2. The Lord is with you (37)

The Yurdina family had a history of pioneering the barren north.

At the northernmost tip of the continent is the land of snow and ice. If you go down a little lower than that, there is permafrost where only moss takes root on the ground every spring, and if you go down even further below that, a vast coniferous forest appears.

There were not many animals and plants that could survive in the cold and dry land. And among them were humans as well.

As with any biome, it was impossible for humans to live alone. Numerous animals and plants that accompany it must form an ecosystem to ensure stable nutrient intake.

So long ago, when the Yurdina family planted their flag in the north, it was a place of exile.

The Yurdina family, once loyal to the unified empire, was abandoned over the years. Although they moved to the north in the name of being granted a new territory, there were no people who did not know that the real person was Tosa Gupaeng.

But even there, the Yurdina family survived.

Among the creatures that survived in the barren North, there was not a single one that was not strong. Even the tiny rats that feed on moss hide their strength.

Creatures specialized only to survive.

The Yurdina family accepted the way of the natives.

I did anything to survive. Respecting strength, and weeding out the weak, it has accumulated over hundreds of years.

In this way, the Yurdina family was able to stand at the forefront of the war of division that destroyed the unified empire.

The Yurdina family, who became the founders of the empire, reigned as the leader of the north for a long time. Even so, their beliefs did not change.

Victory is everything, defeat is death.

The dignified family etiquette of the unified empire has long since been abolished for being ostentatious and ostentatious. The Yurdina family of those days and the Yurdina family of today had only one thing in common.

It was a swordsmanship that was said to have been modeled after a lion’s claw.

In fact, lions did not exist in the North. It was because the prey was not plentiful enough for such a predator to survive.

However, the reason why the Yurdina family still had traces of the beasts living in the eastern steppe was because their roots were not in the north.

Conversely, this also meant that everything in the Yurdina family, except for the golden sword, was adapted to life in the north.

Delphine Yurdina was born into such a family.

At that time, Marquis Yurdina was enjoying her heyday. He conquered numerous heterogeneous colonies that remained in the north, and succeeded in driving the elves and orcs beyond the vast coniferous forest.

His skill was the highest among sword experts, and it was not enough to call him a master.

However, the problem was that the construction was busy as he was such an outstanding person.

Not particularly interested in women, he was also indifferent to making a successor. Rather, when she brought Seria and her mother later, her retainers were astonished.

So Delphine had to grow up alone for a long time. Since it was the golden jade leaf of the Yurdina family, it was needless to say what its prestige was.

Even at a time when she was originally supposed to receive strict training for the successor, she grew up in a frenzy. She was born with golden hair and red eyes, both characteristics of the Yurdina family.

Everyone in the family loved her. There weren’t many people who would dislike the pretty and sociable Delphine of her childhood.

Delphine had a happy childhood while living with her retainers without hesitation. She even loved the cold, barren lands of the North.

If one day I rise to the position of leader of the North, I will plant flowers to decorate the North even prettier.

Delphine grew up with the false hopes of childhood.

However, only until the age of six.

Delphine still remembered everything from that day. Having inherited the excellent lineage of the Yurdina family, she had a brilliant brain and was famous for her extraordinary memory.

In the stables of the lord’s castle, there was old Hanson. He looked like an old countryman, but he was a trustworthy vassal enough to take charge of horses, an important strategic item.

He especially loved Delphine. It was because there was a granddaughter of that age in a far-away estate, and even that reason remained in a corner of Delphine’s memory.

Unsurprisingly, Delphine also liked Hanson’s inspiration. As a stable keeper, he knew a lot about the stories of knights. Hearing that story, Delphine had no doubt that she herself would one day become a righteous knight.

A child who longed for a knight also had a strange longing for horseback riding.

Delphine begged Hanson to let him ride whenever he met him. Whenever that happened, Old Man Hanson only said this with a benevolent smile.

“Oh, the young lady can’t stand the power of words yet. If you grow up a little more, you will be able to ride as much as you want even if you don’t want to ride. haha!”

Delphine felt very sad about that and pretended to be upset. A child always thinks he or she has grown up, so Delphine just laughed it off.

Satan woke up one night.

Delphine sneaked into the stable. Originally, it was a place where one could not enter without permission, but nothing was impossible for the little boy who held the castle key in his hand as an excuse to open the door of the library.

With her clumsy knowledge of horseback riding, Delphine whimpered as she rode the horse, and the result was obvious.

The fall, fortunately not a serious one, was enough to break the child’s fragile bones. It was a prank that made the conversation between the vassals go cold at once.

In the hospital bed, Delphine groaned.

It hurt and hurt, but rumors told me that old Hanson was going to get into trouble. She couldn’t bear to feel sorry for old Hanson.

