2. The Lord is with you (42)

In front of the way out of the cave, seven men and women stood with nervous faces.

To be precise, five men and women were standing, and two women were in the arms of Delphine and Celine, respectively.

It was noteworthy that the two of them who were hugged like that had a dissatisfied expression on their faces. On the other hand, the women who embraced the two looked quite satisfied.

Whether or not, I closed my eyes and measured my presence as much as possible. By the time even a little bit more flesh seeds had gone away.

A shout erupted from my mouth.


Immediately, the sound of kicking the ground all at once rang out. The five newcomers stretched out and compressed the space at once.

That was the signal flare.

A grotesque scream echoed from behind.

I could feel the presence of crazily climbing the pit. It was as if dozens of flesh seeds were driving their claws into the slope.

It was an unimaginable speed in that slow movement. As if struck by lightning, the flesh seeds rushed after us with terrifying speed.

However, it seemed that his intelligence was not high. There must have been many slippers on the slope, but there was still no sign of one coming up.

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Just when you thought you had successfully distanced yourself like that.

Trampling the bodies of my comrades, a flesh seed came out of the pit.

eyes were not visible. I just guessed that it was glaring at us in the direction of its face. After that moment of stillness passed.

The flesh seed began to run, twisting its entire body. A grotesque roar echoed against the walls of the cave.

It was tremendous speed. Even with leg strength strengthened by magical power, it was noticeable that the distance was closing every moment.

At this rate, it was obvious that he would be caught. And right now, Delphine-senpai was holding Elsie-senpai, and I was the only one who could respond in the last line.

“I will respond, so keep running!”

Even so, the party hesitated for a moment, but when I urged them again, in the end they had no choice but to take a hesitant step.

At the same time, a flesh seed came crashing down.

It was a blow of terrifying speed, as much as his running prowess. A black liquid was dripping from the fingernails that had grown long before I knew it.

The stone floor that came into contact with the liquid melted with a crackling sound. I quickly realized what it really was.

“These bastards have acid poison!”

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Just in case, I shouted and gave the information about the flesh seeds. Then he immediately raised his sword and cut off the flesh seed’s claws.

Sparks flew in the air with a bang. Of course, the poison that flowed from the claws of the flesh seeds was also present.

The black liquid that dripped and splashed seemed to have acidity. I wasn’t particularly curious about how acidic it was.

eyes open The space was illustrated, and the surroundings were distorted when the space was pulled as if tearing it apart.

The water droplets brushed past my body in a distorted parabola. My knife didn’t miss that gap.

One arm of the flesh seed fell with a sharp, clean cutting sound. The Flesh Seed let out a bitter cry towards the sky, but it was too late.

On the neck, a solid silver line is stuck.

It was a nice cutting line. From the sword drawn in the optimal trajectory, bright red blood soon burst out.

The monster’s head tumbled across the ground.

They said it was a mythical monster, but it wasn’t as big as I thought. Thinking so, I let out a sigh of relief.

Haha, I was now a talented person belonging to the upper ranks among the 3rd year of the academy.

Even if the comparison group was narrowed down to knights, I belonged to the outstanding side. No matter how much the monsters of the mythical age were reluctant, they couldn’t fight against me one-on-one.

The moment I thought so.

Kwadeuk, I felt a hand grabbing my ankle. My bewildered eyes groped the ground.

It was the arm of the severed flesh seed. Despite being detached from the body, it continued to receive power.

However, perhaps because of the loss of sight, he could not swing his nails. fortunately it was Because if it touched the poison, it would be the end of it.

Of course, that didn’t mean I wasn’t in trouble.

Floundering, the Flesh Seed’s body attempted to attack me with one of its remaining arms. I gritted my teeth and hit the wrist of the flesh seed that was holding my ankle with my sword.

Then, in response to the pain, the flesh seed’s hand opened. I quickly backed away, and with a couple of sword strikes, I blew off the remaining limbs of the Flesh Seeds one by one.

