3. Dragon’s Eye, Human Mind (12)

Not much is known about the ‘dragon blood character’.

All that was revealed was that it was an ancient and mysterious legacy, and that only the imperial family could bestow the letter. Even that, I couldn’t know about the principle or deduction.

It was the power to use powerful magic just by being granted it. The imperial family strictly controlled information related to it, and therefore the owners of dragon blood letters were few.

All members of the imperial family are referred to as belonging to the ‘Imperial Family’, but strictly speaking, only the emperor was the supreme head of the Imperial Family.

There were no other powers. All of the countless organizations in the imperial family were like that.

Power was like a root that spread out from the emperor. The order of power was determined in the order closest to him, and the emperor could confiscate the power as much as he liked.

A complex surveillance system was essential for such thorough management.

Even the spies belonging to the imperial family did not know the imperial family’s organization chart. Of course, who belonged to which organization was also classified. As a result, it was inevitable that some problems would accompany it.

Politics is like a kind of life, so it had to cover both frequent variables and rapidly changing situations. The organizations of the imperial family that manage it also needed to respond closely.

So what was given was the ‘dragon blood letter’.

It is not even known how many dragon blood characters the owner has. However, one certain fact was that those who were endowed with dragon blood letters were basically close associates of the emperor.

The children of the emperor, called the ‘royal family’, and all members of the imperial family enjoyed authority, but this was nothing more than borrowing the power of the emperor.

There was no one in the imperial family who could ignore the emperor. Of course, there was no person who could ignore the owner of the Dragon Blood character.

This was because the dragon blood character was a symbol of the imperial family and the prestige of the emperor.

Rumors spread that the mysterious magic that was activated without even magic was the trace of a dragon that had disappeared long ago. For the imperial family, which claimed to be descendants of dragons, the dragon blood letters were one of the proofs.

It was also the reason why all organizations belonging to the imperial family obeyed the owner of the dragon blood letter.

The same was true of the first and second princesses, who were likely to be the successors to the throne. Even the heads of the five noble families would bow their heads, but they did not dare to touch the owner of the dragon blood character.

Their power was given only because of their potential to become emperors. It was impossible to exceed the power of the emperor.

In the midst of this, the 5th princess, who was far behind in the line of succession to the throne, touched me.

As a saintess, she could have just snorted. She must have thought that she attacked me without even knowing that I was the owner of the Dragon Blood letter, so she didn’t even offer me a small word of comfort.

It was a problem that would end once the dragon blood letters were revealed.

The saintess was one of the two people who saw ‘I’ writing dragon blood characters. It is said that it was used when she and Yuren were defeated at the same time, but even she, who has a strong desire to compete, had no choice but to keep her mouth shut in front of the Dragon Blood message.

It was a memory I had forgotten for a while. The ‘me’ at that time was not me, so it was inevitable.

The saintess snorted with a look in her eyes asking if she had just remembered it. Her bruises continued.

“No matter how organized it is, isn’t it too much? Still, you can reveal your identity. How surprised the princess would be if she knew who you were… … .”

I didn’t show any reaction to the voice of the saintess.

Yes, it was correct that all situations would be resolved once the Dragon Blood text was in place.

But I still had a crucial problem. It was that I did not know how to use dragon blood characters.

It seems like it was given to me, but I couldn’t use it because I didn’t know how to use it.

It was difficult. As is known to the public, the only way to prove that you are the owner of the dragon blood character is to show the dragon blood character.

At this rate, even with a powerful weapon, he would have to suffer and live. I groaned and scanned the fragments of unconsciousness for a long time.

Of course, there was no clue as to how to use the dragon blood characters. I couldn’t help but mutter a curse in my heart.

If you are going to have an accident, shouldn’t you give more practical information?

For example, how to use dragon blood characters.

However, what he left behind was ‘A person with dragon eyes does not know the human heart.’ It was just the same incomprehensible sentences, that inflexible behavior was just frustrating.

It was a time when I was thinking about the future ‘me’ in my heart.

The saintess, who continued to speak by herself, soon coughed while calling. Apparently, his throat was cracked from talking too much.

I was still immersed in my thoughts with my canteen in my hand. That’s why I couldn’t react properly when the saintess took my canteen at will.

“Ah, I’m thirsty… Can I have a little drink? It’s water anyway, so you can fill it up anywhere.”

Anyway, I looked at the saintess in awe and hesitated.

Suddenly, a memory flashed through my mind.

Come to think of it, did I fill the canteen with water this morning?

I must have put something else in, but then I suddenly came to my senses and hurriedly stopped the saintess.

“No, wait… … !”

But it was already too late.

The saintess’ eyes widened as she gulpted down the liquid in the canteen for a moment. And the mouth of the saintess who squirts water like Winnie the Pooh.

I sighed and put my hand on the skin.

The identity of the liquid in the canteen was alcohol, not water.

Because I put it like that this morning. It’s because I’m so upset.

Kek-keek, the saintess made a choking sound and pounded her chest. It was near the esophagus. You must be feeling a burning pain by now.

The saintess begged me with her slightly watery eyes.

“Mu, water! please give me some water!”

“No, please be patient.”

