2. The Lord is with you (40)

It was difficult to even secure the line of sight during the melee.

Metal sounds echo from all sides. Blades collided with blades and sparks were scattered. In addition to that, countless blood and screams that burst out.

Both sight and hearing were deafened at the same time. Even so, I couldn’t postpone judgment even for a moment.

This was a battlefield where life and life came and went. If I hesitated even a little, the enemy’s blade would pierce my uvula.

Pak, the hatchet hit the skull of one of the monkey beasts. A fountain of blood gushed into the air with the sound of a skull crushing.

There was no room for hesitation. Before I knew it, a monkey demon beast was rushing towards the saintess and Elsie-senpai.

I immediately pulled out the hatchet and threw it to the side.

The hatchet plunged into the side of the monkey’s head with another snap. With just that, one life lost its light once more.

He had to win with one or two sword strikes. Otherwise, he couldn’t handle the wave of monkey magicians.

At some point, the corpses of the monkey masters were piled up. More than half of them were defeated by the swordsmen who made up Wonjin, but the performance of the saintess and Elsie was also formidable.

“Lord, in the midst of tribulation and hardship, lower down the shield of faith!”

With the saintess’s low cry, a pure white glow was overlaid on the body of the party. It was an armor of divine power that could block even a fatal blow a couple of times.

Not only that, but my body was full of vitality like never before. As his strength and agility strengthened, it became easier to wipe out the monkey masters.

Senior Elsie helped us in a more explicit way.

“… … Thirty-two constellations, arrange on the flickering principle of the second emperor, elements!”

In the muttering feast of astronomical symbols, magic began to boil around Elsie-senpai like a furnace.

The tangible magical power that swayed and spread all the way to our feet before we knew it. And the electric charges that start to wake up in pure white with the noise of gripping.

“Light, overflow!”

With Elsie’s clear voice as a signal, a storm of electric charge blew over the land.

There was not a single exception when it came to demon beasts standing on the ground. The monsters who threw themselves from the tree raised black smoke with screams.

There was a crackling sound, followed by a flash of white light. While blindfolded, I luckily took the life of a monkey demon beast that was flying in the air by relying on my senses.

And the crackling sound of electric shock heard as soon as the monkey demon fell to the ground.

I wiped my eyes with a cough at the acrid smell of burning corpses. Only then did the vision fully return.

The battlefield where the powerful magic had passed was devastating. The charred corpse of the beast was unrecognizable, clinging to the ground like ashes.

All of them had their tongues out and couldn’t even close their eyes. That’s because it was such a sudden death.

That’s why there had to be at least one wizard.

Not only was it advantageous when dealing with multiple people in a melee, but killing magic, which took dozens of lives at once, was also easy to break the momentum of the enemies.

Of course, it was a story under the assumption that the magician’s skills had been verified.

If Elsie’s magic control ability had been a little clumsy, we would have been smelling burnt on the ground with those monkeys.

It was a terrifying sight to imagine. Feeling goosebumps running down my spine, I overturned one of the monkey beasts that rushed at me.

There was a thump, and the ground shook. Then, the monkey masters, who hesitated for a while, screamed and charged at me.

I raised my body as if it had bounced up and threw the sword away. Silently, the sword hit the beast’s heart. The demon who rushed beside him made a face filled with joy.

It was because I realized that there was no weapon left in my hand.

But that laugh didn’t last long.

Suddenly, I heard the sound of metal grinding bones.

The Witchbeast, who had just jumped up and raised his arms to attack me, absentmindedly moved his gaze to my chest.

A blade that flew from the side pierced his chest, causing friction against his ribs. Unable to overcome the shock, the monkey witch rolled on the ground.

It was a technique that applied the technique of Jeongjungdong (停中動).

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Just like a hatchet flying in the air changing its trajectory, if the trajectory of the blade that flew in a straight line was bent to the side, the two could be eliminated at once.

Unfortunately, the adjustment is still immature, so it was not possible to cover the rib gap and hit the heart directly.

I retrieved the hatchet and approached the monkey master who was gasping for breath. A life on the verge of death was looking up at me with difficulty.

Facing those eyes, I burst out laughing.

“… … What do you look, your baby. ”

Of course, I didn’t feel any pity.

With the sound of skulls being smashed, blood and brains came out of the hatchet. My breathing was rough as I lowered the hatchet.