If I get well soon, I will apologize to old Hanson, and I will protect old Hanson.

One day while thinking so, Delphine heard the news that her father had returned.

It was around the time when I was barely able to move. Delphine ran out with a bright face to see the father she missed, as always, on crutches.

And saw.

A father with a sword and old Hanson kneeling before him.

Both of his hands were tied with a rope. There was only a sense of desolate despair in old Hanson’s expression.

The moment he saw that sight, Delphine’s mind stopped.

It was a landscape I had seen many times before. Realizing that her father was executing criminals, Delphine unknowingly rushed to her father.

Running with crutches still made me stumble and fall. Rolling on the ground, dragging her sick leg, Delphine crawled and grabbed her father’s ankle.

Delphine was crying profusely.

I knew it for the first time that day. If you are desperate, you will naturally beg and tears will flow.

“Father, uh… he, don’t do that It’s my fault! black, uh… Hey, old Hanson did nothing wrong! I like… … !”

However, the father’s expression did not change. He ordered in his usual solemn voice.

“Delphine, step back.”

“Oh no! Then you’d kill old Hanson! Cha, rather punish me… It’s my fault! Old Hanson is not at fault!”

For the first time in her life, Delphine raised her voice to her heavenly father. The vassals around him had no choice but to be silent at the pitiful cry.

After a long wait, Marquis Yurdina sighed.

As if he couldn’t help it, he uttered a word.

“… … Wake up.”

Only then did Delphine’s face brighten. Seeing that her father’s mind had changed in a moment, she held back the pain and got up.

And the moment she raised her head with a bright face.

Blood gushed out in the form of a fan.

It was not even visible. It was the first time I had ever seen a skilled swordsman strike.

I didn’t even know that the sword was pulled out, but the sight of the lead sword coming to an end before I knew it.

Delphine’s eyes slowly turned to old Hanson. He collapsed, bleeding from his throat and bubbling foam from his mouth.

Belatedly, blood was scattered on the ground. As blood splashed down her legs, Delphine screamed and sat down.

“Uh, ah, uh… aagh!”

“Wake up, Delphine.”

Marquis Yurdina didn’t even move. Delphine forgot that he was the one who killed old Hanson, and grabbed hold of her father’s trouser hem.

“Ah, Father! Do, old Hanson… … !”

“I told you to wake up, Delphine!”

And those bloody eyes staring at Delphine coldly.

Delphine’s blood froze. It was the instinct of a prey facing a predator. She unknowingly raised her body.

The legs enduring the pain trembled. Even so, Delphine couldn’t sit down.

Marquis Yurdina, who was watching the scene, spoke in a solemn voice.

“Remember today’s events, Delphine. Humans like us have no right to be punished.”

Delphine’s watery eyes shook violently. Even when he saw his trembling little body, the man didn’t even feel any emotion on his face.

“Even if you make a mistake, even if you fail, all responsibility lies with your subordinates. And each time your precious people decrease one by one… Do you understand, Delphine?”

However, perhaps Marquis Yurdina was also a human, she couldn’t keep the ice-like mask when dealing with her daughter.

A painful light flashed in his eyes.

Delphine was surprised. The fact that there are things that even a strong person like her father cannot do.

“… … So, don’t lose. Every time that happens, you will have to lose your precious people.”

instead of you

After that addition, Marquis Yurdina left without leaving even the usual comforting words.

Delphine stood for a while as if she had become a stone statue, then sat down with a howl. Then, crawling on the ground, I looked down at old Hanson’s corpse.

There was no trace of emotion left in his eyes. So Delphine suffered even more.

Burying her face in the corpse, Delphine inhaled the smell of blood. It was as if he was hyperventilating. There was even a ghost in the figure of a young girl who gnashed her teeth and swallowed blood through her nose.

It was dirty and warm. These were signs of life.

The share of precious people who can never come back.

In a pool of blood, the girl cried. Yurdina’s retainers watched her with pity, but did not wake her up.

Because that was the burden that Yurdina’s successor had to bear.

After that day, Delphine changed. Her expression was lost, and her charming smile had long since cooled off.

When I met my half-brother and when her mother was kicked out, Delphine gave her serious advice.

“If you can’t prove your usefulness, then so will it.”

That was the only advice Delphine could give her brother at such a young age.

That’s how Delphine grew up without a single defeat. I naturally learned Yurdina’s worldview, and realized that the lessons she had inscribed in her heart as a child were not wrong in the slightest.

Victory is everything.

Losers lose everything. Precious things and anything were only changed by winning or losing.

However, the world view that he had kept all his life was shattered by just one man.

Ian Perkus, by the very man.

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