, never again… Hatchet Confucius, no Lee, Mr. Ian… … .”

It was a problem because it wasn’t just Delphine-senpai.

One of the monkey demons was smirking and poking its nails into Delphine-senpai’s pure white nape. It’s like he’ll kill you if you move a little.

I thought it was only interested in me, but it seemed that there was at least one highly intelligent individual.

Silence continued for a while.

The distance between me and Delphine was quite far, and it wouldn’t be impossible to suppress it if I threw it, but the monkey’s claws were already aimed at Delphine’s neck.

The moment I got ready, it was over.

For a long time, my pupils and blue pupils stared at each other without making any concessions.

Eventually, a sigh escaped my mouth. As if I couldn’t help it, I threw the hatchet into the sky.

The hand ax soaring while spinning round and round, now there was no armament left in my hand.

I raised my hands in surrender. Then, the monkey witch squeaks and expresses joy.

Those burning blue eyes glistened with desire. He was contemplating how to use this hostage to cook me.

So the monkey didn’t notice. The fact that my hatchet, which had been spinning in the sky, was pointing at me in a strange trajectory.

By the time the hatchet hit the top of my head, the Witchbeast was widening its eyes in disbelief.

That was the end. The demon’s corpse was scattered on the ground, spattering blood and brains.

“… … Thirteen, that’s it.”

My voice finally regained its calm, but it wasn’t Delphine-senpai who smelled the blood splattered on my body.

“I, please… Hehe, that’s not okay… black, ugh… … .”

I was sobbing now. I looked at that scene with a gloomy gaze for a moment, then said to Delphine in a low voice.

“… … Delphine-senpai, it’s over.”

“Okay, I was wrong… I attacked without knowing the subject, I’m sorry… … .”

“Delphin Yurdina!”

When I shouted that there would be no end to it, Delphine finally came to her senses. Even so, her fearful eyes were still intact, and she looked around blankly.

“…because it’s over.”

My chanting overlaid the landscape filled with the corpses of demon beasts. Delphine-senpai got up with a bewildered face, and found the body of the Witchbeast lying next to him.

The dilated pupils were still unable to close. And the sticky blood and yellow brain water that flowed from the top of his head.

“… … Hee, hee!”

Delphine stomped her legs in fear. Her body was dragged backwards with the force.

Those eyes were clearly aimed at the hatchet.

The hatchet was the switch. I pressed my temples to soothe my throbbing head. Anyway, blood was dripping down my back, and so were my arms.

I had to go back quickly. It wasn’t without success either.

It was not the abnormal behavior of the monkey demon beasts during battle, nor the characteristic of normal demon beasts.

It was necessary to speak with a learned man like Leto about this. Or, someone with a lot of field experience is good.

And the children would be happy if I disposed of the corpses of these monsters, kept some for myself, and handed over some to the orphanage’s operating expenses.

To be honest, I didn’t have to send her to the orphanage, but I was very attached to it, so I hoped it would be of some help. It was a place where many children could not even eat properly.

I’m an aristocrat anyway, so I didn’t have to worry about making a living. Moreover, since Mr. Gilford is a trustworthy person, I was sure that if I entrusted him with operating expenses, at least he would not use it for my own personal gain.

Nobles should know how to share what they have. It was also the duty of those who had it. I just wanted to put that spirit into practice.

I killed all thirteen monsters anyway, so there’s no way anyone will be dissatisfied.

It was at that time when I was looking around at the demon corpses around me.

Before I knew it, Delphine senpai, who stood up, was staring at me without saying a word. It was a fact that I noticed only when I cast my gaze behind my back.

Delphine-senpai, who met my eyes, immediately bit her lip and avoided her gaze.

It seemed that he felt ashamed of himself later. I had no intention of comforting him, so I plainly asked Delphine about his intentions.

“… … What would you like?”

At those words, Delphine’s body trembled. Fearful eyes turned to me. A bloody pupil shaking vigorously.

Delphine-senpai, who had been looking at me for a long time, bowed her head as if she was intimidated.

“… … I will go back.”

“You did well.”

I walked around and retrieved the sword and hatchet. Until then, Delphine-senpai hadn’t reacted, just chewing on her lips.

The trembling shoulders testified to the fact that her heart was not at peace.

I looked at Delphine with a sad look for a while. Then, I suddenly remembered a decision I had forgotten.

My hand was placed on Delphine’s shoulder. Delphine’s bloody eyes stared blankly at me, and I smiled as warmly as I could.

“… … Then, shall we get some punishment before we go back?”

Took, do.

Before I knew it, the sword in Delphine’s hand rolled to the ground.

Her complexion turned pale in an instant, and soon intense fear engulfed her eyes.

Now was the time to be punished.

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