In the end, only one leg remained of the flesh seed.

The flesh seed, which was staggering and unable to even balance, collapsed on the spot. Even so, I felt a clear fear at the sight of him crawling on the ground and trying to kill me.

And more than that, I felt a pounding sensation.

It was a strange sense of exaltation. The intuition of that intense color that keeps filling me up and emptying me.

My eyes inadvertently turned to the flesh seed’s head.

It was still bouncing around, trying to get back into its own body. It was a completely different movement from the severed limbs.

That’s playing a central role.

Realizing this, I trudged and penetrated the depths of the flesh seed’s head at once.

Then, a piercing scream rang out. The body of the flesh seed, which had been howling and trembling for a long time, finally stopped moving.

It was over. Flesh Seed is dead.

It was enough to leave now.

I was about to take a step back, but for some reason I was hesitant on the spot.

It was an unknown feeling.

The sound of a pounding heart rang in the head. Some kind of instinctive feeling wouldn’t let me go.

Eventually I turned around. Then he walked slowly and got down on his knees.

The flesh seed head remained on the ground. There were clear traces of the penetrating wound that had been stabbed by the blade.

Blood and brain water were pouring down through them. Surprisingly, the head of the flesh seed was still moving.

It was not a serious movement. But there was definitely something coming out of it.

It was as if he was pleading for something.

“… … ! … … !”

A voice choked in a lump rang out.

Shaking my hands, I cast an aura on the blade. Then, with the feeling of a surgeon making an abdominal incision, the flesh on the head was removed.

My heart beats. Dark memories were mixed. Sounds that buzz and ring in the ears.

It was all death. I couldn’t figure out the identity of the voice, so I bit my lip.

how much for that

Finally, my knife stopped. What was inside the lump was finally showing itself.

It was the face of a child. The child, covered in colorful blood vessels, was shedding bloody tears.

“Lord, kill… Hey, Kieh! Please kill me… … !”

Occasionally, whenever the veins pulsate, making a monster sound.

my body froze

When I saw the child’s face, my brain went white and suffocated. The beating of the heart reached its climax.

There was a thump and the sound of something breaking.

It was in my head.


After several minutes, Ian didn’t catch up.

The party, who had been stomping their feet with anxiety, eventually chose to return the way they came out.

The dismembered body of the monster was visible there. Indeed, like Ian, he defeated the mythical monster in that short amount of time.

A blush spread across the group’s faces. But they soon had to shake their heads.

The atmosphere of Ian kneeling down and looking down at something was unusual.

He was even reluctant to ask questions. That much dark, heavy air was pressing down on Ian’s shoulders.

It was ominous. The group moved slowly and looked at what Ian was looking down at.

When it came to the frozen bodies, such as Saints and Celine, they had their eyes wide open and covered their mouths with both hands.

It was such a terrible sight. The sight of a child with only her face left, shedding tears of blood with bloodshot eyes between piles of flesh.

“Lord, kill me… … .”

break up, and

I heard the sound of my head being crushed. Only then did the child’s bloody tears stop.

It was a hatchet. Having shattered the child’s fragile skull, Ian finally got up.

He didn’t speak for a while.

If he continued like this, he would have to deal with the flesh seeds that followed. The time when Ian and Celine, who are the most open-minded, were forced to open their mouths.

“… … It’s already too late.”

A strangely tired voice was heard. At that solemn tone, Celine involuntarily flinched and took a step back.

Even so, Ian turned his back on the party and did not even look at them.

I was just giving a low command.

“All ready for battle, about ten are approaching.”

As a signal for this, a grotesque cry was heard from beyond. Seeing the roar approaching every moment, the party trembled and unconsciously prepared for battle.

Ian hung the hatchet from his waist again. And through the teeth, a gritted voice overflowed.

“… … I’m going to kill them all today, you little pricks.”

A brilliant silver aura rose up, and a flesh seed flew from beyond the darkness and attacked Ian.

It was the beginning of the battle.

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