That spell was the last.

Dozens of demon beasts lost their lives right here. Even though there were seven people, it was a record-worthy achievement.

However, the faces of the party who had won such a wonderful victory were not very bright.

Celine sat down on the spot as if she was dripping down. There were a lot of poisonous pits around her. It meant that her sword exploded with each direct hit.

Looking exhausted, Celine let out a sigh of relief.

“It’s finally over… … .”

Excluding the last hunting festival, it was a good battle to say that it was her first real battle. No matter how much help Delphine had, it was forgiving that he persevered to the end.

Delphine nodded her head obediently, as if she was satisfied with Celine’s performance.

“Good work, Hastur.”

“… … I’m just a burden, what?”

Even so, Celine seemed depressed, but Delphine did not offer any more comfort.

It seems that he thought it was a process that he had to overcome alone anyway. It wasn’t a mistake, so I didn’t add anything else.

I just took a deep breath and let out a low voice.

“It’s not over yet, there’s a cave left.”

The atmosphere of the party, who were relieved by my words, tightened again.

It was literally. The current battle was only a skirmish at best.

There was still a secret in the cave that had to be kept even while mobilizing these numerous monsters.

Our purpose today was to see what’s going on in the cave. There was no time to be immersed in the afterglow of victory now.

My sight turned to the edge of that forest. A clearing was visible, where the whitish shape of a cave stood out.

It’s not long. That’s when I was about to start moving again with that thought in mind.

“… … Hey, Mr. Ian!”

A girl with sparkling eyes jumped up and stood in front of me.

It was Elsie senior. At her unexpected honorific, the eyes of the party except Delphine-senpai widened.

My face, which had been full of determination, collapsed at once. What took its place was an expression full of embarrassment.

Regardless, Elsie was ready to wag her tail like a puppy meeting its owner. Words of astonishment came pouring out of her mouth as she clenched her fists in a dainty manner.

“Mmm, cool! That cruelty that crushes the monkey beast’s bone pain without hesitation! Even the courage to throw down weapons to see blood! it was awesome… … .”

“… … Senior Elsie.”

At my low-pitched calling, senior Elsie seemed to come to her senses.

Startled, she looked around. A look of astonishment was directed at her and at me. Elsie-senpai’s face turned pale.

After a while, she cleared her throat and straightened up. Even her ears were blushing, but anyway, she flashed a cheeky smile as she fanned her hands to regain her dignity.

Heh, with a smug laugh, Elsie tried to deal with it.

“Muh, of course there wouldn’t have been a victory if it wasn’t for this Elsie Rainella’s performance. that, so… did i do well? yes?”

At the same time, senior Elsie looked up at me with eyes filled with anticipation. I couldn’t resist that twinkling gaze, so I sighed and put my hand on Elsie-senpai’s head.

When I started stroking Elsie-senpai’s hair, she immediately put on a lost expression.

“… … Well done, Elsie. I wish you well in the future.”

“Ehehe… yes!”

It was an honest answer.

When my eyes returned to the party, everyone except for Delphine was looking at me. Delphine sighed as if she knew this would happen and was shaking her head.

my mouth was shut After thinking about what to explain, I finally chose to run away.

“I’m busy right now, so let’s talk later.”

The eyes of the group suddenly became grim.

But what if they stumble? I was the one leading the group, and it was not wrong to say that the situation was urgent.

In the end, the party had no choice but to get ready to leave again, grumbling, making dissatisfied faces, or sending suspicious glances.

So we finally entered the cave.

It was not a naturally formed cave. Which natural cave leads underground in the middle of a clearing in the forest?

It means that it is an artificially formed place. So it was even more dangerous.

It was because I had no idea what they had installed or what structure they had built.

We had to proceed as carefully as possible.

Led by Delphine and I, who are the strongest in actual combat, the party slowly advanced into the cave. The damp, cold air stifled his lungs.

The inside of the cave was not very deep.

Surprisingly, there were no traps, and the end was already visible even though it only lasted about ten minutes.

It was not easy to build an artificial cave in the first place. It was the same whether they mobilized magic or labor.

It seemed to me that it would be inefficient to dig further than this.

But the scene revealed at the end of that short road was so bizarre.

Silence reigned between the party, who had stiffened their bodies together.

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