2. The Lord is with you (52)

The stumbling steps were heavy.

Breathing was limited. There were already stab wounds all over the place.

The frantic rush of flesh seeds seemed endless. I gasped and swung my sword again.

As if it were natural, blood flowed out again. The head of one of the flesh seeds that had been rushing at me was cut diagonally.

I think I’ve already killed dozens of them, so how are they still there?

My weary eyes turned to the flesh nest. Soon there was not much distance left.

However, the closer we got to that place, the less often the flesh seeds appeared. The speed at which the thin film cocoons opened and dropped and the flesh seeds were born was too fast.

It meant that he ate so many people.

It wasn’t just the orphans. Since it was said to be a laboratory for dark priests, it must have kidnapped passers-by. The result was the creation of an army of flesh seeds numbering in the hundreds.

Fortunately, the hastily created flesh seeds were slightly inferior in physical ability.


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Just, the sound of teeth colliding was heard. The head was cut diagonally, but it didn’t seem to penetrate the center properly.

Kwajik, the head of the flesh seed that had been trampled by my feet exploded properly.

My eyes glanced at Delphine. The world’s senior Delphine must have been out of breath at this point, and sweat was dripping from her forehead.

Even so, the posture was still firm. Every time she swung her sword, the flesh seeds burned and she fell.

The problem was that the Flesh Seed, which forgot the pain, would no longer stop attacking when burned.


“Senior Delphine!”

I looked at Delphine-senpai with embarrassment at the sudden scream. One of the burnt flesh seeds seemed to have stuck a nail into Delphine’s ankle.

Dark red blood gushed out. The skin melted, and Delphine-senpai’s posture faltered.

It was, after all, an ankle. I immediately threw the hatchet.

The head of one of the flesh seeds that rushed at Delphine sunbaenim. And a resonant voice that resonates at the right time.

“… … Light, overflow!”

The floor of the pure white electric charge electrocuted the flesh seeds.

The bodies of the flesh seeds trembled at the muscles that contracted arbitrarily. Even so, the murderous intent to get closer to Delphine and me was terrifying.

I quickly approached Delphine. Now the nest of flesh was in front of me, and my eyes went blank.

“… … Go quickly.”

“But, Delphine-senpai… … .”

When I opened my mouth with a worried expression, Delphine-senpai glared at me with those crimson eyes.

There was a feeling of resentment that could not be hidden from the look on his lips. As if he felt sorry for his life as a burden for his juniors.

“No matter how much I lose one ankle, I can protect one of my body. I do not know? It’s Delphine Yurdina.”

“… … I know.”

Because I promised, I’ll let you win.

I staggered and got up. Delphine-senpai touched the ground with his sword. It seemed that he was going to fight for defense.

My eyes went behind my back. From far away, Elsie-senpai came out and looked at Delphine-senpai’s situation.

Protection of the injured was a priority. With that meaning in mind, I stared blankly at Elsie-senpai.

For some reason, I felt that Elsie-senpai was feeling a bit nervous, but it was inevitable. Soon after, Elsie sighed and nodded.

Now, senior Elsie’s firepower support was going to be focused on senior Delphine.

I didn’t know if that would be better. There will be a lot of flesh seeds that will attack Delphine senior, and I will be able to secure the opportunity to move alone.

The pain in his back grew stronger and stronger. I gritted my teeth and kicked the ground again.

The hatchet fires with a blast.

The head of one of the flesh seeds that rushed at it was crushed, and the trajectory was twisted once more, blowing off the side head of one of the flesh seeds that was preparing to leap next to it.

And the sword that falls to the bottom left.

Yurdina’s arcane swordsmanship, the Golden Sword.

Three lines of sword were drawn, and three lines of blood poured down.

Then the fingernails grazed on his arms.

Blood flowed. Gradually, the strength in the arm went away. The hand holding the sword was shaking.

He also bit his leg.

There must have been poison in his teeth as well, and the wound started to itch right away. Every time I walked, I felt pain. Whenever the lower body assisted the upper body, dark blue blood gushed out.

Nevertheless, I walked and walked, finally standing in front of the flesh nest.

A mocking sound rings in the ears. An eerie whisper was heard.

‘You can’t win.’

I sighed and burst into laughter. And he spat out a word.

“… … It sucks.”

Then, immediately, the skin of the flesh nest unfolded.

It was like a bat spreading its wings. My body, not knowing that such a movement was possible in the first place, trembled.

And dozens of tentacles stretched out from between the skins.

It was an unpleasant appearance. It was because all kinds of body parts protruded like thorns from the tentacles.

Whether it’s an arm, a leg, or a skeleton.

The only thing they had in common was bones. I was dumbfounded and laughed

“Flesh nests, why are there bones?”

But no reply came from the flesh nest. The tentacles that struck the ground like whips were so powerful that the floor of the stone cave was cracked little by little.

Of course, even one hit would be fatal.

I cursed and threw myself. Dozens of imaginary trajectories were being drawn. In order to dig into the gap, I had to perform an untimely stunt.

‘You can’t win.’

Every time a bleak whisper resounded, an unknown fog began to form around it. A musty smell stung my nostrils.

My mind was getting hazy. That was never a good sign.

Every time I threw, rolled, and sometimes took a backward step, my concentration gradually faded.

Still, it was certain that it was getting closer and closer to the flesh nest. The tentacles of the nest of flesh slapping the floor were becoming cautious little by little.

