2. The Lord is with you (32)

The new daily life at the orphanage was monotonous.

When I wake up at dawn, I swing my sword with Celine and Seria. It would be nice if Delphine-senpai would also join, but she snorted and refused.

They seemed to think that they were not in the right class to hang out with us.

Of course, it was a problem that could be solved at once by pulling out a hatchet. However, it was a burdensome choice for me, who had finally started to reduce Delphine’s fear.

Also, Delphine must have his own way of training as he has devoted his whole life to kendo. There was no need to force it that way.

Then, when I had free time, I explored the forest, or helped with chores at the orphanage.

It was after I had already become quite friendly with the children. Not just me, everyone did.

At first, Delphine seemed a bit dissatisfied, but recently, no matter what the wind was blowing, she was meekly cooperating with the chores at the orphanage.

Seria seemed to be surprised by that.

“… … Uh, does your sister do the laundry?”

Seeing Delphine wrung out the wet laundry, Seria froze on the spot. And he looked at me with tears in his eyes.

“I-Ian senior… … .”

It was a look that begged me to do something. To Seria, seeing Delphine doing the laundry seemed like a shock that would change the world.

Come to think of it, it was just that. Because Seria was no different from a vassal of the Yurdina family.

No matter how low-born she was, Seria was a skilled swordsman, and on top of that, she was also Delphine’s younger sister. Looking at his status alone, there was a high possibility that he would play an active part as Delphine’s closest aide.

Even more so, Seria’s feelings for Delphine were love-hate. She felt a jumbled mixture of fear, longing, and sisterly love.

So now Seria was in a situation where she was watching her lord do chores.

I was just shocked. Delphine was to become the head of the northern Yurdina family. To use that noble body only to do laundry.

However, Delphine said he would take the lead, but there was no reason to stop him. I silently shook my head, and Seria, who was restless, immediately ran to Delphine.

Seria’s expression hardened as she was nervous. It was cold, as always. After hesitating for a moment, she cautiously opened her mouth.

“… … uh, sister?”

“Why is that, Seria?”

While wringing out the remaining moisture from the laundry, Delphine’s voice was very flat. Seria was even more intimidated by that haughty voice.

“Ah, no matter what, she is the one who will lead the Yurdina family in the future… Hey, please. I’d rather do it!”

“… … Seria.”

It was a low-pitched voice. Sarah’s mouth was immediately closed.

Although she had won against Delphine at the previous hunting festival, Seria was still afraid of Delphine. I could tell just by looking at how he was subdued by Delphine’s one word.

Delphine-senpai, who had been glancing at Seria, soon turned her nonchalant gaze to the laundry again.

“I have to do it because I am the heir of the Yurdina family. Do you want to make me an ugly family head who can’t even take care of herself?”

“Oh no! uh, that’s not it… … .”

“… … I know your concerns.”

Those words were spoken with a sigh. Seria hesitated and avoided Delphine’s gaze.

That composition, where have I seen it a lot?

Somehow, it resembled the way Delphine senior treated me. Even so, I thought it might be too arrogant.

“But those who can’t do little things, can’t do bigger things either. It is just a luxury to cover work in a situation where there is a shortage of manpower like now.”

“sister… … .”

Seria’s eyes were strangely slightly moved. After a while, Seria returned to me with a murmur and spoke in a lingering voice.

“Senior Ian, I reflected on myself. My sister is also a strong person.”

That’s right, I saved Delphine-senpai’s face by making a pointless argument. I was afraid that one day Seria would find out the truth about Delphine.

It’s far away, so my eyes turned to Delphine. She silently squeezed out the water, and then glanced at me and our eyes met.

A light blush appeared on Delphine-senpai’s cheeks. Heh, he coughed as if he was trying to regain his senior’s dignity, but now he just looked cute.

I remembered what happened yesterday afternoon.

It was the time when they were arguing over a glass of water.


I only asked for a glass of water.

But just because Delphine gave me a glass of water, the temperature around me was rapidly dropping.

The eyes of Elsie-senpai staring at Delphine-senpai were cold.

Delphine seemed rather happy with Elsie’s hostility. Her lips drew a charming arc. A confident and haughty smile, and a provocation were thrown.

“What’s wrong, Lynella? The hatchet master got what he needed, and it’s nice that you don’t have to run errands… Isn’t that just a good thing for you?”

It was a bold voice resembling that wonderful smile. It was a voice that clearly showed the pride and arrogance of the heir to the Yurdina family.

