3. Dragon’s Eye, Human Mind (17)

Anger is a volatile emotion.

He was hotter than anything else when he was burning, but once he calmed down, he quickly regained his sanity. So, when my head gets hot, I prefer to be silent.

Because he didn’t know what he would do if he got angry.

Not to mention, I was an aristocrat of the empire, and a skilled swordsman attending the academy. The weight of responsibility following that act was incomparable to that of other citizens.

However, perhaps because I had been so calm, I had never once reached the peak of my anger.

I found out for the first time today.

Anger was not a hot emotion. On the contrary, the deeper it got, the calmer the storm in my mind grew.

serene and cold

However, a terrifyingly cold hostility dominated his chest. Like a sharpened blade, my thoughts devised only the means to slaughter the opponent.

I remembered the moment Emma collapsed after being slapped on the cheek.

The pale-faced woman I saw in the intensive care unit of the temple.

Her father was in tears. It might have been my fault. No, deep down I thought it was my fault.

Images overlap.

Snowflakes fell on the fallen woman. A bloodless face and scars left everywhere. The sword that he hadn’t let go of until the end was so pitiful.

The woman whispered in his ear without saying a word.

“… … live.”

how do you live

I wanted to ask that question in a trembling voice, but I couldn’t bear to spit it out.

Memories changed again. It was the season of color change.

A man stood in front of a crackling fire. In a solemn atmosphere, priests and soldiers knelt in prayer.

It was a proposal to send souls to the heavenly gods.

I stared at the flames without saying anything. Inside the wooden altar, there was supposed to be a woman’s corpse. The man bit his lower lip in excitement.


It was so easy. Why does enlightenment always come late? In order not to regret, I had to be more cruel than anyone else.

so that no one can touch it.

Watery golden eyes floated in the air.

The blurred landscape passed through the dust toward the desert. There was also a woman standing there.

Those closed eyes showed no sign of opening.

was blind

Rumble, the noise of the street rang the earth. There was a harsh hissing sound.

A mountain range was moving in the distance. It was an animated black shadow, one of the Seven Sins of Homeros.

Silence and fear passed through the thousands of troops at the overwhelming sight.

His pale blue complexion was swollen. It was not a situation in which the fighting spirit could be encouraged.

Even the man couldn’t keep his composure in front of that gigantic body. His golden eyes went blank in an instant.

It felt impossible to even dare to think of the possibility of ‘victory’.

Nevertheless, the woman with her eyes closed had a calm expression. She wore a hazy smile.

“Leave, Sir.”

“Haona… … .”

The startled man tried to shake his head, but the woman’s will was stubborn.

“You have work to do. Isn’t it?”

The man opened his mouth, then closed it.

His head fell helplessly.

“… … Even if I die, I will die with you.”

“Then it is an order.”

At the same time as that low declaration, countless figures began to be drawn in the air.

The dense magic power invaded the laws of physics like moisture. The air was shaking. The power of the archmage was so great.

The woman laughed. I couldn’t see as much as those eyes.

“My karma, I can only handle it. So please, Sir… … .”

A voice that pierces the heart like a curse.

“… … Please live.”

Hee hee hee, the sound of a horse neighing echoed through the empty land. It was a sad cry.

Running and running, the man gritted his teeth.

Because I’m weak.

So I had to run away. It was a life that was not even allowed to die together.

I will never run away again, never again.

I will never back down again.

A resounding voice echoed in my ears. My eyes burned red.

Those who were so precious passed away one by one.

There was a man who staggered along, carving each name on his chest and leaving it as a scar that would not be erased.

Even in the midst of darkness, those golden eyes were clear.

have to kill

It was a faint whisper, but the sound that tickled my ears was so clear.

You must kill it or tear it limb from limb.

to never be able to resist again.

Suddenly, my vision returned.

A woman looking up at me with trembling eyes came into view. His limbs fell off one by one, and now he is a miserable figure with only one leg left.

It was a brutal landscape.

But, surprisingly, nothing happened.

