3. Dragon’s Eye, Human Mind (5)

Explosive sounds and shockwaves mix, creating a bursting sound.

A piercing scream rang out soon after. It was the noise of passers-by on the road.

The air bursting out of the bomb exploded and swept the surroundings with a bursting sound. Clothes and hair fluttered randomly.

It was an unbelievable force for a woman to be the result of being slammed into the ground.

Only after the hum of tinnitus passed, the dust gradually settled. It was only then that the sight of the epicenter of the binge became a little clearer.

There was only one shadow standing there. Indifferent golden eyes floated alone through the hazy mist.

Ian Perkus, his expression did not change.

I don’t know if the word boring would be more appropriate. It was as if he had done the right thing.

He looked around with tired eyes.

A lot of people were frozen.

Cien, the escort knights, and even passers-by stared blankly at Ian and at Irene, who was stuck behind him.

There were cracks in the road made of stone. Irene, who was located in the center, groaned and twisted her body. Even that, perhaps because the blow was so great, the amount of flinching was the limit.

It was a single hit.

A competent royal knight who protects a noble lineage has fallen into incapacity. There were still three more left, but it was undeniable that Irene was the best among them.

A belated fear formed in the eyes of the guardsmen.

It was not at the level of a third year academy. I don’t know the amount of magic power, but the quality and control ability itself were different.

Could it be that he became a master whose true identity was hidden?

Of course, that was a crazy idea. Masters are beings that transcend humanity, and their magical powers are so grand that the depth is unknown.

Compared to that, the man’s inaction was insignificant.

But the fact that he had conjured up such a ridiculous idea proved the insurmountable gap between the man and them.

It was an inexplicable existence. I couldn’t even figure out how to subdue Irene.

The guardsmen inadvertently took a step back. With just one attack and defense, Ian’s level of danger soared endlessly.

It was unavoidable to feel fear.

Seeing that scene, the man swallowed a blank laugh. It was the sign of being in awe.

Suddenly, his golden eyes went wild.

“It’s not like being a royal guard knight… Attack them all at once, and I’ll only deal with them with a knife.”

And a sword that came out with a sharp sound.

Despite Ian’s provocation, the guards hesitated for a while. Then, they looked at Shien, the master they had to protect.

Shien was still dripping with water, looking at Ian with dumbfounded eyes.

It was too bleak to be the image of a princess.

Only then did the Royal Guards seem determined. They met each other’s eyes and nodded once, and immediately kicked the ground.

The distance is erased with a thump and a dull impact sound.

Three swords were attacking at the same time.

It may seem a bit cowardly, but Irene, the strongest among them, was beaten. It was clear that it was not an enemy that could be dealt with with pride.

The strength of the Knights was not limited to individual abilities. That would also be an important factor, but the true fear of the knights was revealed in joint work.

Even if they didn’t wear a sword, each of the knights was enough to be called a human weapon. Because they were beings who devoted their lives to kendo and transcended the limits of their bodies.

There are at least three such articles. Their chemistry, trained in cooperative movements, had to be calculated multiplicatively, not simply adding up.

It was the same even now.

It seemed as if they were fired at the same time, but each of the three knights’ swords occupied a mysterious parallax and direction.

The first shot was the sword, transversely.

The second shot was the sword, as a bell.

The last sword fired was a stab aiming at the gap between the previous two tracks. The sound of tearing through the air was fierce, as if he had a vital point in mind.

It was a structure that had no choice but to allow the final blow even if it passed the first and second sword strikes. It was a task that required precise calculations, but they were replacing it only with repetitive training experiences.

Even then, Ian didn’t say anything. I just watched them in silence.

By the time the three solid lines engraved in her golden eyes gradually approached.

A sudden upward kick hit the first sword strike that drew a horizontal line.

The sound of a crash resounded in the slowly flowing time.

It wasn’t the sound of flesh and metal colliding. The result was also the same.

The one that couldn’t handle the shock was the sword.

As the trajectory shook rapidly, the posture of the first knight rushing in became sloppy.

The second sword attack that followed naturally also had to be twisted. Ian’s sword, like a ray of light, penetrates the gap.

With a breath, the sword lodged in the second knight’s shoulder. Unable to bear the pain, the knight’s mouth opened. His face was distorted as if he was about to scream.

But the sound never came out. Because the masters’ workshop had to be faster than that.

One step, Ian closes the distance.

A groan rang out. It was the sound of Ian retrieving the sword he was stabbing at an angle, shattering the arm joints of the third knight stabbing him with a pommel.

It was a strange sight. I thought I had a gap, but the third knight’s sword was passing by Ian before I knew it.

It was as if space had been distorted.

Two steps later, Ian dug deeper into the arms of the knights.

Then, as if he had been waiting, he cut down on Ian.

It was a knight who was kicked first. He was drawing his sword with all his might even in a shaken position.

But Ian was faster.

It took only two steps, but the man was already close to the knight. The sword was faster than that.

A solid silver line was drawn on the knight’s arm, and the mark soon began to turn bloody.

Churreuk, the blood that burst out announced the end of the battle. Time is speeding up again.

One, two, three. As if measured with a precision clock, the new models of the three knights overlapped amicably. The sight of them collapsing one after another looked like straw bales.

