2. The Lord is with you (34)

The hospital room at night was silent.

There was no oil in the poor orphanage, so even the lanterns did not burn properly. Moonlight poured into the dark room.

Relying on the dim lighting, a woman was carefully watching my back.

was a saint She ran her thin fingers down my back. It was a careful touch, but a bitter moan flowed from my mouth.

It hurt. It seemed that the injuries he received from dealing with the monkey masters not long ago had not been fully healed. Even after pouring the entire bottle of healing potion, it still looked like this.

I didn’t even know that, and I repeated the forced march from the morning, so my body was not safe. Blood was dripping from the reopened wound.

It felt like my skin was cracking like dried mud. A sharp pain pierced my brain.

“… … Are you stupid? As I said last time, your body is already the limit. But did you think that just using a bottle of healing potion would make you feel better?”

And the saintess’ bruises continued as if it were natural, I had nothing to say.

In front of the priest in charge, the patient was just a sinner. It was my fault for not taking care of myself properly. Even I did not want to hear the nagging of the saintess, so I deliberately did not go to her.

It had only been a day since he was discharged. However, how absurd the saintess must have been when she saw me returning injured from hunting monsters on the same day.

He had no face.

Feeling embarrassed for nothing, I cleared my throat and tried to build up my pride.

“I thought it would be okay because it was a shallow wound… aagh!”

Of course, my bravado was short-lived.

I had no choice but to let out a scream at the unexpectedly pressing hands on my wound. The saintess’s sighs tickled and pierced my ears.

“… … Heh, puck.”

I couldn’t see her because she had her back turned, but somehow I expected the saintess’ expression.

He must have had a pathetic expression, but it was understandable just by hearing his voice.

I could only moan in pain. There were no words to refute. because it was my fault

The saintess, who seemed to be glaring at me for a moment, immediately snorted and increased her divine power.

A warm touch felt behind my back. As the wound healed, the pain subsided dramatically. I’ve experienced it many times before, but it was an amazing miracle.

How can wounds heal so quickly?

It was truly a power given by God. Although the effect of the healing potion was excellent, it somehow fell short of the holy woman’s divine power.

After examining the scars on my back for a while, the saintess immediately asked an indifferent question.

“Do you have any other injuries besides your back?”

It was a question, but it contained a strange certainty. I could feel the thought that I hadn’t hurt my back.

Of course, that guess was correct. I had no choice but to admit another injury.

“Well, actually my left arm… … .”

“… … I can’t live, really.”

While grumbling, the saintess turned to face me and grabbed my arm. At first, I thought it was muscle pain caused by the hard training, but when the saintess put strength on her finger, a sharp pain arose.

The saintess silently confirmed that my expression was frowning. The divine power rose again, and the pure white light on her hand slowly permeated into my arm.

The eyes of the saintess who healed her wounds were extremely serious. It was said that the distinction between public and private was thorough, and it seemed to be true to its word.

At least the saintess seemed sincere to the patient. If it wasn’t for that, I wouldn’t have bothered about my injuries and nagged at them.

However, it was too much and it was a little difficult for me.

I was lucky if I didn’t suffer until dawn today. Depression settled in my eyes as I intuited a bleak future.

If it doesn’t work out, I thought that tomorrow I should at least sleep in for the treatment of my wounds. It was a board that might have to deal with Mine soon.

Maintaining an optimal body condition was fundamental.

However, no matter what I was thinking, the saintess only looked at my scars without saying a word. It’s been a while since she started staring at my arm like that.

Soon after, the saintess slowly removed her hand from my arm. It seemed that the treatment was finally over.

Of course, it was too early to be relieved. It was because the saintess’ accusing eyes were directed at me.

“… … You, why can’t you take care of yourself like that?”

“I couldn’t help it. Delphine was incapacitated at that time… … .”

“I shouldn’t have been in the forest in the first place. I just got out of the hospital, where are the humans going out to hunt monsters?”

It was a valid objection. At that one word, my mouth, which was trying to find an excuse somehow, was shut.

The saintess looked even more shaken. Another sigh escaped her mouth.

Sweet breath brushes the tip of my nose.

“Anyway, for the time being, combat is prohibited. From tomorrow, stop exploring.”

It was a firm tone. The way he spoke, as if he couldn’t make any concessions, nevertheless, I moved my lips to say I would try to negotiate.

The real exploration had just begun. It was a situation where Mine might be hiding. Every power, including me, was precious.

But before I could say anything, the saintess reaffirmed it.


“… … Do you know what I’m going to say?”

“No matter what you say, it will never work. Are you crazy? Just think about how much you have been hurt these days.”

At those words, I swallowed my saliva and averted my gaze for a moment. I couldn’t remember the exact number, but I remembered seeing the saintess once or twice a week.

The saintess had the attitude that it didn’t matter even if I didn’t get an answer back. Soon, the prepared answer came out of her mouth.

“Once while sparring with Sister Seria, once while fighting ten wolves alone, once fighting with Brother Thean, and after that, Sister Delphine pierced her hand… … .”

“Stop, stop!”

I cried out as a sign of surrender. When the saintess’s wide-open eyes turned to me, I raised my hands and admitted my mistake.

“good. I was wrong. But, there really was a reason for that.”

“It’s a matter… … .”