I said in a hoarse voice.

“Who did it?”

It was an unexpected question. Soon, Lady Lupesia’s expression became dumb, and she asked again in a trembling voice.

“What, what are you talking about… No, I’ll tell you! No, I will tell you!”

But the moment my sword was raised, she immediately crouched down and began wringing out wisdom as best she could.

He was bleeding profusely. No matter how hardened an academy student was, at that level, anemia would come.

I couldn’t help but feel dizzy. Even so, Lady Lupesia, who was doing her best to keep her head up, shouted as if she had realized it.

“… … Newspaper department!”

My arm, which was holding the sword up, stopped abruptly.

The Newspaper Club, a name I had never heard of.

Did you say it was a branch of the Imperial Intelligence Service?

Hmmm, a laugh escaped from my mouth.

It was funny.

“The city and the newspaper department did that… I bet you don’t want to be expelled! To secretly like Her Highness, you have to bully the people around you… Everyone said that!”

It felt like the mystery was finally solved.

Disguised as the newspaper department, they were actually agents of the Imperial Intelligence Service, and of course they had no choice but to be good at information manipulation or propaganda and agitation.

I don’t know how he roasted and boiled the aristocrats of that picky academy.

I should have known about it later.

If you go to the newspaper department and try a few people, they’ll let you know. In any case, most of the imperial intelligence agencies of this era had not yet properly completed torture resistance training.

I was afraid of peace. Like boredom, it seeps into everyday life like poison.

Lady Lupesia was still looking up at me while breathing heavily. The dilated pupils seemed to be largely affected by the hemorrhage.

I pondered for a while.

I will take this opportunity to set an example so that I can never touch the people around me again, or I will just endure it.

The strength in my hand that held the sword was raised and released repeatedly. long time to do that.

What put an end to my hesitation was an unexpected person.

“… … Hey, Ian!”

At the call of the girl I had forgotten, my mind wandered for a moment.

who was it

My body slowly turned backwards. Reddish-brown hair was flying there.

He hugged me like a woman hugging me.

The soft touch slowly brought back memories. Yes, it was Emma.

the person i need to protect

Suddenly, my mind returned. When I was wandering in a dream and suddenly emerged into reality, a unique feeling hit my brain.

Heo-eok, I took a deep breath and stumbled backwards. My head hurt like it would break.

The pale green eyes looking up at me were pitiful. Various emotions were swirling in those swaying eyes.

Surprise, worry, and fear.

Emma was afraid of me. It was worth it. After all, there was no human being who would not be afraid of a madman who would not hesitate to amputate limbs.

Even so, Emma held back her heart and came to me. for me.

Only then did I look around with a clear mind.

Dark red bloodstains were everywhere. It was bloody.

“I-Ian… Gwa, are you okay? You, you didn’t seem normal… … .”

At the words Emma said while she was crying, I gradually searched for my memory.

limbs were blown off one by one. And he responded with more brutal violence to the provocation of the lady of Lupesia.

Why did you do that?

At first, I thought I would beat a few and end it. It would be nice to crush a little nose bone, and if it doesn’t work out, I’ll beat you a little more under the pretext of insulting the aristocratic family.

It was always a life-or-death battle for the honor of a nobleman.

However, from the moment the string of rationality suddenly broke, I couldn’t stop at all.

Emma’s slender body trembled slightly. It seemed that the shock had not yet subsided. At least it wasn’t the way he would show in front of her.

My expression darkened.

“I-I’m fine… So you can stop, Ian. what should we do… Look at the blood… … .”

Crying, Emma took a handkerchief from her bosom and wiped the blood stains from my face. I hadn’t said anything until then.

A voice of remorse escaped Emma’s mouth.

“It’s because of me… Whoa, it wasn’t meant to be like this. I’m sorry, Ian… She’s a commoner girl, so she’s just a nuisance… … .”

Then, fearing that she would start to sob, I lightly placed my hand on Emma’s shoulder before that.

Startled, Emma trembled and immediately looked up at my eyes.