I didn’t miss the chance.

A hand ax that shoots like thunderbolts rips through the air and creates a blast.

The spinning ax blade had terrifying momentum. It was enough to crush even a few trees.

But it was not a flesh nest.

Tung, and the hatchet bounced off as if it had touched a bouncy ball.

My eyes widened. It was the hatchet that had been crushing the bones of the Flesh Seed until now. Its killing power was as if it had been proven.

But it doesn’t work?

It was at that time that I lost my mind for a while.

At some point, it feels like a puck and a slap on the back.

Crying and vomiting blood, I fell forward.

Only then did I realize I had a nest of flesh in front of me.

I could see where the fog was coming from. At the top of the flesh nest, a dark red mist flowed from there with a gloomy sound.

‘You can’t win.’

“… … okay?”

It was as it was said. I didn’t have the strength to get up anymore, and it felt like my guts were shaking from being hit on the back.

With trembling hands, I groped for my arms. I could feel the texture of the parchment.

The tentacles were slowly approaching me. It was then that my hand tore the parchment without hesitation.

Fire, and the fire spreads.

Heat flooded around me and began to burn my skin.

It was hot. Oxygen concentration dropped at once, and even then, a sizzling pain continued on the back where the wound had not healed.

The flesh nest screamed and ripped off its tentacles. Only then did I rise up as if I was surging.

A brilliant silver aura formed on my sword. Then, with his teeth clenched, he entered the thrust with all his might.

It was a stroke of repentance.

However, in the next moment, what I felt was the feeling of slipping.

Oh, the moment I said that, I was flying in the air again.

It was cool, and blood dripped into the air. In the frozen time, I looked down while floating in the air.

The eyes of senior Elsie, Celine, and Seria staring at me widened. Delphine-senpai’s face also showed despair.

It was the expression of an intuition of defeat.

And a voice emanating from near the crown of the flesh nest.

‘You can never win.’

With a thump, my body rang as I fell to the ground. Blood dripped down his esophagus. No, maybe it’s a prayer.

I honestly didn’t know.

It was indeed a monster in mythology.

I never thought it would have physical resistance, and it was a failure to consider only the flesh seeds as a risk factor.

The saintess came to mind. I warned you that you might die.

My eyes blankly stared at the flesh nest.

‘You can’t win.’

eyes slowly close It seemed like a peaceful sleep was coming.

It’s already the second time today, the moment I tried to lose my mind.

“… … flame.”

Hearing the sudden sound in my ear, I suddenly came to my senses and looked around.

There was no one. But my eyes naturally turned to the tentacles of the flesh nest.

The tip of the hair was horribly melted. It was none other than the flame magic scroll given by Leto.

The flame goes through. That fact flashed in my mind.

The problem was, I had no spark right now.

yeah i didn’t

Recalling a plan, I staggered to my feet. The sword fell from my hand with a pitiful thud. The sound of metal rolling across the ground several times.

A killing sound was heard. It was a flesh nest.

It was like mocking a loser. The strange monster wriggled its tentacles as if it were the last time.

The instant the tentacles of the flesh nest were raised again.

“… … Delphine Yurdina!”

For a moment, the world stopped.

Delphine senior and my eyes met. Her eyes were questioning, but she must still remember.

the promise I made with her.

“Throw the sword!”

And when time started to flow again.

The sword flew with a sharp sound. It was the same when Delphine threw the dagger, a sword with a golden aura still on it.

The dense aura remained for a while after being thrown. I took the sword straight away and threw it into the sky.

The sword spins round and round in the air.

The flesh nest, which had flinched at first, soon made a shriek at the trail of the sword cutting through nothing.

‘You can’t win… … .’

It was then that I burst into laughter.

Hehe, the laughter that erupted soon sighed and squeezed the lungs.

As if wondering, the words of the flesh nest stopped. Suspicion came from the hesitant tentacles.

It was a question that would soon be resolved anyway.

So I showed a ferocious smile.

“… … I won, you asshole.”

Immediately after that, the sword with a golden aura turned downward.

A vertical flash of light burns the world and draws a bell.

and the next moment.


Dozens of flesh seeds suddenly started squeezing my head and howling. A seething golden glow shone through the thick skin of the flesh nest.

And then, as if screaming, the top of the flesh seed opened, and a brilliant light poured out from within.

Like fireworks, the vision exploded.

My eyes are white. The body bounced off and rolled across the ground in a mess.

The sound of tinnitus that beeps. I tried to grab my sword by crawling, but I gave up.

I had no more strength. Consciousness gradually faded.

When I opened my eyes for a moment, I saw faces with tears in their eyes.

“… … Fu, in your arms, potion.”

After that one word, I passed out again.

My struggle ended just like that.


Waking up from a cozy sleep is always painful.

I frowned at the sunlight peeking through my eyelids.

Where is this place?

My memory was hazy. I had no idea.

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Just opening my eyes, I could see a woman looking down at me silently.

The hair, which had a mysterious light as if woven with silver thread, caught my eye first. Next, pure white and soft skin, and light pink eyes with a clear color.

When I opened my eyes, she opened her eyes in surprise.

I wasn’t quite sober yet. So, I had no choice but to stutter and spit out the words that came to mind.

“… … A bag of divine power?”

After that, a scream came out of my mouth.

It was a signal to return to everyday life.

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