At that time, Ian had already passed three knights. His sword was sheathed.


“Keuuu, aagh!”

A knight whose arm was cut off and a swordsman whose shoulder was pierced were obviously unable to continue fighting. However, for one knight whose arm joint was crushed, he clenched his teeth and forcibly raised his body.

And the moment I tried to swing the sword with my free hand.

With a hook, his model leaned forward as if being led. The cause was unknown. The only thing that caught his eye was Ian’s arm holding his shoulder.

It was obvious what would happen next. Because it was a sight I had seen before.

The knight’s eyes were instantly stained with fear.

With a thump, a cloud of dust rose.

Ian waved his arm around as if it was annoying and got out of the dust. It only took a few seconds for him to defeat the remaining three knights.

Unless you had a trained perspective, you couldn’t even tell what kind of workshop was going on. However, what passers-by can see is only the result.

“Kkeuh, pah, pal-i-iik!”

“Kuh, uh, uhhhh… … .”

One knight was bleeding and howling as one of his arms had been amputated, the other was clutching at his pierced shoulder, and the other had passed out while pinned to the ground.

They were all made by one man. A chill ran down the spines of the passers-by who were watching.

The man who had passed the Royal Guard pass without hesitation was moving forward without hesitation. While walking with his back to the screams of the knights, he stood tall at one point.

It was in front of Shien, who was still dripping with water. Suddenly, her expression darkened.

It was the complete opposite of the friendly first impression.

It was a face of primitive melancholy and coldness. Even that was beautiful, but there was something about the scorn that formed around her mouth that made my heart feel cold.

Ahead of that awl-like smile, the man only spoke in a flat tone.

“The level of escort knights is appalling. I will need mental training.”

Hearing those words, which might be ridicule or advice, Shien suppressed his laughter. It was a cold, cold cynicism.

The water droplets dripping from the tips of her dark blue hair seemed to freeze.

“… … I underestimated it, my mistake. Sir Ian.”

The princess no longer used the title ‘senpai’. It seemed that he was deliberately trying to imprint the identity of the subject who was igniting.

If you were a normal lower noble, it was normal for you to start shaking. No matter how far away they were in the line of succession to the throne, the imperial family was the imperial family.

If he wanted to, he had the power to erase at least a village viscount’s house without a trace. If you have the will and the time to do so.

Xien’s voice that followed was so cool that it felt like he was indifferent. A voice devoid of any emotion formed a flat rhyme.

Ian’s situation was not much different. So the conversation between the two felt like two wax figures talking.

“… … Can you afford it?”

“What do I have to bear?”

“Imperial fury.”

There was no pitch in the voices that came and went. So it was even colder.

The princess’s light gray eyes stared at Ian in silence. Water was still dripping from her dark blue hair.

“Do you know when humans are the scariest? It is only when you begin to bully with hostility that you see the bottom of that human… I’ve seen it countless times, and I know what humans want and fear most.”

Ian stared blankly at the princess. His closed mouth showed no sign of opening.

Despite being threatened by the imperial family, his attitude was unconcerned. As if he was resentful of that, Shien’s threats continued even more fiercely.

“I will destroy your family, the people around you, everything you loved. That’s my specialty.”

“… … How much do you need?”

It was an unexpected question.

Shien’s brow narrowed slightly. The expression on his face asked what he was talking about, but Ian still only asked in a flat tone.

“Time. How much will I need, until I ruin everything.”

“… … three months.”

It was a cold, stern voice. The beast, wounded in pride, was so frightening.

Confidence that in just three months, everything in one person can be destroyed.

It was a threat that even those who were not involved in the conversation chilled. Even so, Ian couldn’t find any agitation. He was just staring at the princess in silence.

“Three months is enough. But fortunately, you still have a chance.”

Step by step, the princess approached the man.

Ian still didn’t respond. His eyes were carefully examining the woman’s pupils, which were dyed light gray.

Two steps, now it was close. The princess whispered to the man from a barely audible distance.

“Here and now, get down on your knees and kiss my feet. That’s how you become my loyal dog… If you bark, bark, if you die, you die.”


“You can get anything you want. money? authority? Woman? Choose what you want to have. The imperial family has that much power.”

It was only then that the man’s mouth burst into laughter. Soon another question was asked.

“If not?”

“… … Did I tell you?”

A cold sneer formed on the corner of the princess’s mouth again. she whispered.

“Even if you cry, you won’t stop. I’ll make everyone suffer, starting with your family and even your closest friends… Did you think that something like a low-ranking noble would dare to touch the imperial family and be safe?”

It wasn’t even honorific anymore. It was a threat steeped in blatant hostility and hatred. The man closed his eyes as if he was having fun.

“Three months.”

Ian’s head nodded. I meant to know.

The princess took a step back as a sign that the time to decide was now approaching.

That moment when the distance between the princess and Ian widened.

Ian’s hand went to his waist. It was a speed that I couldn’t react even with my eyes open. In the blink of an eye, the hatchet was pulled out.

A trajectory that draws a beam of light and shoots.

The princess’s eyes widened, and then.

“Ugh, kyaagh!”

Along with blood, the woman’s tearing screams burst out.

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