At best, I wondered if he was overly conceited for his attitude after running water errands. However, Elsie-senpai seemed more inflamed by Delphine’s provocation.

She gritted her teeth and let out a menacing sound. It was like an angry cat.

“… … When did you say you hate being a maid, Yurdina? Have you finally figured out the subject?”

“Yeah, what. isn’t it bad Especially since I can see you shivering.”

What the hell are these seniors doing? I wanted to intervene, but I was even more embarrassed because I couldn’t even figure out the cause.

Can I run water errands one more time?

While I was in such trouble, the quarrel between Elsie and Delphine was intensifying.

“Ha, that’s nice… Is it Yurdina? Then do the maid. Maid Delphine Yurdina! The tone is good, not bad.”

“Yes, I will be the maid. I am Ian’s maid… So, get out of here now.”

“… … What?”

Elsie-senpai narrowed her eyes slightly as if she didn’t know that Delphine-senpai would come out this far. Even so, Delphine still had a confident attitude.

The desire to win has already been ignited. Delphine’s bloody eyes were burning with joy and fighting spirit.

“Wouldn’t it be enough if I acted as a maid for you as well? So you can leave.”

“That, that… … !”

Senior Elsie’s blue sapphire eyes began to shake vigorously. It would be enough if she fell in as she was told to, but she just kept hesitating.

A mockery appeared on Delphine’s lips, convinced that he had cornered his opponent. Seeing that smile, Elsie-senpai was moved to tears.

Senior Elsie, who glanced at me for a moment, closed her eyes tightly and shouted.

“… … My, I said I was a maid first! Why the hell are you here now?!”

“That’s when there are no competitors, so why not give preference to someone more competent? No matter how you think about it, I’m better than you.”

At the blatant provocation, a grinding sound resounded. It was Elsie senior.

Her blue eyes were already filled with hatred and hostility. I couldn’t understand the current situation at all.

What is this, is this the best maid in the world?

And that Elsie-senpai and Delphine-senpai’s confusion leaked out of my mouth.

There was only one thought on my mind right now.

You shouldn’t show this to anyone. In addition to the honor of the two families, my external image was at stake.

By the way, if you look at the amount that these two, who are at the top of the academy’s top grades, are doing this, the academy’s honor will be ruined.

It was a terrible result.

“This bitch wants to see you, really!”

One more drink, senior Elsie looked as excited as she would be. A faint electric charge began to form on her hand. Delphine-senpai snorted and put her hand on her waist.

“Last time I was ambushed, but how about today?”

“Of course, it’s decided that you’ll break up and cry and cry at the end, you bastard!”

At the word ‘wrong’, Delphine’s relaxed expression collapsed for a moment. She glared at Elsie senior with bloody eyes.

“… … All right, then let the winner be the maid.”

“maid? joy! I like being a slave.”

Senior Elsie spat out such an absurd remark that it was a provocation. If there was a vassal of the Rainella family in this position now, he might have considered suicide in a devastated mood.

A voice barely escaped from my mouth.

“stop… … .”

However, perhaps because the atmosphere was so overheated, the two women did not even pretend to hear me. Delphine frowned for a moment, then smiled provocatively again.

“… … okay? Then I’m even a dog. Woof woof!”

“Then I am a cat! Meow!”

“now stop… … .”

I begged, covering my face with my palms.

Being in the top grade of the academy, the verbal fights were childish. I expressed my sincerity, but my words did not reach the two of them.

It was when Delphine opened her lips again as if she was laughing.

“okay? Then I… … .”

“… … Please stop!”

Kwajik, and the sound of the wooden table splitting echoed.

It was the noise made by the hatchet slamming into the table. The table split in half at once, and the water glass bounced back unable to withstand the impact. Water droplets scattered like a rainbow.

The two women didn’t listen to me when I spoke, but when I took action, the reaction was immediate.

No matter who said it first, Elsie and Delphine’s bodies fell to the ground. It was the same, even starting to mumble nonsense while shaking.

“Yo, please forgive me… sorry… My, please don’t hate me! Eh, Elsie’s going to pee… … .”

“Sorry Sorry… I won’t do anything without knowing the subject again… Please, please, finish with one arm… … .”

A split table, spilled water, and two seniors repeating only trembling words with eyes that have lost shade.

Ha, I swallowed a laugh. My hand was placed on top of my forehead.

“… … It’s sh*t.”

Truly, it was a sight that suited his feelings.

Now it was my turn to fix this mess.

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