Unexpectedly, my words seemed to have caused a strange feeling. Upon hearing the word ‘ejaculation’, the saintess secretly avoided my gaze.

It was probably not a homophone, and I couldn’t figure out why she reacted the way she did.

The body of the saintess, who was kneeling and examining my wounds, was lifted up. After walking around the room as if idling for a while, she immediately crossed her arms and looked down at me.

I could feel the heavy elasticity of my breasts resting on my arms. It was a great texture any time I saw it.

“… … I’m a little confused these days.”

It was a crooked voice. The eyes filled with my doubts filled the saintess. Then she glanced at me with even more suspicious eyes.

“You mean, you know, trash, right?”

“Isn’t that too much?”

I immediately grumbled, but the saintess didn’t budge. She continued talking.

“I tortured Sister Delphine, who was threatened with information and did not hesitate to use violence, until she was overpowered… He’s a villain that looks like a painting.”

“That’s it, what… … .”

Strictly speaking, it was a personality from the future, but I was at a loss for words to explain, so I had to blurt out my words.

To tell the truth, he would have regarded it as a narrow excuse. In that case, it was better to remain silent.

The saintess was staring blankly at me as if she was going to watch what I was saying. But even after a long time, I couldn’t say anything, so I snorted as if I knew it.

Even so, subtle cracks were detected in her pale pink eyes. It was still subtle, but the identity of the emotion was clear.


The saintess’s hesitant lips parted again.

“… … But why don’t you keep sacrificing yourself?”

I said nothing. The eyes of the saintess and I could not cross each other and slipped. She was looking down at the ground with a slightly hesitant look.

“You can do it roughly. Wouldn’t it be nice to do as much as you can, while buying your body? I don’t know why you are pushing yourself so hard.”

My mouth remained silent. It was a story that I had never thought about why I was doing so much.

It was because it was something that could not be done without even trying.

It was a coincidence that I didn’t know if it was luck or misfortune, but my skills improved a lot, but I was still weak. Compared to the bar skills I had, the responsibility on my shoulders was too great.

However, if he didn’t do it, the world might end. So I gritted it and did it somehow.

It was a job to do, so that was all. But tonight was too short for me to tell you all about my circumstances.

So I laughed and trembled.

“Thanks to that, you were able to hunt demons too, right? With that money, the situation at the orphanage will improve, isn’t it a good thing?”

“That makes it even weirder!”

However, the words I said casually seemed to have unexpectedly irritated the saintess.

The saintess let out a voice as if she was crying. Then she strode towards me, and soon poked me in the chest with her index finger and opened her mouth.

“Are you orphans anyway? Nobody cares if one or two die.”

“I was worried.”

It was a plain, but poignant remark.

The saintess seemed to be speechless for a moment at my short answer. She glared at me for a moment, but then, feeling frustrated, tried to push me even harder.

“Sacrifice hundreds of gold for that? You are a low-ranking aristocrat. It’s the result of hunting while ruining my body!”

“So wherever I write, it’s my heart.”

But again silence in my clear answer.

The saintess appeared to have collapsed and burst into laughter. Soon after, he put his hand on his forehead and shook his head several times.

Then he bit his lip and looked back at me.

It was a suspicious glance.

“… … Are you pretending to be nice? Is the external image important?”

“Holy Lady.”

I sighed and raised my body from the bed.

When my body stood upright, the saintess had to raise her gaze to meet my eyes. I looked down, and she looked up, and the eyes of the saintess and I finally crossed.

The saintess’ pupils were slightly shaking. It was a slightly confused look.

In a low voice, I gave her advice.

“Don’t be too calculating. There are times when you just want to do whatever you want, don’t you?”

“… … And then you beat some people with a hatchet?”

“Even the witches are fine. I also donated some money to the orphanage.”

The saintess, who had been glaring at me with fierce eyes, finally broke down and lowered her gaze. Even so, there were still signs of dissatisfaction.

After hesitating for a while, she murmured. It was a timid voice.

“… … I’m fine too.”

A bitter smile formed on my lips. After all, it turned around and it happened that day. The saintess still harbored resentments against me.

She was not only threatened by me that day, but also defeated by force. It was too short a time for the wounds in his pride to heal. That’s why I’ve been projecting that hostility on me to my heart’s content.

However, the saintess seemed confused by the appearance I showed her recently.

Ian Perkus, she thinks, should be garbage, but from the sidelines, he probably wasn’t such a bad person. The two perceptions were causing a conflict.

I pondered for a while.

It would have been nice to formally apologize for what happened that day. Then, pretending not to win, the saintess might ease her mind.

Even after that, I would have to wait tick-tick, but I wouldn’t reveal an overtly negative reaction like now. Because the saintess is a politically skilled person.

The saintess was glancing at me. He seemed concerned about how I would come out.

Seeing that, I was about to put an apology in my mouth.

He smiled bitterly and quit.

That would not have truly resolved the conflict. The saintess must continue to leave a question in a corner of her heart, and above all, wouldn’t it be more awkward for us to greet each other with a smile?

In that case, it was a good idea to remain as bad friends as before. At least so that the saintess can take off the mask of pretense and treat me.

So I smiled and said.

“Can I lose one more?”

To be honest, half of it was sincere.

I will scold you someday, the ruthless holy power bag bitch.

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