I smiled bitterly with a tired expression.

“… … It’s okay, Emma. I must have been a little weird.”

He shook his head and cleared his thoughts.

The condition of the moaning female students was gradually becoming dangerous. It could have been if the bleeding was profuse. No matter how strong the students of the academy were, there was a limit.

Mana was useful, but not all-powerful.

If the massive blood loss continued, there was no choice but to die. So I said to Emma.

“Emma, do you have any potions?”

“Yes? I have a few, but… … .”

Then the story was simple. I asked Emma carefully.

“First of all, can you give me first aid? After that, go to the temple and call the saintess. If I tell you, you will understand.”

“… … you?”

My mouth was closed for a moment.

Emma’s eyes were colored with concern. Even though I was still afraid, seeing her worrying about me so much made my heart feel a little relieved.

But if I had already started, I had to see the end.

I said with an awkward smile.

“I need to go to the dorm and change clothes. Wouldn’t it stand out too much if I walked around like this?”

In other words, it was correct. And it was also an awkward excuse.

If he had committed an incident, it was right to take care of it and leave. However, it was strange to say that he would ask a third person, Emma, to leave.

But Emma seemed very confused. She just nodded.

As I was about to leave the scene, I looked at the horror I had created for a moment.

Fortunately, the cut surface was clean. If it was the skill of a saintess, there shouldn’t be a big problem in putting them together. I’ll have to rest for a while, though.

Even in the midst of that, I didn’t know if I was trying to keep my own line. To be honest, I was half-conscious at the time, so my memory was fuzzy.

Even so, there was only one thought left, deeply entrenched like a nail in an icy pond.

You should head to the newspaper department.

If I didn’t subdue that place, these things would repeat for a while. I made up my mind and my steps moved slowly.

My eyes went cold again.


The Newspaper Club was a club with its own history and tradition.

Numerous clubs publish newspapers, but only one has the name ‘Newspaper Department’. Just looking at it, I could see how well-established the Newspaper Department was.

That was the case, except that the quality of the ‘newspaper’ was poor.

Perhaps because of that, the Newspaper Club, unlike other clubs, was using an entire building. It was a small two-story building, but considering that a typical club was assigned a room, it was a great privilege.

I stood in front of the front door. A newspaper clerk who was entering just glanced at me.

My clothes were splattered with blood, so I didn’t look normal to anyone.

The newspaper clerk, who was watching me, asked cautiously.

“Um, for what purpose… … ?”

I ignored him and slammed the front door open. The newspaper clerk, who had bewildered eyes, immediately followed me.

Entering the front door led to a long hallway. There, several newspaper members hurriedly moved their gazes at me.

The newspaper clerk who had followed me from outside the door shouted in bewilderment as he grabbed my arm.

“Oh no! Why do you come in on your own!”

“… … Imperial Intelligence.”

Standing tall, the entire newspaper department stopped moving.

The newspaper clerk looked at me with strange eyes. His head tilted and tilted.

“What are you talking about?”

“You guys are the Imperial Intelligence Service. Can I leak this secret?”

The newspaper clerk who grabbed my arm gave me a strange expression. It seemed that he couldn’t understand the meaning of my words at all, so most people might have stopped at this point.

But I intuitively understood.

Now, it comes.

A dagger shot like a ray of light grazed my arm. It was because I quickly twisted my body and brushed off the newspaper clerk.

Kang, the sound of metal colliding resounded.

Hatchet and dagger fired bright red sparks. The corridor was too narrow, so it was better to respond with a hatchet rather than a sword.

Perhaps he didn’t know that I would respond to the surprise attack, but the newspaper staff’s eyes widened.

That was the end.

The ax blade slammed into the shoulder cartilage with a snap.

The newspaper staff staggered back with a faint moan.

The eyes of all the newspaper members walking down the aisle were looking at me.

“So, don’t give a damn and attack.”

With those words as a signal flare, the papers the newspaper staff were holding were all thrown to the ground.

It was the beginning of a battle.

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