The saintess burst into tears at my sighed reply, but she couldn’t help it.

If Yuren ordered it, he could scoop up some water, but it was more efficient to wait without doing anything at that time.

Either way, it will be the same as calming down.

As expected, the saintess stopped coughing shortly after. Her face was stunned, as if she were tired.

“Ugh, it smells weird… … .”

“Have you ever had alcohol before?”

“What kind of alcohol does the saintess drink?”

The saintess replied as she glared at me with resentment. I couldn’t help but shrug.

So, who told me to take the canteen at will, but I was not at fault.

However, accidents always have unexpected results.

A slight blush began to appear on the face of the saintess who stared at me for a moment.

My pupils dilated slightly, and I felt the heat in my exhaled breath. It was a sign so familiar that I widened my eyes.

Are you drunk?

It was only one or two sips at most. It was said that the alcohol was quite weak if it was enough to get drunk that much.

A promising future was pictured in my head.

It was the sight of a drunken saintess leaving the prayer room and staggering around the temple. Believers will see the saintess and gossip, but it is said that the saintess was drunk inside the temple.

Cold sweat ran down his forehead. Even without that, she was a saint who risked her life to manage her reputation.

It was hard to know how disheartening it would be if his image was tarnished by such a mistake. In the end, I quickly snatched the canteen from the saintess’ hand. It was because I was afraid that I would drink more because I was drunk.

Then, he opened the door to the prayer room and spoke to Yuren, who was waiting in front of him.

“Yuren, get some water.”

“… … What?”

He looked at me as if asking what was going on at the sudden request, but immediately frowned when he smelled the smell coming from the canteen in my hand.

He was always quick-witted, and still is.

Yuren immediately started walking. I slammed the door of the prayer room again and approached the saintess.

Her eyes were hazy. The slightly heated skin created an obscene atmosphere.

Light pink pupils melted by drunkenness turned towards me.

“… … Ian?”

“Yes, saintess. I am here.”

Not knowing that there might be an unexpected situation, I answered without hesitation.

He had to drink at least some cold water and endure until the saintess came to her senses. As soon as the saintess heard my answer, she burst into laughter.

Her slender fingers pricked my cheeks.

The disheveled appearance of the saintess was breathtakingly beautiful. The sweet scent mixed with the smell of alcohol tickled the tip of his nose.

The saintess smiled innocently and whispered in my ear.

“… … Silly.”

“Yes, you are stupid.”


“Even an idiot gets hit.”

They only exchanged a couple of words, but the saintess giggled and burst into laughter as to what was so enjoyable.

Soon she leaned her face in my arms. I was afraid that I might hear the sound of my heart beating.

“I’ve never seen someone like you living at a loss.”

“… … It’s not just about living at a loss.”

I thoughtlessly made up excuses, but the saintess just chuckled and laughed as if it was okay.

She hugged me by the neck and pulled me straight.

The saintess’s mouth approached my ear, almost touching it. Her elastic breasts pressed against my chest.

It was a pleasant touch. If you touch it, it will definitely feel better.

The saintess’ breathing was so sweet that it made me think of such a thing without even realizing it.

And the next moment, at the sound of words whispered in my ear,

“So good, Ian. You are different from other people, because you are special.”

I was silent for a while.

It was a statement that might be misunderstood as a confession. When my frozen eyes turned to the saintess again, her body slowly relaxed.

will be asleep I only had a couple of sips of alcohol.

Saying that this would be better, I laid her down with a wry smile. As she slept soundly, her face was like that of an angel.

While waiting for Yuren with my back against the wall of the prayer room, I asked the sleeping saintess just in case.

“Saintess, do you know how to write dragon blood characters?”

Of course, there was no answer coming back. I smiled and looked at the sleeping saintess, then slowly got up.

I could feel the presence outside the door. It seemed that Yuren had returned.

It was the moment I was about to take a step back.

“… … Eye.”

My body stopped abruptly at the small leak in my sleep.

Looking back, the saintess was still in a dreamland.

“With eyes, haaam… You have to see with your eyes… All, magical Giboon… … .”

After saying that, the saintess fell asleep again. Maybe he never woke up in the first place.

I found her to be quite lovely, so I stared blankly at the saintess.

Soon, he shook his head and moved on.

What kind of saint do you mean by my subject?

And above all, I still had work to do. I couldn’t even dream of dating until it was over.

I fiddled with the letter in my arms.

If I had to save the world, I would be able to save my future fiancées as well.

Now it was my turn to meet Delphine.


I entered the dark research building.

It was unknown for what purpose it was left there. Even so, the management is steady, and the inside is clean and calm.

Originally, I should have visited Aidalos Coffin by now.

However, since the situation surrounding me has not been good lately, Delphine sent me a note ahead of time.

The place she called me was this rare research building.

As I walked and looked around, I was in front of the lab I had promised before I knew it. I carefully pulled the doorknob.

Delphine was there.

The northern beauty, with bright golden hair, bloody eyes, and pale skin, smiled brightly as soon as she saw me.

She lifted herself from the chair she was sitting on, then fell to her knees and bowed her head politely.

“… … Are you here, master?”

In fact, I wish I hadn’t.

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